Chapter 182 Telling it as it is.

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Chapter 182 telling it as it is.

Zero goes home, putting the letter in the back of his mind. If she did write it, It was month's ago. When her mind and heart were still unsure. She isn't like that now. Zero pulls up in the driveway. Seeing Yuki's car already there.

"Hey, babe. I came home early. I see so did you." Zero states. "Yes. I thought. I would come home and get dinner ready. "Yuki responds. "Have you seen Kaname lately?" Zero injuries. "Yes, I saw him today. He came into the Cafe. He seemed pretty down." Yuki admits. "You think? He is happy with Martha?" Zero asks. "To be honest. I think he is fighting it. He is using me as a clutch. Like I used him." Yuki announces. Zero just looking at her. "What do you mean?" Zero replies. "He is scared. He is scared of the unknown. He knows this crazy relationship with me and you stuck in the middle of it. Now that he is free, He is scared and unsure. He just won't admit it." Yuki answers. "Do you think he will let it work?" Zero asks. Still shocked at her statement. "I am not sure. I think if he is just going to play with Martha. He should let her alone. Its bad enough the three of us are in this mess. We don't need to hurt her as well. She really loves and cares for him. I feel bad for her." Yuki admits. " You sure came along way. Does it still bother you seeing them together?" "I have been working on myself Zero. I see all the mess I caused. That Kaname caused. Even you my love. None of us were innocent of anything that took place. We all let our emotions run us. We all let our fears run us. I am getting use to Martha around. I do really want him happy. He needs to stop fighting himself. Just like i did. I am the happiest i ever been." Yuki says kissing Zero on the cheek. "This really is for good, Yuki?" Zero asks. A question. He wondered for the last months. even though he didn't want to know the answer to. Would it stay like this? or disappear again? "It's for good. It's for however long you want me." Yuki answers. "Always." Zero replies. "Then always it will be. I have no intentions of leaving you. I want you and only you." Yuki states. "That's all I need to know." Zero replies. Kissing her on her lips. He felt it already but couldn't help the small doubt he had. Her telling him. How she felt made him take all doubts out of his mind. Seeing how they had a normal reasonable conversation. Like she has with Kaname. No fights, No craziness. They just had a regular discussion. They were growing. He kept his cool all day. He kept the letter to himself. He was growing as a person also. He felt proud of himself. He also saw that Yuki grew a lot in the last few months. She was her normal thinking self. She wasn't letting her Fears run her anymore. Neither was he. Now it was Kaname's turn to let go. Could he? Would he? Only time would tell. Could Martha wait that long? Guess it was her problem. Zero Thought. We are finally at a good place.

After there conversation, it was getting later in the afternoon. The kids came home from school. Yuki placed dinner on the table and they all sat down at the table to eat. Zero noticing that Rai was more with them. Then he was with Kaname. It was Wednesday. It would be Kaname's day. He didn't pick him up from school. I guess it would be a night Martha would be over. Zero kept his thoughts to himself. Yuki never mentioned it. She was happy Rai was with them. So Zero let it go. It really didn't matter to him either way anyway. He was just one of there kids. He was glad Kaname didn't take Rai away from Yuki. He knew if they would have kept there an intail plan of Kaname keeping Rai, it would have hurt Yuki deeply. Yet she would have done it. Because she felt she owed Kaname. For all the years he lost with Ai. That's what made things a little fishy. Kaname wanted this child more than anything. He always gave him all the attention and everything he ever wanted. Why not spend so much time with him now? Was it Martha or something else?

Zero just watched as Yuki cleaned up. Anna had a school project and was at the table working on it. with the Help of Yuki and himself. How the small things brought joy to him. How life had made a huge change for the better. ZJ was in the other room with his video games. Its the only thing the kid wanted to do. It kept him out of trouble and safe. So neither Yuki or Zero said a word. Plus Rai liked playing with ZJ. ZJ took him under his wing. They became good friends besides brothers. Zero was thankful that the children excepted each other. He knew it was a big mess. Not one that Yuki, Kaname or himself made. Rai was a good boy. Zero saw a lot of himself in him. He felt bad for him. At the same time figuring if I can make it. So can you kid. Plus you have both your parents. You should be fine.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now