Chapter 54 It's Time.

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Chapter 54 It's time.

About a year later. Yuki is working in her kitchen for a catering job. She has. Zero sitting at the counter with her, while she works. Her belly showing through her flowery dress. She has been the happiest ever. The only ones, that know she is pregnant is the twins, Hanabusa and Yori. She kept it quiet to the rest. Not to overshadow Ai. The pregnancy has been normal. Like it was with Ai. It's just one baby. Zero and Yuki are over the moon. They have been enjoying this Pregnancy together. Yuki is a little cautious after what had happened the last time. Then she just thinks that Ichiru isn't coming for her. Everything should be fine. Yori and her Catering job is very successful. They have a lot more clients. They have bought a small little corner store. They use the back to get the big catering jobs done. It has large refrigerators. Long steel tables for cook and bake prep. four large ovens and two sinks. The front of the store, they want to turn into a bakery cafe. To serve baked goods and coffee. They just have been so busy. They haven't gotten to that as of yet. Zero is extremely proud of Yuki. He does wish. She would take it easy. She does get tired fast with being pregnant. Zero helps too. He has become very good at cooking himself. They haven't seen Kamane in a year. The last time was at the Gender reveal party. Yuki will call and talk to Ai every chance she gets. Ai will come to visit Yuki. Yuki still stays away from Cross and the Mansion.

While Yuki is working in the kitchen with Zero. They have the Radio on like they always do. The Song from Cold play comes on. Hmm for the weekend. It's their song. Zero goes up to Yuki and takes her hand spinning her around. Dancing with her. Placing light kisses on her tummy. "I Love you Zero." Yuki says. "I Love you to Yuki." Zero replies with a smile. As they are dancing the phone rings. "I Will get that babe." Zero answers the phone. Its Seiya saying that Ai is in the hospital. Ai is going to have the baby. "Oh, we will be right there. I will let Yuki know." Zero tells Seiya. "Yuki it was Seiya. He said that Ai is in the hospital. She is going to have the baby. I Guess we should head there as well." Zero says. "Oh yes, oh my Zero. I'm going to be a grandma and you a granddad. I Am so excited." Yuki states. "I know babe. I am excited to." Zero comments. "Let me change into a dress you can't tell I have a belly in." Yuki remarks. "Ok, I will go see if Hanabusa and Yori know. We will all head out to the hospital." Zero says. A few minutes later they all get into the car. Heading to the Hospital. Hanabusa more nervous than them all. He is so happy and excited. Yori is just holding his hand, trying to calm him down. "Hanabusa you would think you were the one having the baby." Zero says with a chuckle. " I know. I have been waiting so long for this. My son is going to be a dad. It's so special." Hanabusa replies.

Once at the Hospital, they all gather up into the maternity ward. They go into the room. Ai in the bed and Seiya standing alongside of her. "How do you feel my baby?" Yuki asks. "I'm good mother. I am so glad your here. Father went to go get me some water. He will be right back. " Ai says. " Oh, that's nice." Yuki says. Forgetting all about Kamane. That he would even be there. Kamane walks in the room, and hands Ai a glass of water with a lot of ice. "Here ya go. I hope that's enough." He says. "Yes, father. Thank you so much." Ai responds. Hi, Yuki, Hi Zero. I guess we are all going to be grandparents today." Kamane says. "Yes." I guess so. They both reply.

After a few hours, Yuki says. She will be right back. She is going to get something to eat. "I will show you where the cafeteria is." Kamane says. "Thank you." Yuki replies. Zero napping on the chair in the room. Not knowing the two of them left. "You look good Yuki. Its been a while since I seen you." Kamane says. "Yes, its been about a year." Yuki a little unstable on her feet. Kamane catches her. "Are you ok?" Feeling the bump underneath her dress, as he puts his hands around her waist to help her. " Yes, I need food. I haven't eaten all day. I get a little weak lately if I don't eat something. " Yuki answers. "Congratulations," Kamane says in a low tone. "On what?" Yuki says "I noticed you're pregnant. " Kamane remarks. "Oh yes. thank you. We are very happy and excited. I Just don't want to take anything, away from Ai today. So please keep it to yourself." Yuki states. "Sure. I understand." Kamane replies. Sitting down at the table, in the cafeteria. Yuki eating her salad and sandwich. "You really were hungry." Kamane says. "Yes, I eat a lot with this pregnancy. More then I did with the others. If I don't. I get light headed. Like you saw." Kamane nods. "I am really glad. We are here today to witness this together. It's really special." Kamane says. "Yes, me too. Our baby is having her own baby." Yuki comments. "Yes." Kamane smiles. "Thank you for coming down here with me. I guess We can get back to the room. We don't want to miss anything. Plus I will bring Zero back some food. He must be starving as well." Yuki says. "You take good care of him."Kaname replies. "I try. He takes good care of me as well." Yuki responds. "You are happy with him aren't you?" Kamane asks. "Yes, very. He makes me so happy. Just knowing, he is there makes me feel safe and loved. It took me a long time to realize, just how much I truly do love him. I wouldn't change it for the world. I hope that doesn't hurt you Kamane. I just am being honest." Yuki states. "I am glad you can be honest with me. It does hurt, but i am glad your happy." He responds. "Well we better get back to the room." Yuki says with a smile.

They go back to the room, where Zero is now up. A little annoyed, but keeping it to himself. Yuki goes over to him, kissing him on the head, and hands him his salad and sandwich. "I thought you would be hungry as well Zero." Yuki says with a gleaming smile. "Thank you babe. I am. You feeling ok?" Zero asks. "Yes. I'm great" She responds. Looking at Ai. Are you ok sweety? How are things going?" Yuki goes over. Sits on the bed next to her. " I'm ok mom. It's getting close. They gave me the epidural. I'm feeling great." Ai says. "I am so glad you are." Yuki comments.

About two hours later, it was time to push the men walked out of the room. Thet waited for Yuki to come to get them. When it was done. Leaving Only Yori, Yuki and Seiya in the room with Ai. After a few pushes, a precious little girl was born. 7 pounds 3 oz Brown hair and blue eyes. When the baby was born and Ai was cleaned up. Yuki went to tell the men. "OK guys. You are all granddads. " Yuki states. Hanabusa grabbing Zero and hugging him. Kamane lightly hugging Yuki. "Congratulations Yuki." Kamane says. "Same to you. Go see your granddaughter."She says. Going over to Zero and giving him a hug. You too handsome. Looking up at him sweetly with a soft smile.

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