Chapter 107 Pain Taking Over.

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Chapter 107 Pain taking over.

Later in the day, Kamane brings back the kids. Both of them seem very happy. Both children coming in with bags from a toy store. "Well, it looks like you spoiled them both rotten," Yuki says with a smile. "I sure did. It was the best time, I had in a long time." Kamane says. As he goes over to Yuki to kiss her cheek. Both Kids going over to Zero to show him. What the got. Zero watching Kaname and Yuki interact with each other. Seeing there is a tenderness there. He lightly touches her hand or kisses her cheek. He sees. There is still a closeness between the two. The thought runs back to what Hanabusa said this morning. Did they do something? His thoughts going everywhere. Not really paying attention to the two small children. Showing him their toys. He sees Kamane kiss her far head as he says goodbye. Kamane then walks over to the children and even Zero. Saying his goodbyes. That he will see them tomorrow. 

"Did everything go ok Rai?" Yuki asks. "Yes. Mommy. I had a lot of fun with Daddy and Anna. We went to the park. I went on the slide and Swings. Daddy pushed us." Rai answers. A small smile graces Yuki's face. Zero just watching and listens. "What else did you guys do?" Yuki asks. "We went to Lunch mommy. Then Uncle Kamane said, we could go to the toy store. We could pick anything we wanted. Because we were so good." Anna Replies. "Well, that's great. I am so glad you both had a great time. I didn't think you wouldn't. " Yuki States. "Zero if its ok, we can get ready to go now. Close up the cafe. We can stop on the way home to get some take out?" Yuki asks. "Sure. That's fine with me." Zero replies still lost in his own thoughts. Seeing that Yuki isn't mad or upset with Kamane. They seem to still like each other very much. Was that the problem? Zero tried to shake the thoughts off. Trying to enjoy the rest of his night.

On the way home, they stop at a take-out joint. Grabbing some Pizza, hoagies, and fries. Yuki stealing some of the fries, before getting home. "I saw that mommy," Rai says. "Oh really? Shh here is one for you and one for Anna." She says giving each a fry. Zero just looks at her. How she is so good with their kids. Once home, The kids and Yuki head inside with the food. Zero, waiting for Hanabusa to drop off ZJ.

"Hey, dad. Everything ok?" ZJ asks as he sees his father waiting. "Yes, son. I just wanted to let you know. That this weekend is a go. Also, there is some takeout inside for you." Zero states. "Ok Dad, that's fine," ZJ replies as he walks inside the house.

"Take out sounds good. I think me and Yori will go out for dinner." Hanabusa says. "Yea. That's a good idea." Zero replies. "Hey man, what's up?" Hanabusa replies. "Your damn statement this morning has been running through my mind all day today. We had a nice day. She surprised me with being close. Even though she wanted it. Something was still off. Then Kamane drops off the kids, He touches her. Kisses her. They still have this tenderness with each other. This caring. After all the shit he did. It just made me wonder if what you said was true. I keep asking her if she is ok. She says yea. Even though, I know otherwise. She won't talk. It just makes me wonder even more." Zero comments. "I am sorry. I put that in your head. I didn't mean to upset you. It was just a thought. It may not have anything to do with him. Shit Zero this is a lot for anyone to take on." Hanabusa states. "I Know. It's just eating away at me." Zero answers. Yuki, coming out. "Zero come to get dinner before it gets cold." "Yes, babe. I will be right there." Zero responds. "Well, it looks like she still cares about you." Hanabusa states. "I know. She does. She is trying to show it. Something is just blocking her fully". Zero remarks.

Once inside, he gets some dinner. He sits at the kitchen table. The kids are already done theirs. Yuki is sitting with him. Still eating her pizza. "I see the kids devoured most of it." Zero comments. "Yes. Its why. I put yours in the Microwave." Yuki says with a smile. "Thanks, Babe." Zero replies. "Zero is something wrong? You look like something is on your mind." Yuki states. "Something is. I am just afraid if I ask. You will get mad at me. It will start something. I don't want that." Zero replies. "If you don't ask. Whatever it is, it's going to be on your mind. I know. How you are." Yuki responds. " I don't want to fight. I don't want to hurt you. I know sometimes my tacit isn't the best." Zero responds. " Wow. I guess this is something serious. You want to talk about. Let me put the kids to bed. Then we can talk. I don't want them to overhear. Whatever this is going to be." Yuki states. "Ok. That sounds good." Zero responds.

Yuki goes to put Rai and Anna to bed. Tucking them both in. "I am so glad you had a nice day today," Yuki tells Rai. "Me too Mommy. I like it here. I won't have to leave will I?" Rai Asks. "No, Never. This is your home. It's not like before, I promise you. I will never leave you. "Yuki says. As tears fill her eyes. "I love you Rai. I want you to always remember that." Yuki responds. "Ok. Mommy." Rai answers.

Yuki walking out of Rai room. Tears taking over her, and she slides down the wall. Trying to compose herself. She just can't seem to. The tears turn into sobs. She sits there with her face in her hands. Crying away. The pain overtaking her from this small child. Zero is wondering. What is taking so long? He goes to see. As he does. He sees Yuki. Sitting in the hallway crying uncontrollably.

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