Chapter 150 Regrets.

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Chapter 150 Regrets

After everyone leaves. He See's Kaname heading upstairs. "Kaname, May I have a word with you?" Zero asks. "Sure. I hope you don't mind. That I am spending the night. Yuki said. She isn't coming home tonight. So it's just easier if I stay. I will take her back to the Cafe tomorrow morning." Kaname states. "That's fine. I have something to ask of you." Zero comments. "Ok. What do you need?" Kaname replies. " I know you heard and know how my daughter is mad at me. I would like to try to fix this. I know. I can't give up the Job. I love it. I was thinking. I can make it. That I can make both women in my life happy." Zero states. "This isn't going to be easy. Is it?" Kaname chuckles. "For you. I am sure it will be. I need you to make it that. They offer Aiko to be Vice president. She gets a pay increase. She gets the field and desk work. I will stay president, so she doesn't think. I am behind this. I will also just stay behind the desk, Making decisions. Staying safe. "Zero remarks rolling his eyes. " You do know. That your wife, already has that as your job right?" Kaname laughs. "Shit, Yea. She would. I want to make it up to Aiko. I didn't want to take her job. Or hurt her." Zero states. " I know you didn't. It's hard to live in the shadow of you."Kaname remarks. "I never saw it that way. I just did my job." Zero admits. 

"Others saw more. You are very good at your job. You always were. The association was very upset when you left. But loves makes us do crazy things." Kaname states. " I wanted her back. So, I did anything she wanted to make her happy. It was the best time in our lives. I don't regret giving it up. Its just now, that I tasted it again, I don't want to give it up again." Zero confesses. "You don't have to. She gave in to you this time. I will see what I can do for you and Aiko. I already fixed it that you have a desk job. I just now have to add the rest." Kaname states with a grin. "It's funny. How we always go to you. to fix things. I know Aiko was right. You are always here for this family. I ...Guess...Thank..You for that." Zero admits. "I am sure that took a lot for you to say. I love this family. I love Yuki. I am here when you need me. Its what family does right?" Kamane remarks. "Yes. I guess so." Zero answers. "I am heading to bed Zero. It was a long day. I will see you in the morning. I am sure. Before I leave." Kaname replies. "Alright." Zero responds.

Kaname heads upstairs to his room. Laying down on his bed. relaxing. He knows. That took a lot for Zero to ask and say. If it meant to protect Aiko and to help her. Kaname didn't mind. He really did care for these kids. As his own. He didn't even mind, she could be exactly like Zero. She always respected him. Treated him very well. She was a good kid, who really deserved the job. Not really liking that the association went over her for Zero. There wasn't anything he could really do with that. But he could try to fix it some. It seemed lately, he was always the guy fixing things. He used his status more now than he ever had.

Zero walks into the kitchen. Yuki cleaning up the dishes and putting things away from the evening dinner. Anna Rai and ZJ playing video games in the Family room. "Need some help?" Zero asks. "Sure. You can put these away for me. Are you ok?"Yuki asks. "Yea. I am doing a little better. Thank you for staying the night." Zero remarks. "No problem. I didn't want to leave you alone here tonight. Sorry about Kaname. It was just easier for him to stay as well." Yuki replies. "It's fine. He went to bed. He isn't bothering anyone. I seem to be the one doing the damage lately. He is picking up my pieces." Zero responds. "We all have our moments." Yuki states. 

"Babe, was I a good father?" Zero asks. "Zero how can you ask that? Of course, you are a good father. You are always there for them. You're a great father." Yuki states. " I know. I always picked on Ren. I feel really bad about it now. I have to admit. I was jealous of all the attention. He got from you." Zero admits. "I know. You were the center of my attention. Then he came along. You were not use to sharing me. You were still a good dad. Zero just because we are parents doesn't make us perfect. We make mistakes." Yuki remarks. " I Just don't want them to hate me." Zero comments. "They don't hate you. She is just mad at you at the moment. She will get over it. You two are very close. Daddys little girl. You were just as bad with her as I was with Ren." Yuki announces. "Its why, I hate that she is so mad at me. That I was so dumb and didn't even realize. I stole the job from her. I was in my own world. Between you living with Kaname. The shooting. Our fights. There was so much going on." Zero confesses. "Maybe when she cools down. You should tell her that. Explain." Yuki suggests. "Yea. maybe your right. What are we going to do about this wedding? Yuki you know who his mother was? Our grandchildren will be part of her!" Zero hisses.

 "I know his mother was Kharis. The thought makes me sick. It's not his fault though. Or our unborn grandchildren."Yuki states. "What the hell would our grandchildren be? He is a freak! He comes from another world. There is another side to him. What is she thinking?" Zero states. "I am sure. She knows all this Zero. None of what you just said will be a surprise to her. I am sure they talked about kids and all that stuff. It's not seeming to bother her. Let it go." Yuki comments. "I can't. Just let it go. We are not even sure he is here with good intentions." Zero replies. "You going after her and fighting isn't going to change anything. Just make her more mad at you. SHe is you Zero. You know. How you get. there is no getting through to you at times. She is the same way. Support her. Be there for her. Be the father she needs." Yuki remarks. "Sit by and watch this mess unfold? What kind of father would I be if I did that?" Zero asks. "The one she is looking for at the moment. If she needs your help, I am sure she will ask you." Yuki responds.

Zero and Yuki clean up the kitchen. Then they put the smaller kids to bed and head to bed themselves. Zero liking that Yuki is there for him. That she knew he needed her tonight. He also was upset about all that took place. That was his baby girl. He didn't want to see her hurt. Being the one to cause it just made him feel worse. He also hated the fact. She was marrying the son of Kharis. The woman who caused all this problem. She somehow entwined herself with his family. Even dead she was still there. Still hurting the people he loved most. She screwed up his relationship with Yuki. He wasn't going to let her do the same with Aiko.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now