Chapter 170 Picking myself up.

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Review, please. The last chapter was a turning point. The papers are gone!

Chapter 170 Picking my self up.

In the morning Yuki gets up. Refreshed. In a pretty good mood. Making breakfast for the family and being close to Zero. Zero happy to see. She is feeling better. "I will drop you off babe. Are you ready?" Zero asks. "Yes. Thank you." Yuki replies. They get into the car and Zero drops her off. Riding off to go to work himself. Yuki waits for him to be out of the street. Then she walks down to the townhouse.

Yuki walks in. Seeing Kaname at his desk. No sign of Martha."Yuki my girl. I am so glad to see you." Kaname states. "Same here. I wanted to say. I was sorry for yesterday. I was taken by surprise. I didn't mean to hurt you" Yuki responds. "No. I am fine. I Hoped that didn't hurt you. I know. It was a lot to take in." Kaname states. "I will get used to it. It will take time." Yuki states. "May we sit down to breakfast? I really did miss you. I have been thinking about you all night." Kaname replies. "Sure breakfast would be great. I need to talk to you about something anyway." Yuki remarks. "Ok. What's wrong?" Kaname asks. " I did a lot of thinking last night. There is so much running through my mind lately. Its just been crazy. I haven't even really been myself. I'm not this weak." Yuki comments. "I know. There has been one thing after another. I can see how it can affect you." Kaname replies. "I need a break. I need time. I know. I can't go to Cross or anywhere for that matter. If I even bring it up to Zero. He will think I'm running away. And have a huge fit. I can't deal with that right now. I can't have him falling apart when I am holding on by a thread myself." Yuki admits. "What are you proposing?"Kaname asks.

 "I am going to stay at the main house. I won't be coming around here. Not even to the Cafe for a while. I just need some time. Zero won't care as long as I am in the same house with him. I don't think that should bring up anything. He goes to work all day long. So, I would have my alone time. Just time to be me. TIme to think and breathe. No one watching me. Maybe the papers would even die down some." Yuki states. "Always protecting him. Even when you need a break. The Cafe has a good staff and I can look after it while you're gone. I don't mind. I will miss seeing you."Kaname states. "I will miss you too. I just think. It's for the best. Plus it will give you time with Martha. Just you and her." Yuki comments. "Yes. And just you and Zero. It should let us both know how things will go." Kaname answers. "Yes. " SHe replies. "Thank you for breakfast it was nice as always." Yuki remarks. Giving Kaname a big hug and kiss. His hands holding hers."I love you Yuki. I don't ever want you to forget that. No matter. Who I am with. MY heart is yours." Kaname admits. "To be honest with you. The same goes for me. There is a place in my heart you hold. Not even Zero can break that." Yuki confesses. As she takes on last look around, walking out the door.

She feels empty inside. Like she just let go of a piece of herself. Yet knowing. She had to. For her own sanity. What had been going on. Couldn't anymore. It was ripping her apart and both men she loved. She was more torn now than when she was a girl. The only difference was now, she knew. What it was like to be Kaname's girl. To be with him and near him. In that special way. She liked it more then she should of. She hated that Martha would be taking that place. The thought killed her. She couldn't bear witness to it. Its why she said. She would stay away. He could move on and be happy. She just didn't have to stand there and watch. The last few months of being with him, just made her love him more. How he always fixed things. He was always there. Zero wanted her to open up to him like she did Kaname. She just didn't think. She could. There were some things. She couldn't even admit to herself little alone say it to Zero. Thinking to herself that the love bond that they had. Was it really a love bond? Or a torture bond? That all it ever did was bring the other pain. She goes on to do all she can at the Cafe. Baking and making a lot of different things. So there will be a lot of stuff left for when she takes her break. SHe lets the staff know. And leaves them in charge. While she packs her things and gets ready for Zero to pick her up.

She is waiting outside for him. When he pulls up to the curb to get her. "Hey, Babe. Everything ok?" Zero asks. "Yes. I am going to be taking a little break from the Cafe and Kaname. I think its best for all of us. I need to get myself back. I need a break." Yuki states. "That's fine with me. You will be home with us?" Zero asks. Saying to himself. I hope. She isn't running away again. "Yes. I will be staying at the main house. With you and the kids. It's quiet all day there. The small kids are at school and you're at work. That should give me some breathing room. Just to gather myself up. Its been a long few months Zero. My heart and mind are shattered. I know. I can't run away. I know. You freak out. So, I figured this would be second best." Yuki admits. "I am so glad. That you're not running away. I don't want you to leave. This is good for everyone. You get Your break, and we still keep our relationship open. We need to be together to work on us." Zero says. "We will work on us. I thought of that also. And I get to spend some time with the kids. Maybe do some more things like the other night. When you took us out to a movie. That was really nice." Yuki states. "Sounds good to me." Zero replies.

 "It will also give Kaname time to open up with Martha. I won't be in there way." Yuki remarks. "I think that's great. He needs someone. Let him be happy." Zero remarks. Knowing Yuki really doesn't like the idea but is open to it. He is glad she is. This way they both can work on their relationship. Kaname will be out of the picture for awhile. That should help a lot. Zero Thinks. In a way, Kaname hadn't really been the problem. It was everything else around them. Things pushing her to Kaname making her always rethink her choice. Or at least make her doubt herself. Zero hoped this time away from Kaname, would help them grow closer to each other again. Build their family life. He was thankful. She wasn't running away. If she did. He couldn't run after her anymore. He had his job. He just couldn't leave it and fly after her. Not to mention, he was tired of it. They were both worn down from the months they had been going through. Not sure that either one could take much more.

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