Chapter 68 Helping

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Chapter 68 Helping

As six months go by, it's now deep in winter time. The cafe is doing well. So is the catering business. So well, She hasn't had time to go back to the main house very often. About once a month for a dinner or two. Her and Kamane have their new home. She adds new things to it. When she can. She doesn't have the time. She did with the other house to decorate and add. She is way to busy. Her and Kamane are still together. They get along pretty good. She also can hold conversations with Zero without always wanting to be snippy all the time. She tries to hold back. They are growing a tad. When it comes to there kids, they can get along great. ZJ stays with Zero for most of the winter due to school. He will go on weekends to Yuki's. if she doesn't go down to the main house. They try there best to make it work.

Its close to Christmas. Yuki wants to go back to the main house to bring presents and make the house festive. She still loves that house even though she pretty much gave it to Zero. He still lets her do anything. She wants with it.

It's a Thursday night The kids and Yuki are going down a bit early. They want to spend some time together since they haven't for a few months. Plus it is a Holiday. Kamane says. He will come down on Sunday for dinner. He doesn't want to get in there way. He does feel a little out of place with Zero being there. Yuki gets in the car after she fills the Trunk with goodies. She brings presents, trays of cookies, Cakes, Food and more. She loves that her kids will be there. She loves doing things for them.

When she gets there, She brings some trays in, that she can hold. When she walks in, she sees Zero frazzled. His hair all messed up, baby food all over his shirt. He looks like he hasn't slept in days. "Zero are you ok?" She giggles. "No, I don't know. How you did this, but I don't think I can. I'm dead and she won't stop crying." Anna in the background screaming to the top of her lungs. "Wow, I hear that. "Did you feed her?" Yuki asks. Zero gives her a glare. Yuki laughs "Just asking, Ok do me a favor please get the trays out of the car, and I will see. What I can do with the screamer over here." Yuki giggles. "Please take her. I will do anything just to get out of this house." Zero begs. Yuki goes over to Anna. This nine month little girl, sitting in the swing screaming. "Well, you sure do have a pair of lungs kid. Let's see. What we can do for you." Yuki says as she picks her up. Zero in the background. Watching as he takes in the trays. "I hate to admit this, but your kind of cute. What's wrong little one?"She says as she rocks her back and forth. The baby calming down and quieting up. Let's go give you a bath, and put some new clothes on you. You will have fun in the tub with duckys." Yuki says. Zero just delighted for the quiet. How Yuki can soothe the baby. Yuki goes upstairs. looking into the babies room. Zero made for the child. There is a crib and a dresser. Nothing much else. "Well, daddy doesn't really have decorating skills. Does he? "Yuki says to the little girl. "We will have to fix that. No wonder your crying." Yuki laughs as she puts her in the tub. "Well heck, there isn't' even any duckies. Oh, we need to talk to your father. Don't we little one?" The baby smiles up at Yuki. Yuki's eyes fill with tears and she controls herself wiping them away. When the bath is over, she drys the baby up. Putting on a pretty little dress. She found from Aiko. 

Carrying her downstairs. Seeing Zero out cold on the sofa snoring away. Still with messy hair and shirt filled with goop. "Well, he did bring in all the trays and even presents. At least daddy got that done right? Yuki takes the baby in the kitchen and sits her in the highchair. Giving her some Cheerio's to snack on, while she puts stuff away. Talking to her and keeping her busy. Zero gets up. Still hears quiet. For a minute he gets worried, knowing that Yuki didn't really like this child. "Naw she wouldn't...Oh god, would she? He thought to himself. He ran into the kitchen to a pleasant site. The child happy and quiet in the highchair eating. Yuki putting things away. " You got her quiet?" Zero asks. "Yes, I guess she got tired of your crabbiness?" Yuki says with a laugh. "Very funny."He replies. "Um, have you seen yourself in the mirror." She laughs. "No why? You may want to check yourself." She says with a smirk. " OH hell, look at my hair. Shit, look at my shirt." Zero says. They both burst out laughing. "I'm going to go clean up." Zero says. "Ok when your done would you mind? Going shopping with me and little miss?" Yuki asks. "Shopping?" Zero responds. "Yes, its Christmas and little miss over here needs lots of things. As her daddy hasn't gotten her much of anything for a room., or even toys. No wonder she is crying." Yuki states. "Sure if you want to?" Zero asks confused but happy. "Of Course she is only a child. She should have, whatever our other children had. You did say you wanted me to mommy her? Correct?" Yuki asks. "Yes, I do. Please...Do." Zero begs. "Ok then first on the list is shopping, And maybe dinner." Yuki states with a smile. "Ok, whatever you want. Are you ok?" Zero asks. "Yes. I'm fine. She is sweet. She looks like her, but I still see you in there." She says softly. "Go get washed up and meet us down here." Yuki states.

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