Chapter 46 Letting go of the past

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Chapter 46 Letting go of the past

In the morning, Zero goes to talk to Hanabusa." I want to thank you for yesterday Hanabusa." Zero says. " I owe you one." "Don't worry about it. You would have done the same for me. I am glad. I could have helped."Hanabusa replied. "I also see your wife can use her power, whenever she wants now. I thought she was pretty down the last few weeks. Damn, she came back to get him yesterday." Hanabusa comments. "Yes, I saw that as well. She also told me a few things last night. I am still going over some of them in my head. She doesn't want to live here anymore. She doesn't want me to be a hunter anymore either. " Zero explains. "Wow, really? Hanabusa asks. "Yes. We are going to buy our own home. It won't be too far from here. The kids will also be coming home. She doesn't want them at Cross." It's another reason I wanted to talk to you, Hanabusa." Zero says. I would like you to come there. To be there teacher, like you did Ai." Zero asks. "Oh, yes of course. I would love to. I don't have much here to do since I'm not watching Kamane anymore." Hanabusa responds. "Good that will make Yuki happy." Zero declares. "Look Zero. Are you going to be able to stay away and not be a hunter anymore? I mean you been doing it for years. It's in your blood." Hanabusa asks. " I will give it a try. I want this marriage to work. I want it to go back to what it was. If I Don't try. I don't think. She will stay. She wants out of it all. She said she wants a normal life." Zero comments. "Ok, I hope things work out for both of you. You both are really good people. I can see why she wants out of this house. There is a lot of bad memories here. " Hanabusa admits. "Yes, I don't mind leaving this house. I never really wanted to stay here. I just did it for her." Zero claims. "Oh zero, just so you know. I brought your brother to Cross. They took him in. Kamane said. He would take care of and make sure nothing happened to him. Kamane is trying to fix all of his daughter's wrongs." Hanabusa states. "That's good to know. That he is being cared for. He needs someone right now, and it can't be me. We will be going to Cross, Yuki wants to tell the kids, they are coming home. To also let Kamane and Ai know she isn't going to be in the mansion, or making any more decisions in the Association ." Zero says. " I will let Kamane know you two are coming, so he can hide your brother, so Yuki doesn't freak out." Hanabusa says. "Thank you." Zero replies.

A few days later, Zero and Yuki are all packed up. Ready to head to Cross for a week or two. To get things all settled. So they can start looking for there new home together. Since Yuki, impaled Ichiru her nightmares have completely stopped. She isn't so depressed. She seems to feel a lot better, thinking about her new life.

When they get to Cross, they get out of the car and are headed to the headmaster's office. They run into Maria. Zero, she yells running up to him and giving him a big hug. Yuki standing there, not amused. "Hello, lady Yuki." Maria says. "Hello." she replies. "I see you still haven't forgotten my husband. " Yuki says. " No, I haven't he reminds me so much of Ichiru. I want to say sorry for what happened that day though. I am not sure what got into me." Maria admits. "It wasn't your fault. I want you to know Maria, Ichiru is still alive. If you are still so in love with him, I am sure my husband can tell you. Where he is. So you can then jump all over him, and leave My husband alone." Yuki responds. "Oh Really? Oh please, Zero tell me where he is." Maria begs. "I will a little later on. I have some things to do. I will find you later and let you know. " Zero remarks. Ok, thank you so much. Maris skips off. Yuki, rolling her eyes. Well, I see some jealousy sneaking out of you babe? Zero smirks. Yuki glaring up at Zero. "Yes, so be it. She touches you again, and I will cremate her. She will have your brother now. She should be happy. That way. Maybe the both of them will leave us alone." Yuki hisses. "I think its nice of you to put them together again. You also know you have nothing to worry about. I don't want anyone but you. I do have to admit it's nice seeing you flare up like that because of me." Zero grins. " Yea Yea... Have your fun. "Yuki says. "I'm not sharing you ever. "Yuki states." I don't think. I could deal with what you have dealt with. I'm sorry for all that as well." Yuki says." We are starting over remember? "Zero replies. Yuki nods.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now