Chapter 142 Don't Push Me Away.

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Chapter 142 Don't push me away.

Zero was left in the Cafe. Sitting in the Kitchen. Just rethinking over and over. What Yuki just told him. Seeing a different part of her. One he hasn't seen in a while. Even though the blood bond and sex bond was there. She was fighting back. She was truly pissed. She never told him ever to keep his hands or other things to himself. She never acted like that before.

When it was closing time. Hanabusa showed up to take Yori home. Hanabusa spotting Zero sitting in the back of the Cafe looking defeated. "Hey, man what's up? Its been awhile?" Hanabusa states. "Yea it has been. Not much. Yuki is mad at me. That's not new right?" Zero states. "What did you do now?" Hanabusa asks. I work at the hunters association. I got my old job back. They even gave me back the president. Plus now that I am back people are starting rumors. Saying I left Yuki for Kharis. That I made a fool out of her. I dumped the queen. You know. How mean people are."Zero remarks. "Oh, Yea. I know. Those rumors. They have been going around. It's not new. Not many know you were controlled. They think you just upped and dumped her. The Hunter dumping the pure blood. You should have heard it at the beginning. It was pretty raw. Kamane kept it quiet all these years. I Guess now that your back there. He couldn't anymore. " Hanabusa states. "Oh shit. No wonder. She is pissed. And hurt. " Zero says rubbing his face. " She has been pissed at you before. It will be fine." Hanabusa replies. "She is mad. I mean flaming mad. She told me if I don't stop working there when we are back to normal. She isn't coming home. That she doesn't care if the blood bond eats her away. She won't give in. You know she will do it. " Zero remarks. "Yep. I can see her doing that. Zero you have to think about what you really want. You two been going around for some time now. It doesn't seem it went back to what you two had after you left. "Hanabusa remarks. "I know. There are just too many things that get in the way. I know. I caused this. I know it's my fault. We are married. We have fights. It will be fine. She just needs to cool down." Zero admits.

Hanabusa and Yori head home. Zero closes up the Cafe. Walking down to the Park. He knows Yuki is there. "Hey." Zero says in a low voice."Hey." Yuki says back. "You still mad at me?" Zero asks. "Yes." She replies back. "Well even though you're mad at me. I bet you're still hungry. Maybe we can get something to eat?" Zero suggests. "Maybe." She responds. Zero holding her hand in his. She looks at him with tears."Babe, please. Let's just get some food and be together tonight. Let's not think of all the crap that is happening. Let's just be us. When we do that. We have so much fun together. We see what we really are." Zero suggests. "Ok. How about some pizza?" Yuki asks. "That sounds good. " Can we go back home tonight. To our home?" Yuki asks. "If that is what you want? Then yes. We will go home. We will pick up the pizza. Then go home with ' home. He is staying at a friends house tonight. It will just be us. In our home together." Zero responds. "Good. I am still mad and not over any of it Zero. I just want to make that clear." Yuki states. "I know." Zero replies.

They Go to pick up a pizza. Then they head home to there own home. Riding in the car together. Zero, Trying just to be with her as much as he could. He knows. This has a lot to do with his job, the rumors, but also them not being together. Its been hard the last few months. It was all just coming to a head. Yuki was getting tired. He couldn't blame her. He felt the same.

Once home they go inside. Yuki taking the soda and pizza into the family room. Laying it on the table as she takes off her coat. Zero heading there as well. Sitting on the sofa next to her. They just eat and hang out being their normal selves. Talking about there kids and just everyday things. Trying not to bring up the elephant in the room. When they are done eating they just lay in each other's arms. watching the flame from the fireplace. Its quiet and peaceful just laying in there own home.

"I want to come home. Zero I want to go back to what we had. Just me and you. The both of us working at the Cafe. Coming home together and being together." Yuki states. "I know babe. Me to. But we can't just yet. It's too soon after the counsel's death. We need to play it right. " Zero replies. "When the time comes. Will you give it up?"Yuki asks laying in his arms. "Please let's not fight. When the time comes we will bring it up again. Then we will see where it goes."Zero responds. "That's not answering my question. That is just avoiding it." Yuki says. "For tonight I just want to lay here with you. Just like this. Can we please? Let's just take in the quiet." Zero replies. Trying his best to get off the subject. Knowing it will only start another heated fight. Knowing he couldn't give her an answer. He really didn't want to give it up. At the same time. He never wanted to give her up either. He was hoping that she will cool down. Then maybe he could talk some sense into her. When she was pissed like this it wasn't going to work. Only make things worse. Only push her away.

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