Chapter 39 I will find you.

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Chapter 39 I will find you.

Back at the castle. Yoshiko is talking to Nezera. "Today was something, did you see how fast she located him?" Nezera says. "Yes. She always has her little butterflies over him. She kept them hidden this time, but they were there. Its the only way she could have found us so fast." She replies. I do still have his blood though. She smiles. "I don't know Yoshika ", Nezera says, "Did you see what she did to the building? She took it down. Did you see what, he did to the table? They can fight us without any problems. This isn't going to be as easy as you were saying." Nezera admits." I know ."She says, " My little babies tell me, that she is torn. She runs to Zero but still has feelings for my father. She is trying her best to fight them. I am sure she will give in. Sooner or later. My plan is on track. Don't worry about her powers. My Father did that though, he gave them to her. He made her the strongest Pureblood ever. I don't know why. You know she gave them to Zero. He drinks her blood. There is something more to him though, something more powerful. He isn't an ordinary vampire. I sense it." Yoshiko comments. "My father has been alive for over 10,000 years, what made these two so special to make them so powerful." She says. "I don't know, but Yuki isn't the crybaby, twit you stated she was. She is far from it." Nezera says. "I see this." She replies. "One thing doesn't ever seem to change though. She will protect Zero to the fullest. No matter how much, she loves my father. She won't let go of Zero. Something isn't right. I sense. How she feels about my father. It's strong, yet she lets Zero take president over him. I don't know why yet." Yoshiko adds. 

"I think I may know." Nezera claims. Your father left her, where Zero never has. She trusts Zero more then she does your father. Its whats holding the bond to Zero. "Hmm, you could be right." Yoshiko says. "We may have to do something to fix that." She adds. "Zero isn't going to leave her or go with anyone else." Nezera says. That would be a waste of time to try." Not really, the way I can control his twin I can control him. Wouldn't that be fun? Watching him screw someone else. I bet that would kill her!" Yoshiko says laughing. Bet she would run right to my father's arms. "You really do hate this woman, in a way your both so much alike. Not sure. Why you really hate her. So she left your father in the ice. Is all this shit worth it? Your father left her, he screwed her and dumped her if you really want to look at it. Left her with a child. No wonder she loves Zero. He took her and the baby and made it right". Nezera says. I am always on your side Yoshiko, but I think you are aiming your anger at the wrong person." I started this now, so I will continue. Plus its fun to watch." She laughs." If you say so." Nezera responds.

Meanwhile, at Cross, Yuki goes to Kamane. He tries to help her take control her powers. He tells her, how to stay calm. "Yuki the powers you have. Take years to master. I didn't just control them from the start either. It took me years. Anger and Desire will turn the powers dark. Sometimes to the point, where you can't control them or yourself. "Kamane says. "You wanted them now you own them. It might be more then you can handle at times." He says."I noticed it about the Anger and Desire. I took the whole building down without even trying or thinking, to be honest. I just was so angry." Yuki admits. The night when I gave them to you fully, desire did take over, the whole building shook. I'm sure Zero didn't mind, but in time you might want to learn to control that." Kamane says. The only person that could do that to me is you Yuki. You make me lose my cool. "Yea right." Yuki says," Your always cool. Sometimes its just hard to read you." Yuki says. I do my best for that, but with you sometimes its just hard. Kamane goes up to Yuki and places his hand on her cheek, Looking into her eyes. "Sometimes its just hard to be around you." He admits. Yuki looking back into his eyes. "Yes, I know that feeling." She responds. Feeling this deep desire hidden inside of her for him. Wanting more of his touch. He drives her crazy. She does everything to hide it. "I better go." She says. walking toward the door." I have a few things to take care of. I will talk to you later." Yuki says leaving fast. Her heart beating fast, body trembling, having no control over her feelings The sky starts to light up. Sharp strong bolts of lighting. Keep shooting through the sky. Yuki goes to her bedroom where Zero is. Her eyes glazed over white.

" Yuki? are you ok?" Zero asks. She just pulls Zero to her and starts kissing him, removing his shirt and throwing him on the bed. The bolts of lightning getting stronger and more by the seconds. She completely takes over Zeros body. He just lies there and lets her do anything she wants. As he trusts her totally. Not to mention everything she is doing to him, he likes. She holds his hands down and roams his body. Making love to him, in total control. When she finally explodes on top of him, the lightning outside starts to subside. She clasps on top of Zero, Eyes turning back to her regular color. "Babe not that I'm complaining but what just happened? What was with your eyes?" Zero remarks. "What happened outside? I didn't know we were having a storm." He says innocently. She looks up at him trying to catch her breath. "I don't know ."She answers. That wasn't a storm Zero, that was me. "Holy shit!" He responds. "My powers are getting stronger. They are hard to control. I see you use me to control them?" Zero states. Yes, you are the only person that can control me. When I get filled with desire, you make the beast go away. "Well, my body is here for you to do as you wish to it." Zero Smirks." I like that idea don't start me up again." She says. laughing. She places her head on his sweaty chest and falls asleep.

While she is sleeping, Zero lies there and thinks. What made her like that? You just don't get all turned on. What could raise all the desire? He thought. Then remembering she had her session with Kamane that afternoon. Could it be him? What did he do to her? Obviously, he knew she didn't do anything with Kamane. She came running to him.. His mind racing. He lightly lifts Yuki off of him and places her on her side of the bed. Getting up and looking for his clothes. He gets dressed and goes to talk to Kamane.

"Come in. I know you out there Zero". Kamane says. What do you need?" What is wrong with Yuki? What did you do to her? "Zero snaps. I didn't do anything to her." She can't control her powers yet. Anger and Desire set her off. I have to say the lightning show was something new. It was fun to watch." Kamane remarks. "I guess the windows did need a break." Kamana chuckles. Zero looking at Kamane without any amusement. I notice she gets like that after visiting with you Kamane. What's going on? "Yuki and I have a bond Zero, we always will. She has desires for me. It seems when she is near me, she does her best to control them. Till after she leaves me. Then you seem to get the benefit of it all." Kamane comments. "So what your saying is all this, is really toward you and she just uses me?" Zero snaps. No Kamane says. You're seeing it all wrong. She isn't using you. She is rather giving it to you. Instead of doing it to me, hurting you and breaking you up. She comes to you. sharing her desire with you. Like I said you get the benefit of it. "I am glad she is controlling it and giving it to me, but her having these feelings toward you doesn't make me feel too good. "Zero says. "It's mostly the powers. They make everything more intense. So if there was a small desire towards me it makes it bigger. Just until she learns to control them." Kamane says. I do have to admit though, as tough as it is, and I am telling you Zero it's extremely tough to control this urges and powers. She does it. I wouldn't be so upset with her running to you but proud. Someone not as strong would have gave in to the urge. "Kamane do you think to give her all this power was a good thing? "Zero asks. "I don't know. I guess we will find out. She hasn't disappointed me yet. She will learn to control it. It takes time. 

She can for sure take care of herself now. She doesn't need either of us." Kamane says. "Is that what you were after?" Zero states. "Yes, this way whoever she goes with or to is because she wants them, not for protection or being scared. She never has to be scared again. If she wanted to she could take all of us out." Kamane declares. "And you're ok with this? "Zero comments. "Yes If it's by Yuki. I'm ok with anything. I know I hurt her badly by leaving. This is my way of making it right. I do hope she doesn't kill my child though. I can't stand thinking about that part of this. I know she is wrong, I know my daughter did should have never done. She is still my child." Kamane admits. "that's between them too. I do know how you feel." Zero says. "When she was after my brother, I knew he did sometimes terrible but he is still my brother. I felt bad when she was breaking him apart. I just knew better than to get in the way." Zero states. "I know what you mean. I will try my best not to get in the way." Kamane says. It's going to be hard. "Also Zero if I were you I wouldst say anything to Yuki about the desired part. She is doing her best to fight whatever she is going through. Don't make it harder. She seems to want you. No matter what always going to you. Don't mess that up." Kamane says. Zero Nods. and heads back to his room.

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