Chapter 21 Let me show you.

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Chapter 21 Let me Show you

Its been two weeks, since the night Zero got drunk. Even though Yuki said. It was OK about how forceful he was. He can't get it out of his mind. It haunts him. How angry he got. How he lost control and could have really hurt her. He has been extra nice to her. Extra gentle. He sees the black and blues on her wrists. It just kills him to know. He put them there. To know. He has that much rage inside of him, scares him. It built up all these years. Finally coming out and on Yuki. Where it was really intended for Kamane. He knows. That Yuki loves him and wants to be with him. He just always has this fear of Kamane. Its been there from the start of there relationship. Been there for nineteen years plus. It's not that easy, to just let go of. He would keep his word though, and not mention Kaname again. If Yuki could keep it to herself, then so would he. Thinking that's what caused the outburst a few weeks ago. Keeping it all in. No matter which way, he would turn with this, there was no winning. He had to try to just let it go as Yuki did. There was always a part of him that worried. No matter. How much she said she loved him, She loved Kamane and would go with him if he awoke. He knew. There was a bond there. They were all chained to each other for all these years. Even with Kaname being dead, it didn't break those chains. They just seem to entwine themselves around each of them more. Pulling and tearing away at them. Zero thought. That he was part of the problem. Never letting it go. He just couldn't help himself. There was only one thing in the world that scared him. That was losing Yuki. No matter. How many times she told him. She loved and desired him. His fear was there. Sometimes just taking over him till he lashed out at the person. He loved most. The words that Yuki spoke to him, about him being so mean at times. That it hurt her. Bothered him, He knew. It was true. To protect himself, he always did that. He couldn't understand. How she always let him get away with it. Never fearing him even when he hurt her that night. She stayed in his arms. When it was over and didn't move. It just killed him inside.

"Hi, Zero your home early." Yuki says with a smile." Hey babe. Yea. I wanted to be with you. I'm really tired and worn out." Looking at her wrists as he talks to her. "Sounds good, Ai is out with her husband to twins are at a sleepover. It's just us tonight." Yuki states. Wow, Ren left you? "Stop that Zero. He is independent. He just is close to his mother. Nothing wrong with that." Yuki Hisses. Ohh. Your dark side comes out with him. I see. Yes. For my Children it sure does. Zero grins, "but for Ren double." Zero how can you say that? "Oh come on Yuki! We all know he is your favorite. I'm not blind. There is this connection you two have. It's quite lovely."Zero admits. Yuki looking down at the floor. "Yes, there is. He is such a sweet boy. He reminds me so much of you Zero. Just without all the trauma. He is filled with love and hope. He makes me smile." Yuki says." I guess. He is what. I would have been if all that didn't take place when I was a child. "Zero admits. Yuki nodding her head. "Yes. He is part of each of us." Yuki states. I think. That is what makes him so special to me. Zero taking Yuki's hands in his. Kissing her wrists. "Zero, please. You have to stop worrying about that. They are fine. I swear." Yuki states. Why did you let me get away with that Yuki? The truth. Yuki looking down, Zero lifting her head to look into his eyes. Talk to me about it Yuki. That wasn't OK. What I did. Yes, it was hot in the end, but it wasn't right. I could of really hurt you. Zero bringing Yuki to the couch to sit down. "At first I was mad at you, You threw me into the wall. I was taken back and hurt. You swung me around like you had no care for me. I hit the bed and your body landed on top of me. The feel of you. I always want no matter what. I was still trying to wiggle free. You had your hands so tight around mine. I couldn't break it. I didn't want to hurt you. When I bit into you, I felt all you felt. The pain, anger, lust, sadness. My heart sank. It was because of me. You felt all this. It was my fault. When you let go of my hands, pushing into me, I couldn't turn you away. I accepted you and pulled you closer to me. I wanted you to know. That no matter what. I want you. I don't think you understand fully. How much though. I know. I keep saying that Zero. It's just how I feel. I want to do something with you. It's the only way. You can really know. How I feel. Like when I bit into you and felt your feelings. I want you to bit me. Look into my heart Fully. I know. There are times you can see, but we try not to do that.When we bite each other. Because it is prying into the other's heart. This time I want you to. I don't want you to hold back. I want you to see it through my eyes." Yuki explains. "Are you sure Zero asks?" Yes, Yuki responds. "I don't want you to stop till you see it all."

Yuki climbs into Zeros lap, Staring into his eyes. Kissing him on his lips. Whispering I love you to him. He wraps his arms around her. Licking her neck, placing kisses at her earlobe. Down her neck before lightly sticking his fangs into her pale sweet skin. Yuki letting totally go, so he could read into her heart. Zero looking into her Heart and soul. Looking back to when Yuki first gave him blood. How she wanted to protect him. Didn't want anything to happen to him. It then goes to when she left with Kamane, how sad she felt to let go of Zero. Doing it just because, she felt she owed Kamane for saving her. The first time she and Kaname made love. Seeing how different it was then with him. Gentle and loving. Yuki not letting go like, she does with him. Then feeling pain, sadness, Hurt resentfulness, Kaname laying in her arms dying. Her heartbreaking, full of mixed emotions. Feeling how when he went to talk to her after the two months. How she felt safe again in his arms. Seeing how time went by her love grew for him. Feeling how happy, she was on the day of there wedding. The desire there for him, but also the shame of carrying Kanames baby. Jumping to when Zero got hurt and almost dying in her arms. Feeling anger, Sadness strong pain and hurt in her heart. How she just fell apart. Thinking she would never see him again. Even stronger then what she felt with Kaname. The strong love she has for him. Seeing when he touches her. The Desire and want in her body. How he makes her tingle, and tremble. The feelings she can't control if she tried. That no matter. How much he touches her, she wants more. How safe. She feels in his arms. How much she worries that he will not be there anymore. He also feels how she loves and cares for Kaname. How she will protect him as well. The love for him, she has as a family, her brother, her protector. How she hurts from him leaving her, the way he did. That when she let go to give him her all, he left her. How she carried that all these years. Her love for Ai but also her resenting her. He grasps at that, not ever thinking. He would see that. How she sees Kamane in her. How it hurts. Feeling he saw enough and doesn't want to pry further, he lets go.

 Licking her neck and sealing the holes. Yuki dazed from the blood loss. Zero gives her his blood. Holding her ever so close to him. Knowing now. How she truly feels towards him. Having the greatest satisfaction of how he makes her feel. When she is done drinking from him. He kisses her deeply. Telling her how much he loves her. Zero. I know you do. Now, do you know I do? "Yes." Zero replies " I do." Feeling the emotions through you were so different. I now know. How you felt through everything. I am sorry for all the pain you went through. I didn't expect. What I saw about Ai though. Yuki looks away. I love her Zero. I know. I saw that. "There are just times, I see him in her. The calm, smooth showing no feelings. It's him showing through her." Yuki says. I saw that Yuki, I saw how you love him. Resent what he did to you at the same time. The pain you feel from it. He left me Zero. After he took me away from you for that year, Promised to be my husband, to be with me always. He upped and left. He just made the choice to throw his heart away. I know. He came to me to fix how I felt. To take the resentfulness away. It worked for a while, but it always shows its ugly head. There are times, I feel you will up and leave me as well. The fear takes over me Zero. Just like you. I have fears. I just try not to let them show. I cover up a lot. "Yuki, please. Know I am never leaving you. Don't fear that. I guess. That is just like you telling me you're not going anywhere." Zero says. "Yea." Yuki replies. "What happened all those years ago sure did mess us up. The sad part of it all." Yuki explains. Kamane is in just as much pain as we are. I felt it all when I was with him those few days. The pain of leaving me, the pain of not knowing Ai. He is no happier. Where he is. Then we are here. He told me. It had a lot to do with knowing deep down. How I felt about you. That he couldn't see me leave him, for you. So he did it this way. That hurt me, for a lot of reasons. He knew our feelings before we even truly did. It hurt me to hurt him like that. I have been living with so much quilt. Zero we can't do this anymore. We truly have to let go of the past. It happened there isn't anything more. We could do. Yes, Yuki I agree. I have been living with it also, the pain, the resentfulness, the fear. It built up till I just lashed out on you. I am really sorry about that. Let's just let it go Zero. We have so many good times, that took place with me and you. Let's concentrate on those." Yuki states. "We have built a life together. A really nice one." Zero says." It makes me feel really good knowing. How I make you feel though. I really didn't expect to make you feel that crazy. I love it." Zero Grins. "Crazy?" Yuki says. How about totally loses control? That the desire and want take over. The animal in me comes out and wants you. "I saw that ." Zero says. It was incredible! "Can I just sit in your lap a bit longer?" Yuki asks. I just don't want to move. I feel so safe and calm in your arms Zero. Yes, babe, you can stay here. "I don't want to move either. I would hold you like this forever if I could." Zero responds.

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