Chapter 8 Moving on

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Chapter 8 Moving on

Its been a few days. Yuki is slowly getting herself back. She is still weak, but able to walk and talk. She has been giving Ai a lot of attention, to make up for the time she wasn't able to. Her feelings are deep and true for Zero. She loves him now. More then she ever has. She still has the butterfly following him around. He sees them and just smiles knowing its Yuki. Making sure. He is ok. He hasn't gone back to work yet, as he doesn't want to leave her. He is also afraid. It might set her off again. He is going slow with anything that has to do with work. He knows. He will have to go back sooner or later. He is just looking for how to bring it up.

It's afternoon. Zero just came back from picking his car up from the shop. It looks great. Clean inside and out. No more signs of anything. He then walks in the house. Yuki is sitting on the floor playing with Ai. A very nice site to see. "Hi, babe." Zero says to Yuki. "Hi." She says. in return smiling up at him. How are you feeling? "I'm fine and you?" She asks."I"m fine as well." "Zero, I would like to talk to you."Yuki says. Looking up at him with her deep brown eyes." Sure."He Replies. As he sits next to her on the floor with Ai. "What's wrong? " He asks. "Zero, I don't want to live here anymore. I want to move on. I don't want you to work for the Association anymore either. I know that's not going to happen though. I know you worked really hard to get where you are. It would be nice, if we just had our own home, away from here. Just me and you. I have plenty of money. So we don't have to worry about work. We can just enjoy ourselves. "Yuki states. "Yuki Please" Zero says. " I can't just live off of you. If you want to move we can. That's not a problem. We can't hide forever Yuki. I need to protect you Zero. I can't let anything happen to you. You're my heart. Babe and your mine. You don't need to protect me. It's my job to protect you."Zero, it's our job to protect each other. She smiles at him lovingly. Look, Zero if you still want to work for the Association, fine. Then we are going to have to pretend. That we are not together. There is a house deep in the woods from here. There is an underground tunnel from the garage, here that leads to that home. I will pack up and take Ai there. You will pretend to come here and live. They will see you park in the driveway, then just use the underground tunnel to come home to us. They won't ever see us together. Hanabusa and Yori can stay here. I will say. I"m leaving town, and tell no one where. I'm going. So they won't look for me. If they feel we are not together they will leave you alone. Let what happened to go." Yuki States. "Well, you planned this all out, didn't you? "Zero Asks." Yes, I knew you wouldn't give it up. I for one can never give you up. So, I had to find something to make it work. Without you being in harm's way."Protecting me again? "Zero answers." Always"She responds."What about Yori and Hanabusa? I know you love seeing them every day and Ai with the little boy." "They can visit. It just won't be an everyday thing. "She responds." What about your daily visits to Kamane?" Zero inquires" I will say my goodbyes. Hanabusa is protecting him. I will protect you. It's not forever just for a while. I need the time away from this house anyway. Too many bad things have happened here. I want a fresh start with you. Being here only reminds me, of what happened that night. I still can't get the blood out of my head. I was so full of anger that I didn't even lust for it. I didn't even know. It was on me. I remember. How you told me you learned to control your bloodlust. Mine was so under control that it was like I was human again. I never thought. I could be filled with such rage. "Whatever you need Yuki. I will do for you. " Zero says."

A few days later. Yuki has been packing away. Making it very known, that she is leaving. Wanting it to spread throughout town. Getting a fake moving van to sit in front of the house. Then moving the items themselves in their cars through the secret road underground. Yuki packs up and takes baby Ai with her. Saying her goodbyes to Hanabusa and Yori. Saying Bye to Zero outside in case anyone was watching. So they saw he didn't go with them.

Later that night, he would be driving up there himself. Using the tunnel. He told work that Yuki was upset. She just wanted to go away from here. That she left the house to Hanabusa, Yori and himself to stay into guard and watch Kamane. They all believe him. Having no reason not to. Word spread fast and the council just thought their friendship would end. Things would be ok. Just like Yuki thought they would.

The house in the woods was big, like the mansion. It had stables. Where white lily was moved to. That way Zero could take care of her. Be close to her. No one knew about this place. It was deep in the woods. It was built to protect and hide. Just what Yuki was looking for. Ai could play on the grounds, Zero could go to the stables. Yuki could plant flowers. They were free to be as open as they wanted to be here. In time Yuki got to be her old self. She was a good mom and wife. She was back to always being around Zero. Wanting him every chance they had. For Zero it was like, he had two lives. He would go to work in the morning, be at the Association, hunt level E's and never said a word about Yuki or Ai. If people would ask him about her. He said. He didn't know. Where she was. That he didn't hear from her. She disappeared off the radar. Which in a way was true. Yuki never went anywhere. She use to go. When she headed to the town, where the Hidden house was. She would wear a disguise and not really talk much to anyone. A very small cry from the bubbly talkative Yuki. She knew. It had to be to keep them safe. They had no one tend to the grounds or house. They did everything them selves. The fewer people knew they were here. The less it would get out. Yuki didn't mind being a regular housewife. She pretty much that already. She did miss Yori and Hanabusa at times. She also missed her daily talks to Kamane. Which she would think about now and then. When she did, her heart would ache. She never let Zero know how she felt. She learned to cover her feelings well. Keeping it all in. She always remembered that the last time she did that, the anger and power took over her. She was scared that would happen again. Deep in her mind that always stayed with her.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now