Chapter 101 Reflecting.

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Chapter 101 Reflecting

In the middle of the night. Yuki gets up. She goes over to the arm chair near the window. She sits with her legs curled up in her arms. Looking out the window. Thinking about the child, that could be hers and Kamane's. If this was true, how it would change there lives. Worried for the child. Yet also worried for Zero. Could he deal with this again? There were always things thrown in front of them. Never could things just go smoothly. Yet again linked to Kamane. Always linked to Kamane. Her mind wonder. Is this child ok? Is it safe? What is it? Her hurt, just thinking this child was out there. Without knowing her. While she sat there, Zero got up. To a cold bed. Looking up. He sees Yuki's shadow in the chair. He gets up and walks over to her. Putting his hand on her shoulder. "Hey babe, Are you ok?" Zero asks. "I'm Not sure. I can't get this out of my mind. I have so many questions." Yuki states. "I know this is hard. It will be ok. Zero answers. "Will it? Is this going to change us? Are you really going to be able to deal with this Zero?" Yuki asks. "Yuki i promise you. I'm not going anywhere. We will be fine. I can handle this. It will take a little adjusting, but we will do it. Hell. We had five kids already. Whats one more?" Zero says. Trying to lighten the mood. "I always said i wanted a bunch of kids with you huh? "Yuki comments. "Yep. Guess you got your wish after all." Zero says with a smile. "It...won't be...yours though." Yuki says looking down. A tear falling down her face. "Hey, its ok. really." Zero remarks. Sitting next to her holding her close.

A few hours later they get up. They get dressed for work. Zero goes to the Cafe. Getting things ready for the day. Yuki tells him, she needs to pick up some things. She also goes to see Yagari. Wanting to talk to him alone. "Hey. Thank you again for last nights dinner" Yagari says. "No problem. I wish it was under different circumstances." Yuki answers. "Yes same here. What can I do for you?" Yagari asks. " I want to know more about this Kiko person. Where does she live?" Yuki asks. "Well to be honest. She looks like Kharis, but there is no record of Kharis, having any twin, or even siblings. We said. She was her twin, because she looks exactly like her." Yagari admits. "Look it can't be Kharis. She will never be coming back. I made sure of it." Yuki admits. "I know. I figured. I do have an address. I just don't want you going there alone. At least take Zero. Or Kamane. Or both." Yagari states. "I promise you. I will take them both. I think they both need to hear, what she has to say. I want to know about my child. It's driving me crazy." Yuki Confesses. "I can understand that. We are not sure about any of it. This woman is like a ghost. We have nothing on her. No records. No fingerprints. They were not in the system till now." Yagari remarks. Handing her a small piece of paper. With Kiko's Address. "Thank you. Yagari" Yuki says. "Very welcome. Just please be careful." He states.

Yuki drives back to the Cafe. Thinking of what, she is going to do. She knew. She had to take Yagari advise, and take Zero and Kaname with her. Once back at the Cafe, Yuki goes into Zero's office to talk to him. "Zero, I need to talk to you." Yuki states. "Sure. What's up, babe? Zero says. "I went to see Yagari. I got the address of Kiko. I want to go there. I want to see. What she has to say. I want to see where my child is." Yuki states. "I don't want you to go alone." Zero comments. "I know. I thought. I would take you and Kamane. I think you both need answers." Yuki admits. "Yes. I understand that. We are just going to walk over, and knock on the door?" Zero asks. "I guess so. She knows how to send crap to our house. Let's go to hers." Yuki states. "Ok. Just be on the lookout. We don't know, what we are going to find." Zero responds. After she talks to Zero, Yuki calls up Kamane. Letting him know. What is going on? She tells him to meet, them at this address.

Zero and Yuki get into the car. They head to the address on the piece of paper. Once there, they pull up to a two story home. Kamane pulls up right behind them. They all get out of the car, walking to the door. Where they ring the doorbell. The maid answers the door. "May I help you?" She says. "Yes. We are looking for Kiko? We would like to talk to her." Yuki replies. "Sure. Come in and have a seat." The maid answers. They walk into a sitting room. Where they take a seat. The maid returns to tell them to please go with her into the Dinning room. A large table with six chairs. Each one of them, take a seat. Kiko comes out. She looks exactly like Kharis. Wearing the same black dress, she wore when she met Zero the first time. Giving Zero shivers, down his spine. Yuki just looks at her, not believing her eyes. "It's nice to finally meet you." Kiko says. "Why are you doing this to us?" Yuki asks. "Oh, You mean my little games? Because its fun to watch you squirm." Kiko replies. "It's not nice playing with people." Yuki Snaps. "I'm not playing with you. I am just telling your deep dark secrets to the other. It's kind of fun. Especially with Zero. He gets so Hot Headed. Its fun watching the Fumes come out of his head." Kiko Laughs. "Why do you care? How I react?" Zero Hisses. " It makes the game more fun. Kamane is not so much fun to watch. Damn thing is dead. How can something so beautiful, be that dead inside?" Kiko asks. " I have no time for your games." Kamane replies. "Oh, I noticed that. Its why. I didn't send you as many things as I did Zero. He was the most fun to watch. He just loved watching you, and his precious Yuki make love. He couldn't stop himself." Kiko remarks. "Ok. You had your fun. What is going on? What about the child?" Yuki shouts. "Oh that. The stupid counsel men. He wanted more purebloods. He couldn't wait for you and Kamane. Which no one could blame him.

 The time you two take to do anything, we would all turn to dust. So he made a pureblood without you both. Everything was fine till the Counsel man was getting antsy. He just had to go. I thought what a better way. Then at Ren's wedding. Did you like the extra Fireworks?" Kiko says with a giggle. "You really are something. What about my child?" Yuki demands. "Oh, he is here somewhere. The little brat. I had to take care of him for four years. Do I look like a mother to you?"Kiko Answers. How many more of our donations do you have?" Kamane asks. There are a few fertilized eggs left. Only with Kamanes sperm though. We don't need any more Zero's running around this place. Kharis was so dumb. I don't understand. Why she would want to have, Zero and Yuki's baby. She was crazier, then I thought. That wasn't part of the plan anyway. She just had to have you. Look where that got her. You don't think you're going to rip my heart out do you Yuki? That I would be that Dumb to let you?" Kiko states. "I really don't care anything about you. I just want my child!" Yuki remarks. Oh, that bastard is here somewhere. Kiko states. Yuki starts shaking the House, cracking the windows. "Ohh yea I heard about your powers. Is this the best you can do? I really don't care for shaking shit, And windows cracked aren't my thing either." Kiko states. "Kamane look for the lab. Destroy it. Zero find my child, please. I will take this bitch." Yuki shouts. "Heh, If it was only that easy Bitchy!" Kiko responds. Yuki gets the glass from all the broken windows and throws them at Kiko. Who stops all but one. The one that passes through, hits her face. Which heals the second the glass touches her. Yuki looks at her, seeing that she is going to be a little tougher. Then she thought. "That tickled." Kiko states.

Kamane upstairs finding the viles, Destroys the one with Zero's sperm, but takes the one with the fertilized eggs with him and Yuki. He puts it in his pocket. Then destroys the room. Zero is looking for the child. He comes across a small little boy. Playing in his room. He is around four. He picks up the little boy and goes down the stairs. Where he sees Yuki. Trying to throw glass at Kiko. Who just dodges it and laughs. Kamane comes downstairs trying to turn her to dust. Which he does. Then she reappears. "That wasn't nice, Mr. Cold hearted!" Kiko states. Zero gets out his bloody rose. Shooting Kiko in the heart. Nothing happens. "Ok, Mr. Hotheaded. How about I do that shit to you?" Kiko growls. Demon hands start popping out of the floor. Grabbing onto Zero's legs. Kamane trying to turn them to dust. The more he does. The more show up. Zero shooting them with the bloody rose. "Yuki, we need to get out of here NOW!" Zero states. Kamane grabs Zero and the Child, they head out the door. Telling Yuki COME ON! Yuki Shakes the house. It starts crumbling. She also sets it on fire. Running out the door to safety. Kiko finding her way out also, but not letting anyone know.

"What the Fuck was that?" Zero asks " For the first time. I am with Zero." Says Kamane. 'I'm not sure. We couldn't kill it. It's not a Vampire. The bloody rose didn't work. Dust didn't work. How do we get rid of it?" Yuki asks. "I am not sure. I don't even know. What it was. " Kamane replies. Zero holding the little boy. "Yuki, I think this belongs to you." Zero states. Yuki takes a look at this small, brown hair, brownish red eyes skinny little boy. "He looks a lot like you Kamane." She states. "Yes. I see this. What is your name Son?" Kamane asks. In a small scared voice, the little boy answers. "Rai" "Well its nice to meet you Rai. I'm Kamane and this is Yuki. That over there is Zero. Don't make him scare ya. He is all bark no bite." Kamane states. The house behind them, burning down around them. "We need to get out of here. Let's go home." Zero states. "Kamane meet us back at our house." Yuki states.

They get into the car, taking the little boy with them. Yuki just staring at him. Sitting in the back seat. "Zero. I have another son." Yuki says. "Yes, It sure does look that way. He is frightened. It's going to take him a bit to get used to us. We will have to go slow." Zero states. "I know. He needs a room to. What are the other kids going to say?" Yuki wonders. "Hey. They will be fine. They accepted Anna. We will just explain. Kamane looked happy, looking at this kid." Zero comments. "Yes. I noticed that." Yuki says as she rubs her hand on her face. Zero puts his hand on her thigh."It will be ok. "I hope so." Yuki replies

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now