Chapter 66 Hurt.

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Chapter 66 Hurt

It's Wednesday, Yuki has to go home to get some paperwork for the Cafe. She drives down to the house. Walking in the house from the kitchen door. She spots a car seat on the kitchen table. Looking inside it , she sees a infant girl. red hair, red eyes. pale skin. Sleeping in the car seat. Yuki automatically knows. Its Zero's daughter. Her heart starts to beat fast and her body starts to tremble hard, feeling the need to throw up. This child made Yuki vulnerable. It was the one thing left. That can make her crack. The one thing. She couldn't hide, or hold her true feelings in about. Zero walks in seeing Yuki hovered over the sink. Her body trembling uncontrollably. Looking at the table, he then puts two and two together. "Yuki i am so sorry." Zero says. He goes over to her. Putting his arms around her trembling body. " I didn't think. You would be home. You only come home on the weekends. I Just wanted to spend some time with her. "Zero admits. Yuki trying to clean off her face. "Yuki say something to me." Zero asks. Yuki's body still shaking. She has no control over it. Just staring at the car seat on the table.

 Hanabusa comes in. "Zero i was going to tell you ZJ is spending a few more hours with me. Working on math. "Hanabusa says looking at Yuki tremble. Her eyes glazed over." He stares at Zero. " I got this, as he grabs the car seat. He takes the baby with him." " As He walks out the door. "Yuki. She is gone. Please. Say something." Zero picks her up and carries her to the sofa. Where he gently puts her down. Tears streaming down Yuki's face now. The hurt evident. "God Yuki, i am so sorry, if i had known you were coming , i wouldn't of had her here. I didn't mean to hurt you." Zero says sadly. "I'm fine. I just needed a few papers for work. I will get going." Yuki trying to stand, but her body falling back down to the sofa. "Yuki your in no way able to drive at the moment. Just stay here a little while. Calm your body down. I will not take her here again. So you don't have to worry about seeing her." Zero comments. "She is your child. You don't have to do that. I just won't come back here. You can have the house. We are not together anymore anyway, there isn't any need for me to come back here. Maybe Kamane was right. Maybe. We will just get our own home." Yuki says. wiping her tears. "Yuki you love this house. Plus really i think its great you coming for the weekends. So we can be with our kids. They need that right now. Please even if its just for a little bit longer. Can we do that for them?" Zero asks. Yuki stilled Dazed replies. " This house is not what it use to be. It was filled with happiness and joy. A family, that is no longer. The kids are big now. They have there own lives. I think it best for a few weeks i just stay away. You and the kids still have family dinners. You build your relationship with them. Maybe next month ,i will come for one." " It makes ZJ so happy to see us together. Yuki please don't take that away from him. I know. We are not together, but him seeing us get along is a good thing." Zero states. 

"Yes i know it is. I will come here and there for that. I just think right now its best not to. I am feeling better now. I am going to go home." Yuki announces. "Are you sure?" Zero asks. "Yes. i will be fine. She doesn't look like you. Not like our children." Yuki admits. "No, she looks like her." Zero says with a hiss. "Yea she does. I guess in a way,i prefer it that way." Yuki admits. "I guess. My genes were stronger with you. Or your wish just came true." Zero states. "Yea, that wish was a curse after you left. I had three constant reminders of you walking around." Yuki says honestly. "I am sure that was hard. I'm sorry Yuki." Zero says in a low tone. "Not much we can do about it Zero. Some people never have what we did in there whole lives. At least we can say we did. Nothing lasts forever. You take care of yourself and that little girl. She does need you Zero." She says as she picks up her bag and papers. She came for. Slowing walking to the door taking one last glance, at the house and Zero before leaving.

Zero more than upset goes to Hanabusa's house to get the kids. " What happened?"Hanabusa asks. "I screwed up again! Damn it! Last week was so nice. It was a breaking point. We stayed together without fighting for ZJ. It was a great weekend. When she saw this kid, all the pain rushed back to her. I never saw her tremble that hard. Not even when we lost our child. She doesn't want to come back here. She even wants to give me the house."Zero Admits. "She is upset Zero. This is a lot to take in. You should have seen her. When you left. She crumbled. Of course, Kamane was here to pick up the pieces. She really was a mess." Hanabusa states. "Is that why our old room is closed?" Zero asks. "Oh, the day you came back and stated you wanted a divorce, was one day Kamane came to pick up the pieces. She never went back in there after that day. Anything she needed. She just bought new and stayed away. When She comes here with Kamane, they say in a guest room. She made her room." Hanabusa comments. "She told me. She doesn't drink from him? How can that be?" Zero asks. "She doesn't. When you first left, she was worse then you were back at Cross. She would eat blood tablets like they were candy. Yet still couldn't control herself. I told her about a friend, that had a blood donate center. She takes that with the tablets to control herself. She said. She wouldn't take Kamanes or anyone else. She never wanted to have that bond with anyone again."Hanabusa admits. 

"She gave me blood last weekend. I couldn't control myself. I pushed her to take from me. She did. Then got up like it was nothing. Walked out and went to bed. She is so different. I know. She was cold in the past at times. We went through a lot. This time is just so much different. She killed Kharis like it was nothing. I never saw anything like it before. She ripped her heart out and watched her turn to dust." Zero announces. " None of that surprises me Zero. You should see. How she is with Kamane. She enjoys being the Queen pureblood now. She has learned to keep whatever she is feeling to herself. I guess except for that child, That seems to be her only breaking point these days." Hanabusa says. "Does she love Kamane, Hanabusa?" Zero asks. "Not like she loved you. No. They have a very different love. It's not sexual like you two either. Its mutual respect, It's not obsessive. Even if he is afraid of you, He will not show it. He never brings it up to her or throws it at her. Without that cloud hanging on top of them. It seemed to make the relationship stronger and grow. He doesn't control her like he use to either. He realized. He can't. I don't think anyone can control her. There are times she just won't listen. She has learned to control her power though. Only using it, when she wants to. The whole block doesn't shake anymore either. "Hanabusa laughs. "She didn't use power with Kharis. She used her hands. Nothing shook, no extras. She just got the job done." Zero states. "I told you. Things are just different. I am not sure you will see the old Yuki again." Hanabusa states. " I did notice. She didn't take her wedding ring off completely. Even though, she is wearing that huge...ring on the other hand." Zero responds.

 "Yes, I noticed that too. Do you think you two will ever be again?" Hanabusa asks. "I'm not sure. She never left Kamane. Knowing I was controlled. In a way that didn't seem to change her way of thinking about me. Even though I wasn't in control of the things. I said or did. She still has part of her that hates me. Yet she does still crave my blood. So I don't really no. If she isn't around me. I don't think anything can grow. Not even friendship. I guess. We will just wait and see." Zero says.

Once Yuki gets back to the Cafe. She goes upstairs to find Kamane. He is upstairs going over some papers for the council. "Yuki, are you ok?"He asks. As he sees her smudged makeup. "Yes, I'm Fine. I was thinking about what you said. I think it would be great for us to buy a home together. Nothing big though. Just one close to the Cafe. A Row home." Yuki states. "Oh Yuki, I am so glad to hear that. You don't know how happy that makes me." Kamane says as he gets up and goes over to her to kiss her. " I Think its best to put all the past in the past. I will clean up the apartment and put it up for rent after we find our home." Yuki states. "That's totally fine with me. Anything you want to do. I think this calls for a night out. Let's go out for dinner."Kamane announces. "Sounds great. let me get cleaned up." Yuki says. Not knowing what took place, Kamane doesn't even care. He feels whatever happened was great and worked in his favor. Taking full advantage of it. Whatever it was just pushed Yuki closer to him, without him trying.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now