Chapter 117 Here we go again.

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Chapter 117 Here we go again!

Once at Cross. Zero goes looking for Nezera. As Yuki goes to get the children. Before Zero heads off. Yuki gives him a big kiss. She has been more affectionate towards him. Showing exactly, how she is feeling. Zero is loving that part. The part about Nezera not so much.

While walking the grounds he finds Nezera talking to Aiko under a tree. Both just looking into each other's eyes. Like no one else exists. Zero seeing himself an Yuki in them both. "Daddy! It's great to see you." Aiko says. Giving Zero a big hug. "Hey, pumpkin. Everything ok with you?" Zero asks. Giving a dirty look to Nezera. "Yes. Daddy. I'm Fine. Never been better." She replies. "If you don't mind, I would like to have a word with Nezera." Zero responds. "Sure. Dad. Don't anything stupid please." Aiko states. "Why would I do that?" Zero comments. Aiko just giving him a stare, as she walks away. Leaving the two men to talk.

"I am glad your here Zero. There is a few things, I need to talk over with you." Nezera states. "Really? Like what you are doing with my daughter? Zero answers. "I love your daughter. I have for a very long time. She is beautiful inside and out. I intend on being with her for a very long time." Nezera states. "Don't you think about hurting her. All this freaky shit that was happening. You always seemed to be involved." Zero snaps. "I wasn't involved the last time. I just happened to know who was. I sent her away. She won't be bothering you at the moment. If she comes back, I will let you know. But you have more problems. They are not from my world but from your own. The vampire council, They got a new head Counsel man. He is even more against you and Yuki being together, then the last one was. You need to watch your back. Maybe don't show how you two feel in public. Keep it that she is still with Kamane." Nezera comments. "This shit is still going on. Won't they ever just let it go. Why do they care so much?" Zero hisses. "You and Yuki had children. They didn't like that at all. It was the one thing they were most terrified about. It seems the more, they overlooked it. The more children appeared. Your children have the Vampire hunter gene. Not to mention they are all vampires and half pureblood. Making them very strong. They are not very happy with Yoshiko and Ren either. They feel she is just as bad as Yuki. Its why they haven't had any children yet. There is a child now with Kamane. If I was you I would use it to your benefit. The only one that knew that child was in existence was the old councilman. Mika took care of that problem. You won't have any issues with her either. If they see that Yuki and Kaname had another child together it may calm things down. Make it look like they are together. They don't know. How it was really born. " Nezera explains. 

"Yea so just keep pushing her towards Kamane. She finally just made her choice to be with me. Now push them together again?" Zero remarks. "If you want to keep yourself alive and your family safe. Yes. You will deal with Kamane."Nezera states. "God damn it! It never seems to fail. There is always something. I will give it a few days than spring it on her. We just got back together. I don't want to ruin it. She is so close to me right now. "I'm Not giving that up." Zero admits. "I understand. Just be careful." Nezera says. "This doesn't get you off the hook with my daughter either. I will be watching you. " Zero states. " I wouldn't expect anything less." Nezera says.

After his talk with Nezera, Zero goes back to Yuki. Gathering the kids and going home. Thinking about what this might mean. That she will have to spend time with Kamane. Make pretend they are together. Pushing them together once again. Would they ever be free Of this? He thought. She is back with me. She wants me. I'm not going to dwell. I'm not going to be the old Zero and ruin what I just got back. I'm going to try to just enjoy. What's in front of me.

Once they get home. Yuki makes dinner and they all sit down to dinner. Zero so relieved to be back to this. His family at the table. A house filled with noise, and the people he loved. He just stares at Yuki, while she plates out the food to each child. Happy she is back. She has been giving him light kisses through out the day. He sees her graud finally dropped. Finally giving in to him. Showing how much she really cares about him. He didn't want this to stop. He felt not tonight. I will hold on telling her for a few days. I just want to enjoy. What we have here. I just want to be with her.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now