Chapter 173 Can i talk to you?

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Chapter 173 Can I talk to you?

Another month goes by. Zero sees a big change in Yuki. She is more like her old self than ever. She is happy and alive. She goes to the Cafe three times a week to work. The rest of the time she is home. Being a mom and spending time with him. She still hasn't seen Kaname. She doesn't even bring him up. Kharis also hasn't been mentioned. Yuki has done her best to let it go. To not let it overtake her anymore. Zero told her. That he was hers and she finally believes it.

One afternoon while Yuki is working in the Cafe. Kaname walks in. He knows. She has been working there for the last month. He has been waiting for her to go to him. But she hasn't. He couldn't take it anymore. He went to her. Not able to stay away.

Kaname walks up to the counter and takes a seat. Yuki just turns around and smiles at him. She goes around the counter and gives him a big hug. "Oh, My girl. How I have missed you." Kaname states. "Same here. There were many times I was going to come to you. I just thought better of it." Yuki admits. "I am sorry. I just couldn't any longer. I missed our talks. I missed our lunches. I got your letter. Thank you for telling me the truth." Kaname responds. "It was the last part of my letting go. The last two months I have been working on myself. I had to let go of things that hurt me. To keep how I really felt inside all that time. Was driving me crazy. I felt so good to just let it go." Yuki replies. "So how are you and Zero?" Kaname asks. "We are great. The last month has been good for me. My feelings towards him have grown again. I see him for what he is. Like I use to. I'm not afraid anymore. I had to let go. It just took me a lot more time. Then I thought it would have." Yuki states. "Well, That's good to hear. At least you're happy." Kaname comments. "Yes. I actually am. I haven't been for a long time. I was stuck. I was miserable. How are you and Martha?" Yuki asks. "We are good. She spends a lot of time with me. I see her hang on my every word. She reminds me of you. When we were teens. How you use to look at me and melt."Kaname admits. "Oh, She has it bad huh?" Yuki says with a smile. "I think she does. It's nice having someone look at me that way. I enjoy it." Kamane remarks. "I am glad. Are you happy?" Yuki asks. "Yes. I still find myself thinking of you. I missed you very much." Kaname confesses. "Me too. When I stayed away. I lost our friendship. I really didn't want to let go of that part." Yuki admits. 

"Do you think we can go back to at least that? Friends? This not seeing each other at all, makes things worse." Kamane responds. "I think we can be friends. It just has to be friends Kaname. I know I was the one to start it last time. It was all my fault. I let my emotions take over. I didn't think of you or Zero. I don't want that happening again. I lost myself."Yuki comments. "I do see you are a lot better now. I do know. That its only as friends. I am fine with that. We were always best as that." Kaname replies. "We were. It feels so good to talk to you. Thank you for coming here." Yuki says. "I am glad you didn't ask me to leave. I really didn't know what to except. I just knew I had to come." Kamane answers. "I would never ask you to leave. You're my family. Will Martha be ok with us being friends? I don't want to get in the way." Yuki asks. "She knows. How I feel about you. She knows. I have been missing you like crazy. If she sees me happy. She will be happy. I will explain its just friends."Kaname responds. "I think. We should only see each other here and there. Let's not make it every day. Let's not hurt our partners. I don't want to start that again." Yuki admits. "I agree. I can come in here now and then to say hi. To talk to you. To just be in your life."Kaname says. "Sounds great." Yuki says. Giving Kaname another large hug before he leaves.

Yuki felt at ease talking to Kaname. Like her best friend was back. She realized that is what she was missing the most. Her best friend. Not being able to talk to him. Telling him every little thing. Like she use to. It was the only thing left bothering her. Now that was over. She just knew she had to keep it friends. Keep it under control. Never hurting the two innocent people they were with. She was doing and feeling great. She didn't want to fall back into the obese again. It wasn't worth it.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now