Chapter 180 Yuki Moving On.

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Chapter 180 Yuki Moving on.

It's been a few weeks. Yuki and Zero have been getting along great. So far there hasn't been any problems. Zero does his best to be home for dinner every night. He knows. That is the one thing. That she asks of him. He is fine with it. He understands. Plus he likes to be home for dinner. To sit down with the family. It was always something he missed when, they were not together. He was going to take advantage of it now. Not missing anything. He even let Yuki go there on her days off from the Cafe. To do his paperwork. He hated it. She only went once a week. She knew everything that was going on. She would get done fast. They would get to go home together. No one really thought anything of it. Since Yuki was on the council. Yagari knew the truth and really didn't care. He was happy to see his friends back together. Getting along. It was better than watching her with Kaname. Zero on the sidelines being abused.

Today Zero is at his desk. Which is now a regular thing. He went out on the field but only if it was something big. Otherwise, he was stuck to that damn desk. It wasn't all about paperwork. He did have to make decisions on what was going on. A lot of people would go to him asking him for his opinion. He was a big deal there. Everyone looked up to him. Zero enjoyed it. He got a high from it.

While sitting there, Martha comes running into Zero's office. "Martha, This better be important. You didn't even knock." Zero states. "Sorry, Boss. I just had to tell you. What was in today's paper. I am not sure. How you're going to like it. Kaname is a bit upset. He is worried about Yuki." Martha Replies. "Oh, No. What is it this time?" Zero asks. Martha handing Zero the paper. Kaname and Martha plastered on the front page.

The pureblood King. Cheats on his Queen. With no other than, Vampire hunter Martha Val. I guess. These purebloods just can't get enough of the hunters! We spotted them in a restaurant last evening. Holding hands and kissing. We are sure the Queen Lady Yuki, Won't like this. The poor woman can't get a break. Her men seem to cheat on her. Guess she can't keep them satisfied! Stay tuned. We will be keeping our eye out. To see what takes place next!

"SHIT!" Zero snaps. "I know. Kaname is so upset. He doesn't know if Yuki saw it or not yet. He doesn't know whether to call her or not. He is beside himself. He never wanted her to look bad. Or to hurt her." Martha remarks. "It wasn't him. Its the damn paper. Everything I could live with, but the last line. Can't satisfy. They sure love to hit her below the belt!" Zero hisses. I don't need her spinning out of control again. Everything is peaceful. We are so happy." Zero states. " I am so sorry Zero." Martha replies. "I'm going to the Cafe. I need to see her. To make sure she is ok. You can tell Kaname to meet me there." Zero comments. "Sure thing.

Zero gets up and drives to the Cafe. Hoping that Yuki is ok. He knows. Its all bullshit in the paper. He also knows that what they say hurt her. They always seem to use the people she loves against her. Saying the most hurtful things. She has gotten a lot better. He just didn't want to see her fall again.

Once Zero is at the Cafe, He sees Kaname walking down the street. He can tell. He is pissed. Which isn't something you could normally tell. Kaname was always in control of his feelings. Never letting on how he felt. This was written all over his face and body language. Zero then sees Martha pulling up behind him. Getting out of the car. "Ok, so I guess. We are all here to see her fall?" Zero snaps. "We are all concerned Zero. I made a mess. It's my fault." Kaname answers. "You didn't do anything but live your life. The paper is just being an ass."Zero states. "That may be true, but its hurting someone I love. I never wanted this" Kaname replies. "It will be fine. We are acting like she is going to be in pieces of something." Zero answers.

The three of them walking into the Cafe. Yuki behind the counter working. All Smiles. Her eyes gleaming at Zero. It was like he walked into the room alone. She only saw him. "Zero! She says. Its great to see you. Kaname, Martha you guys too. What can I do for you all?" Yuki says. Holding Zero's hand. Kaname walks up giving her a kiss on the cheek. Yuki hugs back and smiles at him. "Its good to see you Kaname." Yuki says. "We want to talk to you about something. We don't want you hurt by it."Kaname says. "Oh, guys. Gezzz You came in here like the walking dead. I know. I had my issues in the past. But really?" Yuki remarks. "Its the paper again babe." Zero admits. "Yea, I know. I saw. " Yuki answers. "You did?" Kaname asks. "Yes. Someone left it on the Cafe step this morning. Congrats to you and Martha. You are now officially a couple." Yuki says with a smile. Going over to hug Martha. "Yuki are you ok?" Zero asks. "I am more than ok. If they know that Kaname isn't with me anymore. We don't have to hide. I can kiss you, touch you. Do whatever I want to you in public. Not to mention If Lord Kaname can be with a Vampire Hunter. SO can I!" Yuki says proudly. Hugging Zero. "So your not hurt?" Kaname asks. "No. Not at all. If the part that you thought would hurt me was I didn't satisfy you. We both know otherwise. I don't want to hurt Zero or Martha. That wasn't being mean. I was just stating a fact. That was never a problem for us. So the paper can bite me." Yuki explains. Kaname nods. Zero trying not to remember that video, and Martha pretending she didn't hear it.

Knowing she was right. The sex they had was intense, It was hard for her or him to let go of. He also wished it never stopped. He keeps his thoughts to himself. Sitting down at the counter. Just watching as she pampers Zero. Giving him a cup of coffee and a sandwich. Babying him as always. Kaname was the one hurt by this. It did make him and Martha official. Making even in pretend. Him no longer with Yuki. The thought hurt him to the core. There would be no more, nights out to parties pretending to be her husband. No more staying over his house. No more needing him. He felt his world as he knew it. Gone.

Coming back to reality. Yuki gave him and Martha some coffee and food as well. Twirling around the Cafe happily. Zero just smiling at her. Kaname wanting to gag. Martha sitting next to him. Holding his hand. Kaname doing his best to keep his real feelings to himself. Not wanting to let any of them know inside. He was falling apart. He lost his girl, To that damn hotheaded fly of the handle Vampire hunter no less. The girl who looked at him like he was a god. No longer did. She was too busy looking at Zero. The words spoke around him, just sounded like static. He was lost in his own world.

"Zero you will be home early tonight right?" Yuki asks. "Yes, babe. I promise." Zero replies. "Good. So Martha how do you like dating Kaname?" Yuki asks. "I love it. He is a sweetheart." Martha replies. " I am so glad. He found someone that loves him like you do. He really does deserve it." Yuki replies. Smiling at Kaname. He gives a half smile. "Well. Since my girl is ok. I will be going. I have a lot of work to do. I will see you later Martha." Kaname says as he gets up from his stool. Walking over to Yuki. Giving her a kiss and hug. "I am glad you're ok with this." Kaname whispers in her ear. Before heading out the door. Zero notices that Kaname wasn't his normal self. Zero sees how Yuki doesn't dote on him anymore. Trying to leave that for Martha. Yuki let go. Kaname didn't. Zero just goes on to drink his coffee. Martha leaving to go back to work. He sits there with Yuki just talking about the day. Feeling free. No more hiding. Yuki kisses and touches him. Not caring who sees it. If it was good enough for the King. Its good enough for her!

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now