Chapter 38 Kidnapped

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Chapter 38 Kidnapped

A few days after, Yuki and Zero head to the market to get some things. They need at the campus. It's been months since Yuki left Cross. Zero thought. It would be a good idea for her to get out, and try to forget some of what is going on. She isn't fully herself, by any means. At least she is spending more time with Zero. She is getting closer to him. She has been training with Kamane to improve and learn how to balance her Powers. It's very hard for her to be around him. She tries her best though. Concealing how she feels. She is torn inside. At the moment, Zero is happy. She is connecting with him again. He keeps his eye on Kaname, but isn't too worried at the moment.

While they are shopping and spending time together, Zero sees a child in distress. He leaves Yuki to shopping. He goes over to see, what is the matter is. All of a sudden, the child and Zero are taken. Nezera with his Fire Dangers in the back of Zero. Watch. What you do or the kid gets it. Just walk to the car, and keep your mouth shut. The purple hair kid says. Zero complies. He doesn't want the child hurt. Meanwhile, Yuki is shopping and noticed that Zero isn't there. She calls his name. She realizes he is gone. She knows he would never go too far, or even disappear on her. She feels he is alive. Just something is wrong. She always has her butterfly on him following him, so she can follow him as well. She breaks into small butterflies. Searching for him. An empty pit in the center of Yuki's stomach. She knows he is strong and can take care of himself, but she still worries. We are finally back together. Now, this. She takes over her control and continues to look for him.

Meanwhile, Zero, the child, and Nezera pull up to this abandoned building. He pushes Zero out into the basement with the child in a cage. "Get over there, He tells Zero. Either you do everything I say, or the kid gets it". A small little girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. Pale and scared. Sitting in a cage. Nezera states. Zero does as told. Yoshiko comes down from upstairs."I see you got him? How nice of you to show up here Zero." She says. With an evil grin."What do you want from me? "Zero snaps. "I want to hurt you, make Yuki suffer. I see. She took you back into her bed after all that. You really must be something for her not to be able to let you go. " Yoshiko Hisses." You will never know a love like mine and Yuki's. Something like you, no one could love. " Zero snaps back. "OH please." She responds like your Yuki is so much different than me. Strap him to the table Nezera!" Yoshiko shouts." Remember my dear Zero. One thing you try the kid gets it. I was going to take one of your own, but that would have taken too long. This was far easier." She explains. Maybe next time. Nezera bolts Zero down to a long table." You are supposed to be the most strongest Vampire hunter ever. "She says. Let's Have some fun with you. If I take your blood maybe I can test what's all going on inside you. I can take muscle, and pick at your lovely body piece by piece. The time I return you to Yuki, she won't be able to play with you anymore." She laughs, with an evil tone. "But then again." She states "She will only go to my father. Wouldn't you love that Zero? My father's hands all over your dear Yuki. It won't be the first time, Won't be the last. You mean to tell me Zero? You can't see the passion in her for my father? How she looks at him? How when he touches her she shivers? How long you think, she is going to hold back? You know. I'm right Zero." She declares. She may love you, but he has chains all over her. You're never going to break them. Trust me I tried. Zero just listening. 

Trying to keep as calm as he can. Thinking Yuki is going to be so upset. So worried. He is the one trapped, yet all he can think about was Yuki's Feelings. Yoshiko proceeds to take some blood from Zero. Looking at his long lean body over. "I can see why she likes you." She giggles. You're not so bad on the eyes. "I just don't understand. What two handsome, well to do men, would want with the tiny little twit". She snaps. She has both of you under her spell. Zero takes a good look at her. She has long brown hair flowing down her back, Her eyes red-brown just like Kamanes. He sees the anger in her he sees in Yuki. While he is examining his abductor. He sees the butterflies surround him. Knowing and feeling Yuki is here. He gets a bit concerned about what is about to happen. All of a sudden the place starts the shake. The walls start to crack. Yuki appears. She takes the child out of the cage. 

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