Chapter 70 Christmas.

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Chapter 70 Christmas

A few days later, it's finally Christmas. Ai, Seiya and their daughter Erika made it. So did Kamane. It's early morning and everyone is up opening there presents. Kamane sitting next to Yuki. Giving her full attention. He missed her. Since he hasn't seen her all week. Zero is with the twins handing out the presents. "Yuki this one is from me." Zero says." "Thank you Zero. You really didn't have to get me anything." She smiles at him. "Opening this small box, inside a heart with there children's photo engraved. "Oh Zero its gorgeous. I Love it. Thank you so much!" She says. and she gives him a light hug. Kamane just watching. Seeing a different interaction with these two. "There is a gift under there from me to you also Zero" She says. Zero opens the box. It has there last family photo in a gold picture frame. The frame saying family is forever. " Thank you its very nice." Zero replies. The kids open theirs. Wrapping paper is all over the house. ZJ excited for his new bike and video games. Everyone interested in what they got. "This is from me." Kamane hands Yuki a small box. "The big gift is at home waiting for you." Spoiling me again aren't you?" Yuki grins. as she puts her hands on his face and kisses him. Zero's heart dropping to the floor. 

Yuki opens the small box to show a pair of diamond heart earrings. "Oh, Kamane They are so pretty. Thank you." She says. She then hands him a present. "For me?" Kamane asks. "Of course. You didn't think? I would forget you? Did you?" Yuki asks. "No of course not." Kamane opens the box to a very expensive watch. "Yuki, How did you know?" " I have seen you looking at it every time we passed by the jewelry shop. I never understood why you didn't get it. So I figured. I would get it for you. Enjoy it. " Yuki responds. "Thank you. I will. I Love it. Because you got it for me it means even more." Kamane adds. "I'm going to go work on dinner. You behave out here please." Yuki says as she picks up Anna and takes her with her. Kamane a little confused. "I'm always good or at least I try to be." Kamane replies. Soon as Yuki goes into the kitchen, Yoshiko goes over to her father. "Well, father your plan isn't working anymore. These two are growing a bond again. She even likes the little girl now. You better watch yourself." She says. Kamane looking at her, not thinking she knew he was behind this. "I am sure things will be ok." Kamane responds. Taking in what his daughter just told him. Giving a Glare to Zero. "Well Zero, should I be marking my territory now?" Kamane says. "Why am I making you worry?" Zero responds. "Naw not at all. I Just remember. How I made you worry." Kamane says. "Not anymore you don't. I don't have to mark my territory. It's always been mine. Always will be. No matter how hard you try. You can't change that Kamane. You can never make her feel like I do." Zero says and walks into the kitchen. "You ok Zero?" Yuki asks. "Yes just coming to get some Eggnog. How is little Anna doing?" Zero asks. "She is great. She is helping me prepare dinner." Yuki smiles at Zero.

After a few, they all sit down for dinner. Kamane holding Yuki's hand. Everyone eating and enjoying themselves. Zero peering over every now and then to see how Yuki and Kaname interact. He just can't help himself. A pain in his heart knowing this is the last night before Yuki leaves. After dinner, Yuki cleans up with the Help of Kamane. He stays with her watching her interact with Anna. "Yuki is everything ok?" Kamane asks. "Yes never better. Why?" She responds. "Well I know, this child wasn't one of your favorite. You seem to be gushing all over her now." Kamane states. "Yes, While being here I have gotten very attached to this little pumpkin. It's so nice to have a baby around again. I Know. She isn't mine but I am putting that in the past. I can't let that eat away at me. She didn't do it. She was as innocent as I was. We were just stuck in the middle of that bitches plan." Yuki admits. "Yuki you know if you want another child. I would be more than willing to have one with you. One we can raise together."Kamane states. "Yes, I thought about it. I thought better of it. I don't have the time like I use to. I'm so busy with the Cafe and catering. Now working on takeout. It wouldn't be fair to that child. Plus trying to get pregnant the last few times wasn't so easy. I don't want to put myself through that again. I will just enjoy her. Its like she makes up for the one I lost." Yuki confesses. "Ok, if you ever change your mind just let me know. Ok?" Kamane states. "Yes, and thank you." Yuki remarks.

 He holds her close and kisses her passionately. "I missed you, I want to make love to you." Kamane states. " I missed you too but I don't think. I can do that here with all our kids and Zero. I feel uncomfortable."Yuki States. "Well as long as you don't scream like you do at home. No one should know. What we are doing." Kamane states as he kisses down her neck. "You're not going to make this easy for me to resist are you?" She mummers. "Nope." He replies. "Well, you are going to have to wait then. Let's finish cleaning up. Then we will go to bed." Yuki answers. "Ok, I will go up now so it doesn't look so suspicious. I will be waiting for you." Kamane remarks. Ok.

Yuki cleans up. The kids still in the family room playing their new games. Zero playing with them. She takes one good last look. As tomorrow she knows its all over. Back to there regular homes. Back to there regular lives. It was fun to be a family again for the week at least. She thought to herself. "Good night everyone. I will see you tomorrow before I leave." Yuki announces. "Night Mom" The kids say. "Night Yuki" Zero says. As he watches her go upstairs to bed with Kamane. He feels a low come over him. How he wished it was him instead. That they could go back to what they had. To this last week that was so perfect. You would think nothing ever took place. Do I fight to get her back? Or just let her stay as she is? The thought of never being with her again hurt him to the core.

Around three in the morning, Yuki goes downstairs, as she can't sleep. She starts taking down some of the decorations and cleaning up for Zero. She knows. He will have Anna to take care of. No time for anything else. She packs and keeps most of the stuff, just leaving up one Christmas tree. Zero a little dozy comes downstairs. He heard something stirring. "Yuki you cleaned everything up?" Zero says with a yawn. "Yes, I know. You wouldn't have time. So I thought. I would help you. I can't sleep anyway." Yuki admits. "Ahh, your trusty pillow isn't with you huh? "He Grins. "No, it isn't." She replies. "You can always come over to the sofa and use it." Zero states. "I would love to but that might not be the best of ideas tonight. Everything went so well. Let's just leave it that way." Yuki comments. "Ok, I understand. Thank you for cleaning up." Zero says. "Your welcome. I will be leaving early in the morning. If I don't see you. Thank you for having me for Christmas and letting me play mommy to Anna." Yuki states. "You're not playing Yuki. You are her mom as long as you want to be. Really thank you. I would have never been able to pull any of that off without you. " Zero confesses. "Your welcome. Good night Zero. Good night Yuki.

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