Chapter 120 You Need to let go of me.

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Chapter 120 You need to let go of me.

Its been a few days, since the shooting. Zero will go to see Yuki. To make sure, she is getting better. He tries his best to keep his distance. She has noticed this and isn't very happy about it. She knows. She needs to talk some sense into him.

Zero comes that day to see her again. He normally, only stays a few minutes. To offer her blood. To see, if she is ok. "How are you today?" Zero asks. "I'm doing a lot better. Can you please come to sit next to me?" Yuki asks. "I'm not staying long. I will be heading back to the Cafe. I need to get to bed early. So I can get up early to have the fresh bread done." Zero states. "You can spend some time with me. I miss you." Yuki says. "I know. Sorry." Zero replies. Trying his best not to go close to her. He knows. He will fall right back into her arms. "I am glad you're doing better. I am going to go now." Zero states. Walking out the door. Yuki's heart just drops. She wants to be close to him. Wants to be with him. She knows. Its hard, but he isn't making this any easier. She gets herself out of bed and grabs her coat. Keeping her nightgown on. Going downstairs, towards the front door. Kamane sees but doesn't get in her way. He knows. There is no use. It wouldn't stop her. It would just let her think. He was in the way again.

She walks down the street and opens the Cafe door with her key. Placing the kitchen light on. Making it look like someone, is in the kitchen baking. Then she heads upstairs to the apartment. Walking down the hall, to the front door. She places the key in the door. Zero hearing someone is there. Sensing it's her. "What are you doing here Yuki? "Zero asks. "I want to be with you. I don't know. What you're trying to prove, But this is bullshit. Your not protecting me Zero. Your only hurting me. I need you." Yuki states. "You don't need me. You will be better off without me. I am only in your way. I always was. I just never saw it till now. I was too stubborn." Zero announces. 

"That's not true!" Yuki says. walking over to Zero. Placing her hand on his face. "Don't. No good will come out of it." Zero states. "Don't push me away. You wanted this. Now you have it. You promised me you would never leave me!" Yuki replies. "I didn't know. What I was doing. I know better now." Zero responds. "Don't bullshit me Zero." She says pulling him close to her. Kissing him passionately. She wraps her arms around him tightly, and won't let go. Zero wants to fight her, but his heart and body can't. He wants her as much, as she wants him. He picks her up and carries her to the bed. Making sure he doesn't hurt her shoulder. She keeps kissing him and looking into his eyes. Trying her best to show him just how much, she does love him. He knows. This is a bad idea. It will only give her the wrong idea, but he can't help himself.

 He makes love to her. She spends the night in his bed at the Cafe, wrapped in his arms. He knows if he sticks around. This is what will happen. That he will give in to her. He knows for this to work, that he will have to leave. He is just waiting for the party.

While Yuki is laying in his arms. She knows something is up. She knows Zero is fighting her. That he is now playing her game. It makes her sad to know, they had just a few days of peace. Now back to this. "Zero I want you to stop this." Yuki remarks. "I can't be here Yuki. It's not safe for you or the children. I will need to go away for a while. After the party, I will be leaving." Zero responds. "I don't want you to go. I don't want this. I want us to go back to our lives." Yuki says. "I know. We can't. if I'm not around the council will see you and Kamane together. It will look real. If it happens to turn real. I won't hold it against you." Zero replies. "Are you crazy? How long do you plan on leaving for?" Yuki shouts. "I don't know. When I will be coming back. I think its best for us to have a break." Zero remarks. " We just had a month break. Did you see? How that went? Did you see where that got us? Remember our bond Zero. It's not going away. Why do you always have to be so stubborn!?" Yuki hisses. "It was my fault, it didn't go away. I pushed and pushed. You were doing fine without me. I just couldn't let that be. I see. I was wrong now. I should of just let you stay with Kamane." Zero admits. "I don't want Kamane. I want you! How many times do you want to play with my emotions? How much more do you think I can take?" Yuki huffs. "If I'm not here. Your emotions will be fine. You will forget me in time." Zero says. 

"What the hell are you smoking? Did they put something in your drink? You are talking out of your ass Zero. I love you but I sure do hate when you start this Shit. Forget you? What do you think I tried to do? When you left with Kharis? This time is worse your not being controlled. It's you. Your leaving because your a big damn baby! You can't fight the fight? We always have before." Yuki snaps. "I know you're mad. I know your upset. Its why you can't see clearly. You were right the whole time. It was me." Zero says getting up from the bed. "No, Don't you dare walk away." Yuki states getting up and walking after him. Grabbing his arm. Pushing him to her. "You can't fake this. When I kiss you. You feel it too. You always have. Don't do this!" Yuki pleads. Zero kisses her back. Then let's go to get his coat. "When you're done here. Lock up. I will be out for awhile." Zero says walking out the door. Yuki feeling defeated and hurt to the core. How could he just give up like that? How could he just leave? It was like the night, he left eight years ago and asked for a divorce. She was reliving it all over again. The pain in her chest too much to bear.

She picks herself up going home to Kaname's House. She just walks upstairs bypassing him. Going into the bedroom, falling down on the bed. Tears streaming down her face. Hurt through and through.

Zero across the street, sitting on the park bench, feeling the same. He loved her more than anything in this world. Trying his best to protect her, like she always did him. Just this time, hurting her to protect her. Could he really do this? Never see her again. Never hold her again. Most of all being the cause of it. Knowing he kept telling her he would never leave. To trust him. Now to walk out. He knew if he went through with this. There was no going back. She would close herself off again like she always did. She would be cold and hurt. Never letting him back in. Never trusting him again. He sat there alone, in pain. What would my life be without her? The month was so bad. He thought he would die. What would he do for a lifetime?

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