Chapter 196 Bring in the big bitch

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Chapter 196 Bring in the big bitch!

A few days later Zero wants to go back to the association. He wants to talk to Yagari. Zero wants to have a meeting. Yuki is feeling more like herself. She wants to go also. Zero really wish. She would stay home and rest but Yuki being Yuki won't listen. She wants to be there also.

When they get to the association, Yagari, Aiko, Martha, and Kaname are already waiting in Zero's office. Yuki and Zero walk in. "We need to Discuss Mika. She is bringing all kinds of problems. I would like to talk to Nezera about her. Maybe he can control her. Or do something. This can't go on. The things she sends us are terrible. She is playing with our lives. We can't move on with her constant games." Zero states. "Why Should Nezera Help you, dad? You have always been nothing but rude to him. Now you need his help." Aiko states. "Well if he really cares about you. I don't think he would like your mother and father and whole family going through this shit. If you say he is as good as you think." Zero responds. "Maybe if you would give a person a chance before judging dad." Aiko responds. "Please stop. Both of you. This is important. We need to put our personal feelings on the side for now." Yuki states.

As they are all standing there. All of a sudden. Mika teleports behind them. "Hey bitches. What ya talkin about? You wouldn't be talking about me now, would you? It's such a shame. That people don't like to hear the truth about themselves and others. It's not my fault they don't really like their true Self." Mika states. "You need to stop this shit." Zero states. "You gonna make me? Mr. Hot headed? I just loved your performance the other day! I Love the way you redecorated Kaname's House. That door in the middle of the floor rocked!"Mika giggles. "Oh wait not to mention the broken back. You gave your own wife. How are the bruises? Still hurt there Yuki?" Mika adds with a chuckle. Yuki looks at Zero. Zero heart stops. "Knock it off Mika!" Zero shouts. "Ahh Did I touch a nerve? OH, Booo Hooo. What about that special little note. Yuki sent Kaname. Tsk Tsk. That love letter sure was something. I bet you would never image who really sent you a copy of it Zero? It wasn't me." Mika states. "Then who the hell was it?" Zero asks. "It was your precious Yuki. Bet you didn't see that coming! The guilt just ate her away. She had to see if you would react. You were a good boy for that one. You just couldn't take the one I sent you. You thought it was a lie. Tsk Tsk. You should know me by now. I sent real shit. Not jokes. I laugh at you. You don't laugh at me! Your darling Yuki and her sweet dear Kaname. I might not have pictures of it. But they are not so innocent as you think. At your birthday party. Dear Kaname, Just couldn't resist your wife. He controlled her To feel everything he did to Martha. Why do you think you got so lucky that night deary? IT wasn't just your looks!" Mika Giggles. Zero just looks at Yuki. She gives no reaction. "Do you like destroying people lives? Kaname asks." Of course, I do. Why do you think I am doing this dummy? Oh, we can't forget your little Martha over there. She is no better you know. She did work for me at the start. Then she betrayed me for you Kaname. Only thing is. She wants to be a vampire just like you. So she can be your queen and take over Yuki's spot. Then anyone would be a better Queen than that." Mika says rolling her eyes. "It still puzzles me how two hot, men as yourselves want that. Fight over that? Little Martha over there does things to Kaname, Yuki never dreamed of. ANd yet he wants Yuki. Sad ,Sad Boy. But there is one more little confession that needs to be told. Dear little miss Yuki. Everyone thinks your such a goodie, goodie. I guess no one really knows what a real bitch you are. Not even YOur darling Zero. You confided in Kaname but never told Zero the truth. Your dear sweet Yuki is a Murder. NO better than me. She wanted the council dead. She hired me to get the job done. She even wanted me to torture the head one. IT was one of her requests. See, I'm not the only bad bitch here. She just hides hers. I tell the truth of what I am. Aww everyone is so quiet. I was excepting more oh shits. And Mr hot-headed didn't break any doors. I wanted him to redecorate in person." She giggles.

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