Chapter 140 Pissed

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Chapter 140 PISSED!

Zero knew why. Yuki didn't want to go to the Cafe with him. She knew. Once he touched her it was over. She couldn't hide her true feelings being, that close to him. He knew it was the only thing to do. He wasn't going to let her push him away and get cold again. He pushed her closer to him. Kissing her deeply. Lifting her. Putting her on the counter behind her. Unbuttoning her blouse. Pushing his body up against hers. He made love to her on the counter, Feeling the want and desire still there. Made him feel better. He knew, today hurt her badly. He wasn't going to make it hurt there relationship. When they were done. He carried her to his office in the cafe. Laying her down on the sofa. Laying next to her. Holding her close.

" Do you think that makes everything better?" Yuki asks. "I know it doesn't. It does show you how close we are. How we want the other. I am not letting you push me away this time." Zero remarks. " I am still not over what happened today Zero. Its close to ten years ago. They are still talking about it. It still hurts me like it was yesterday." Yuki admits. " I know. I know. I stirred it back up by going back there. I'm Sorry. I am not proud of what they are saying. I would never hurt you that way. I don't give a shit about that pureblood crap any longer. I haven't for a long time. I don't see you as that. I see you as my wife and mother of my children. I want to go back to that. As much as you do. I also know. The other day you were trying to get my partner off my back. I didn't really like how you did it. I did my best to stay quiet." Zero announces. "I knew, that would piss you off some. I guess in a way I wanted to piss you off. You don't seem to listen to me any other way." Yuki remarks. "I know you're pissed at me Yuki. Tonight showed me just how much. You almost went dark again. I saw that in you. I hate that." Zero states. "I'm sorry. It's hard not to go dark as you call it. When people are making a laughing stock out of you. When its the one thing that hurts you more than anything. I don't want to talk about it anymore. I am still mad at you. Making love didn't make it go away." Yuki Huffs. Turning her back to Zero. "You know that's not going to work." Zero states. Kissing her neck and down her back. Holding her close as he stirs her body up again. He makes love to her again, showing her how hard it is to resist him. Even though she is mad at him this time. She still let go into his arms.

"It's not nice using sex as a weapon." Yuki states. "I'm not. I just want you. I can't help it." Zero replies. "This relationship is so screw up." Yuki sighs as she puts her head on Zero's chest. They fall asleep.

Zero spending the night. Knowing it was better not to leave her. He knew. Her thoughts took over her, worse then his did. It was Wednesday anyway. He would be working there today and be around her. Trying to fix the mess that took place. He also felt. He should call Kamane. That he was probably worried sick. Its been all night.

In the morning Yuki gets up. Putting her clothes on. "I'm going to go put the open sign up. You can take care of things while I go home and get cleaned up. Kamane is probably wondering where I went to." Yuki states. "I called him. He knows your safe." Zero replies. " Thank you." Yuki replies. Still not her regular self. Still upset.

Yuki heads home walking into the townhouse, Kamane sitting on the sofa reading the morning paper. " Are you feeling better today?" Kamane asks. "No, Not really. I'm the laughing stock of the hunters association and probably was the whole time to the Counsel. Is that why they wanted him dead? Not because he was with me. But because he left me and made a fool out of me Kamane?" Yuki asks. "Yes. They couldn't stand that a Hunter would do that to a pureblood. Its what they were afraid of the whole time. No one really knows that Zero was controlled but us and a few friends. The rest think. He did it willingly. That he got tired of you and disposed of you." Kamane remarks. "Why didn't you tell me?" Yuki shouts. "Because how much pain can one person handle in a lifetime? It didn't matter why they wanted him dead. They just wanted him dead." Kamane comments. "Great. its almost ten years and still they talk about it. I did finally go with you though and be with my own kind. I heard that one also." Yuki hisses. "Yes. You already knew how they felt about us. If they ever know you left me for him. I will be destroyed. The whole vampire society will love that a Hunter stole the Kings, Queen. Now, do you understand why I have been so pissy at times?" Kamane asks. 

"Yes. I am truly sorry. For all the pain. For all this mess. I don't want you hurt like I was yesterday. You don't deserve it. I will behave. I will also never let them know otherwise. I promise. If you ever want to move on. Just say you dumped me. I am already the laughing stock." Yuki says. Tears filling her eyes. "You are not a laughing stock. I am so sorry I had anything to do with that." Kamane admits. "It was going to happen either way. She wanted him. Maybe I should of let her have him." Yuki announces. "Yuki, I know that's not true. You're just upset. I know hearing about Kharis and Zero hurts you. You do remember? He was controlled?" Kamane asks. "It doesn't make it different. He stood there in front of me being a real ass. Being his hurting self. Saying things that ripped me to the core. It's not something you can forget. When things like this come back up it just reminds me of all that happened. It weighs me down. I don't know. There has been so much lately. I am just tried." Yuki confesses. " I can understand that. If you can hold on for a few more months. You will get what you want." Kamane responds. "Yea. Do I even still want it?" Yuki says. walking upstairs to the bathroom to get washed up.

Kamane took back from her last statement. Knowing that yesterday reopened the wound. Remembering all the pain. She went through. All the hurt. How she closed Zero off. How it pushed her towards Kamane. He knew. Zero would fix it somehow. That he wouldn't let her go. He already had been here so many times. He wasn't getting involved. It was just another thing in the way for a short time. They will be fine. Kamane thought. Knowing. This was always a big mess. that he caused. Wishing so hard he never met Zero.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now