Chapter 2 Growing

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Chapter two

Its been a few months now. Yuki is still not her full self, but little by little looking better. Thanks to Zero. He has been by her side. Doing everything. He could make her feel better and mostly safe. She has moved back into the Mansion. She shared with Kamane. It holds memories that haunt her now and then. The memories of the time they spent together, is all over the place. Zero tries to get her to go out. Spending as much time with her, as he can. He no longer lives at the Academy. He works for the Vampire Hunter Association. They gave him an apartment to use. Yagari is still training him. He is advancing quite fast. It keeps him busy, but he manages to visit Yuki, as often as he can. Not to mention, he has been giving her blood to satisfy her, and the baby. Since she has become pregnant the need for blood has doubled. Zero doesn't mind at all since she always took care of him. She still does offer him, her blood. Not to mention, he only craves her blood. The same goes for her. It's quite intimate. Zero loves it. He and Yuki haven't advanced much as a couple. She is taking it slow. Zero lets her. For at the moment, he is afraid. He will run her off if he acts too fast. Her emotions are still all over the place. Being pregnant hasn't seemed to change that, just make it worse. She is excited about the baby though. It seems to give her a reason to live. Which makes Zero happy.

One night Zero has been invited over to Yuki's for dinner. She is in the kitchen. Cooking some pasta. Of course, she has maids to do it, but Yuki wanted to do it herself. She was excited that Zero was coming over. Which she hasn't felt excited in a long while. It has now been a year that Kamane, has been dead. She is still pregnant since Vampires take two to four years to have their children. She is dressed in a flowery knee-length dress, that shows off her cute little tummy. Her soft auburn hair is long and flowing down her back in curls. When Zero walks in, she is in front of the stove cooking. Its a lovely sight for him. "Zero!" She shouts. Running over and giving him a big hug. I missed you so much. Zero smiles and feels warm inside to know that, she missed him. "It hasn't been that long since I seen you Yuki. Only last week. I will take that you missed me as a good sign. I missed you as well, always do." Zero states. " I know silly." She answers." I thought about you a lot this week. I was very excited. You were coming for dinner. It gave me something to look forward to. I felt like myself." "I am so glad Yuki." He replies. I have been so busy with work. So tired, or I would have come to visit sooner. How do you feel? Looking at her in the flowery dress with her belly showing through. He can't help but smile. "I feel tired, but good Zero. This little one inside me is growing every day. I can't wait to meet him or her." Yuki replies. " Me either." Replies Zero. Do you need blood Yuki? "Always silly. Its like I can't get enough. I thank you for helping out with that. I don't want to drink anyone else's blood, but yours." Yuki responds "No problem Yuki." he says with a gleam in his eye. I feel the same. After dinner, we will exchange blood.

Ok, Zero. Dinner is almost ready. Why don't you sit at the table? I will get our plates. "Yuki. Please. Let me help. You're Pregnant. I can get our plates. You sit down at the table." Zero comments. " Well since you insist." She giggles as she looks into his lavender eyes. For the first time, in a long time. She looks at Zero and smiles. Seeing him a bit differently. She goes to sit at the table, While Zero holds two plates of pasta in his hands. Laying one in front of her, one in front of him. They each sit down to enjoy their dinner. As he eats, he notices that Yuki is glancing at him, as she eats. Trying for him not to notice, but he does. He can't help but think this is different. Yuki?" He says. Is everything ok? Yes. Zero why would you think it's not? "I just see you're staring at me. Anything you wanted to say?" Zero asks. Yuki blushes and puts her head down into the pasta dish. I am just glad you're here Zero. I don't know. What I would have done this year, without you. "It's ok. Yuki. I am glad. I can be here with you." Zero replies. She looks up at him and keeps staring into his sparkly Lavender eyes. His white/grayish hair falling into them as usual. As She keeps looking at him. She feels something different. Something warm inside her." This is how it should be." Zero says as she is looking at him. "I really enjoy spending time with you. I would like to spend more time with you. If you would like me to?" Zero asks. Yuki's heart starts to beat faster. She feels happy and excited to know this. I would like that Zero. "Good. I am glad." He replies. Well, let's clean up the table, and get you some other food before the little one starts acting up. They both look at each other and laugh.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now