Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 Graduation

Its been another year. Ai is graduating high school. The twins are seven. Yuki is planning the Graduations party. She is so proud of Ai. She is a very smart beautiful young lady. She is a lot like Kamane. Yuki sees him in her more and more. Zero has kept his little conversation with Hanabusa to himself this last year. The fear for him is always there. It gives him nightmares. He always thinks that if Kaname is reawakened his life as he knows it is over. Zero has become used to the normal everyday life of being a husband and father. He considers Ai he own. He doesn't want Kamane to just come in. To take over. So many things go through his mind. The last year has been torture for him. The main thought that goes through his mind, is that Yuki will see Kamane again. She falls into his arms. That everything they have shared, over these eighteen years will be gone. Hanabusa was a true friend. He hasn't said a word about anything to anyone. He acts as though, he is still trying to find a way.

A day before the Graduation Yuki is gathering up all the stuff for the Dinner party. She just loves to throw parties. Zero lets her do anything. He wants just to see her happy. Plus Yuki doesn't get to throw that many of them since she is always working. The other baby they were thinking of having, Didn't happen yet due to her getting more focused on work. Which Zero is OK with. He felt that trying to hold her down wasn't a good idea. If she wanted to have another child, it would come out of her head.

The next day comes so fast. Yuki is laying in bed with Zero. Just waking up. "Good morning Zero." She says. Good morning babe. "Wow. Can you believe today she is graduating? It seems just like yesterday I had her." Yuki says. "I know." Zero replies. "The time went by really fast. She is a woman now. That makes me feel old." Yuki says to Zero. Oh, babe. You're not old at all. Your still that beautiful girl. I fell in love with so many years ago. She kisses Zero on the head. "Can you believe we been married for eight teen years?" Yuki says. No seems just like yesterday for that as well. Are you ever going to get tired of me Zero? "No." He says. Never. I can't image my life without you. Just the thought hurts me. As he pulls her closer to him. Aw Zero I love you so much. You are so handsome. I just find myself staring at you sometimes. Taking in that your mine. "Oh really?"Zero Asks. Yes, When we are patrolling, I just watch how strong you are. Your lean sexy body gleams in the moonlight. Zero looks at her blushing. Not to mention, when I see you with our kids. This strong man so gentle with them. It makes me so proud and happy you want me. That you are with me. I wouldn't give it up for anything Zero. "That makes me really happy to know that Yuki." Zero says. I love our life also. I don't ever want to give it up. "There isn't any reason to." Yuki responds. It will change though as our children get older. I have to say. I am really going to miss it. Today is bittersweet. My baby is growing up. Zero hugs her tighter. She is still very close to you Yuki, That will never change.

They both get up and dresses. Get the little ones dressed, and off to the Ceremony. Ai is already there with Seiya. She is class valedictorian. She started out early so she could practice her speech. Yuki and Zero meet up with Hanabusa and Yori. Sitting next to each other waiting for it to start. "Cameras ready."Yori says. "You bet." says Yuki. Hanabusa asks Zero" if he is OK. Yes, I'm fine. Today is a special day. I get to see my girl graduate. I wouldn't miss this for anything. I consider her my own. I raised her from day one. "I know Zero, You did a great job too. She loves you very much. I see she wears that locket every day." Hanabusa states. Yes, every since Kamane gave it to her.  She never took it off. That's fine with me. I understand that. He is her real father."It's starting." Hanabusa says. They watch as the class goes down the aisle, Ai goes up to make her speech. Yuki and Zero are so proud of her. They start giving out there diploma's. Yuki has tears in her eyes. Zero puts his arm around her. She gets closer to him. Sharing the moment together. When its all over. AI takes pictures with Hanabusa, Zero, Yuki, Yori Seiya, and the twins. Ai called it her Second Family picture. That she adores. She just loves Hanabusa and Yori. Zero walks with Ai putting his arm around her. I am very proud of you kid. "Thank you, daddy." She replies. "I see you wore your necklace." Zero says. Of course dad. I always wear it. It has all the people in it. I treasure Most. Mommy, You and my other dad. It means a lot to me. I do need to get one with Seiya in it though. I treasure him as well. Zero's heart is full. Happy to know that he is one. She treasures. Yes, that is a good idea, I know you have strong feelings for him. Yes, dad, I want to marry him. "Well if that is what you want. I am glad. You know how you feel. It took me awhile to realize. How I really felt about your mother and almost lost her" Zero states. "You, are never going to lose her now Dad. Have you ever saw, how she looks at you?" Ai asks. "I guess not." Zero responds. Dad. She looks at you like your the only man in the world to her. Zero smiles. I wish that was true Ai. Dad it is. You need to have more confidence in yourself and your relationship. Please don't make my other father over shadow it. Zero looks shocked. I'm not a child anymore Dad. I see and know things. What you two have is very special. Not too many people have this. As my other father told me, treasure it. Zero hugs Ai tight with a tear going down his cheek. My Ai girl has grown up.

Zero and Ai meet up with the rest of the family. Getting into the car, heading home to the Special dinner Yuki is having for AI and Seiya. When they get home, Kaien, Yargari, Ruka, and Akatsuki are already there. They all say congratulations. They take more pictures. Yuki serving ordures and Champagne. After an hour, its time for dinner and everyone sits down. Yuki serving beef tenderloin, red mashed potatoes, Mix veggies, and dinner rolls. "Yuki everything seems wonderful." Yori says. "Thank you Yori," Yuki replies. "I Just want to say, before we start eating, Congratulations to Seiya and Ai On graduating. I hope the very best for both of you. Whatever each of you wants to do, I hope comes true." Yuki says. Everyone then starts eating, all enjoying the meal. After dinner, when Dessert comes out. Ai says. She has something to announce. Ai stands up, now that I have you all here in one place. I feel its the right time to let all of you know. That Seiya and I are getting married. She lifts up her left hand to show a gorgeous diamond ring. "Oh, My God." Shouts Hanabusa, Zero we are going to be related. Hanabusa giving Zero a big hug. Zero standing there, shaking his head. Yuki and Yori look at each other and smile and hug. Congratulations you two everyone says. They all hug the happy couple. "When are you getting married?" Yuki says. "Next year at this time." Ai responds. Zero looks at Yuki and says. "I guess another party for you to plan babe." Yuki smiles at zero, and responds." I guess so. "Kaien Starts Crying. Waterworks everywhere. My grandbaby is getting married. Ai not like her mom and dad. Goes over to Kaien and says "Granddaddy stop crying." and hugs him. She treats him with great respect. Just like her father Kamane. Ohhh, My girl, she cries louder. Zero rolling his eyes. There he goes again. Never an occasion, he doesn't do that.

Hanabusa taking Zero to the side. Man, I'm really glad we are becoming family. It has been like this for a while. This just makes it official. "Yes." Zero says, "it sure does. I am a little worried though," Zero admits. "Why?" Hanabusa Asks. "She is a pureblood. He isn't. Is that going to cause ruffles with counsel? I know what me and Yuki went through. We never actually told anyone, besides the people here tonight. That we were married. It's been eighteen years. I just don't want that for them as well." Zero says. Hanabusa Nods. I see your point, but a lot has changed over the years. It shouldn't be like when you guys did it. No matter what though we will be here for them. He isn't a vampire hunter either. So it should be fine. "Yes, we will. I hope so."Zero says.

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