Chapter 45 Confronting your fears

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Chapter 45 Confronting your fears.

A few days later. Yuki is in the kitchen cleaning up. She has washed the dishes straightening up. All of a sudden, she turns around, and Ichiru is standing there. Yuki's eyes turn red. The dishes she just washed impale Ichiru to the wall. "What are you doing here?" Yuki asks in a loud cruel tone. "You didn't think you could come here, and do to me what you did before did you?" Yuki snaps. Zero and Hanabusa hear the commotion. They run to the kitchen. Seeing Ichiru impaled to the wall with the dinner plates. Outlining his whole body. Ichiru's look on his face frightened. "Yuki." Zero says "What is going on?" "Step back!" She says to him. As she walks up to Ichiru. Saying. Why are you here? " "I came here to say, that i was sorry. That i was being controlled. I would have never did any of that stuff to you otherwise. I'm not like that, ask my brother." Ichiru admits. Yuki putting her hands on Ichiru's neck squeezing tightly. " Did you think that would change anything? That i would forgive you with open arms? Do you know the pain you caused me? I am frightened in my own home. I can't look at my husband without not seeing you! Zero's eyes drop to the floor. When he touches me, i have to check his neck to make sure its him. NOT you! "She screams. Hanabusa and Zero just standing on the side watching. Zero not sure of what to do or say. Watching his brother fight for air. If it wasn't for Zero. I would kill you right now. I would love to hear your neck snap, by my fingers. It takes everything i have not to do it right now. Snap you like a twig! Looking deep into his eyes. He replies in a soft tone. I'm Sorry. "Sorry isn't good enough. Sorry doesn't bring back my child, or break my fears. I want you out of my house. I never want to see you again. Do you understand me?" Yuki Snaps. She lets go of his neck and turns to Zero and Hanabusa. " Get this thing out of my kitchen and make him disappear!" She says as she walks out of the kitchen going upstairs.

 Hanabusa and Zero run over to Ichiru trying to remove the plates that are keeping him to the wall. "Dude, what made you come back here? Are you crazy? " Hanabusa asks. " I just had to say i was sorry, i really am. Zero i know we had our disagreements in the past, but i would of never done something like that." Ichiru states. " I know but you must not come here again. She will kill you. I don't want to see you dead Ichiru." Zero says. Hanabusa doing his best to pull out the dishes. "What the hell, i'm not a wimp but how deep did she put these in?" Hanabusa asks. "Pretty deep. Her rage is still there." Zero says. After a few both men got all the dishes out of the wall and Ichiru free. "You need blood Ichiru to heal faster. Take mine." Zero says. "Wait Zero don't, i will do it." Hanabusa says. Yuki will smell him on you, trust me you don't want that. She is freaked out enough already." He says. "Your right. Thank you. Please take care of him and get in back on his feet and out of this house." Zero asks. "Sure thing. You go see your wife. I got this." Hanabusa says.

Zero walks upstairs to see where Yuki is. He finds her in there old room. "Yuki are you ok?" Zero asks. "Yes, I'm fine." She says. "Babe your trembling. Come here" He places his arms around her. "Is he out of our house? I want him gone!" She snaps. "Hanabusa is taking care of it. It took a bit for us to get the dishes out of the wall babe. You really put them in deep." Zero admits. "Good!" She shouts." I hate him Zero I just hate him! " "I know babe. He will be gone soon. I know it didn't mean much to you but he did say he was sorry. At least you know he didn't want to do this. He won't be coming to hurt you anymore." Zero explains. "Zero I want out of this house. I can't stay here anymore. There are so many bad memories here. Yes, good ones, like our wedding and taking home the twins and Ai. But so many bad ones as well. I want to move and make a fresh start away from here." Yuki says. "That's fine with me babe. I understand that." Zero says. " There is something I want to say to you Zero. I want you to be honest with your feelings and your reply. We have been together for a long time, You have put up with more than your share of crap. I know things are not the same as they were. I'm not the same person. I don't know if I ever can be again. I may not even be able to have another child. Zero tries to comment. Shhh, listen to me Zero. Its been awhile, that we were trying. I started back at Cross when my desire was taking over. I didn't use any protection. We still didn't conceive. There is a good chance, I can't have any more children. I don't want to hold you back anymore. I have chained you for far too long. If you want your freedom, I will give it to you." Yuki declares.

 "May I talk now?" Zero asks. "Yes of course." Yuki replies. "Babe I know we been through a lot, but that is a relationship. You just don't walk away, because things got tough. I love you, always have always will Yuki. About the baby, It took us a while to have the twins too. You have been under a lot of stress. Your body needs time to heal. I am sure things will be fine. If it is not that's fine as well. I am happy with the twins. You gave me two beautiful children Yuki. You almost died to give them to me. I'm not going anywhere. Unless that is what you want? " Zero asks. "No, I just don't want to hold you back, if you really don't want to be here." Yuki responds. "I want to be." He answers. "Ok, I would like us to have our own house. One we pick together. I will give the Mansion back to Kamane and Ai. They Can do whatever they want with it. I also want the twins to come home. They are only eleven years old. They don't need to live at Cross. They have two parents that love and want them. I want to spend all the time I can with them before they grow up. I want our family back. " Yuki says. "Wow, you gave this a lot of thought, didn't you? " Zero asks. "Yes, I have. I don't want them to be hunters if they don't want to be either. I think they need to make their own choice in that. Not be pushed. I don't want anything more to do with the Association. Kamane is back. He can take care of it like he did before. Ai is also involved now. I want a normal life Zero. I would also like it if you wouldn't be a hunter anymore. Its another reason. i am willing to let you go, if its something you feel you need to do." Yuki says. "That's a lot to take in. If this is what you really want, I am willing to do it."Zero replies. "Thank you, Zero. I want us to spend as much time with our children. I have plenty of money that will keep us for a long time. We don't have to worry about that. We can also get regular jobs. We don't have to deal with all this stuff anymore." She states. "It will be different, might take a bit to get use to. I am willing to try though." Zero says. "Good, Thank you." Yuki replies.

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