Chapter 149 Hell Has No Fury!

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Please review :) Aiko is so much like her dad. :)

Chapter 149 Hell has no Fury!

"Aiko, what is with the attitude today? Your never like this with me." Zero states. "Really Dad? Don't you have a clue? How blind are you? Are you that into yourself? You don't see anyone else?" Aiko states. "What are you talking about?"Zero Hisses. " I am talking about you took President. You know. I have been working there for years. Doing my best to live up to the strongest Vampire Hunter. Just because your my father, didn't make it any easier. To be honest it made it Harder! I had to prove myself even more. Not to mention I am a woman." Aiko states. 

"They offered me, President. They just offered my old job back. I didn't think anything of it. "Zero replies. " They never thought, I would kick ass like you. I had to stay there all these years listening to how. Strong, How brave, How this, How that about my father. NOT to mention all the rumors and shit they are saying about mom. DO you know? How degrading the things they say about her? Because of you? I was up for President dad. Before you showed back up. They were giving it to me. I finally made it! I finally proved myself. Then you walked back in, and they forgot I was even there. Hell, You forgot I even worked there! Not to mention Ren. He worked there all these years also. Putting up with even more than me. How the big mean strong Vampire Hunters Son, just couldn't handle it. He would never be Zero. Just because he isn't a Killer! Because he isn't An ASS. "Aiko shouts. "That's not fair Aiko. I had no idea, you were up for the job. If I did, I wouldn't of accepted it. They never told me." Zero states. "You never asked either. You know. How things go there. You just stepped over me." Aiko growls. " I am sorry. I guess. I didn't think." Zero replies. "There are times you don't. You have been there for months now. You don't hear the rumors?" Aiko Asks. "They are just rumors Aiko. People talk. It's how things go. You are old enough to know that. " Zero responds.

 "Yes, I am. You never tried to put them to an end. You never tried to fix them. You just let mom, look like an ass. Do you know? How much that hurts me and Ren?" Aiko announces. "Yes, I am sure it hurts you both. There isn't anything I can say to fix it. They will just twist it and make it worse. It was just better to leave it alone. They all think your mother is with Kaname now anyway." Zero remarks. "Yes. She finally got her revenge and went with Uncle Kaname." Aiko states. "I know. This is a lot for everyone. It has been so long. I didn't think anyone still cared. You all know the truth. I am sorry about taking your job. That wasn't my intentions either. I was just happy to be back doing something I love." Zero remarks. "Never thinking about mom either. Did you? You know? How she feels about this. You know? How she worries about you. You went back anyway dad. It was all about you! You also know. She is never going to make you have the job fully. She will always send poor Uncle Kaname to save and protect you. While you get to stay happy at your desk, Thinking you're the president. I will be the one working in the field doing all the work!" Aiko shouts. " I can't help what your mother does. You know. How she is." Zero snaps. "It's not about mom. It's about you! Mom is just doing it to protect you like always. My whole life it's all she ever did. Protect you! Funny how the big bad hunter needs a woman to protect him! Yet she gets the shit for it. I don't even see, why she bothers." Aiko hisses.

 " Aiko I know you're mad at me. I know. You're saying a lot of this to hurt me back. You are my daughter. I love you very much. I would do anything for you. I hope you know that deep down. I am sorry for not thinking." Zero responds. "Whatever dad. Nothing is going to fix this. It's just how it is. Its how its always going to be. You know. You never even think about all that Uncle Kaname does. You only hold everything against him because he loves mom. When you were away from the association he did his best to keep things calm. To let the rumors go. They were all gone till you returned. You never think of all the pain. He has to endure also. You just always treat him like shit." Aiko remarks. "Look Me and Kaname have a lot of history. There is a lot you don't know. A Lot of that's really none of your business. You see him as your Uncle. That's great. You get along. Fine. I never got in the way of that. So don't get in the way of my relationship with him." Zero hisses. " Whatever dad. You need to grow up!. Oh Btw. me and Nezera are getting married." Aiko announces. "What? You are marrying that? Are you crazy?" Zero snaps. "Don't even. You can come to the wedding and be there for me. Or you could just stay home. It's your choice. Whatever you feel isn't going to change my mind." Aiko says walking away from Zero. " Aiko please, reconsider this! AIKO!" Zero shouts loudly.

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