Chapter 44 This old House.

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Chapter 44 This old House

Its been a week, things still haven't changed much. Zero goes to work. Yuki is left in the old house. Hanabusa still works in the lab. He just doesn't have to watch over Kamane anymore. Now he is trying to figure out a way to turn regular vampires into humans. Yuki told Zero not to work late, to come home at a reasonable hour. That she would like for them to go to bed together. He agreed and said that was fine with him. She sometimes goes to the Association to work.

Later in the day. Zero comes home from work. Yuki is making them something to eat. Hanabusa comes out from the lab. "Hey Zero, how are you?" Hanabusa asks. "I'm Pretty Good." Zero answers. " How has things been since we been back? Hanabusa asks. "Ok, I guess. She talks to me and is with me. That I guess is normal. She doesn't talk much though. There seems to be something on her mind. She isn't ready to talk about it." Zero explains. "Also I been noticing at night, she holds me extra tight. She doesn't sleep much at all, and is looking at the bedroom door." Zero adds. "Maybe she is scared Ichiru will return? This house has a lot of those memories of that night Zero. " Hanabusa says. "Yes, I know. She still can't go into our old room. I just don't understand it though. She was so full of her self at Cross. Then we come here and she is scared? " Zero says. "Zero, she really didn't have time to deal with all that happened here. She was angry and upset but seeking revenge. When she is here, all the memories come back. It really hurt her." Hanabusa remarks. "Oh, I know it did." Zero says. "Any mention of Kamane?" Hanabusa asks. "No, not at all. She hasn't mentioned anything, to be honest. As I said, she doesn't talk much. She hasn't since we left Cross." Zero admits. "Not to get personal, but are you two still together in other ways?" Hanabusa asks. "Yes, that's not a problem. Before we left Cross, we decided to try for another child. So we have been. It's very different than when we were at Cross though. No lightening or bed shaking. Its move loving and back to normal." Zero replies. "She isn't full of anger anymore, and um Kamane isn't in the way." Hanabusa states. "Tell me about it, it would burn me up. That she had so much desire pent up for him. She would be with him talking and come me to ripping my clothes off. Only because, she couldn't do that to him." Zero says. "Well, Zero she could of, Very easily done that with him. She just chooses not to." Hanabusa Answers. "Yes. Its what kept me quiet. I didn't' need to add any more fire to the flame. That was going on over there. She wasn't the Yuki I knew before. She could have just walked away and not returned. I still get worried. She will do that." Zero admits. "I guess time will tell. I do think to be in this house, isn't a good thing for her Zero. " Hanabusa declares. " I feel the same way, but as I said I'm not saying anything. Let it come out of her own mind." Zero remarks. Hanabusa Nods. Hanabusa goes home.

Yuki and Zero sit at the table to eat their dinner. It's a very quiet dinner. "How was your day?" Zero asks trying to break the silence. "It was ok." She responds. "How was yours?" She asks. "It was good. Did some paperwork and got some level E's. I also saw Hanabusa, when i got home." Zero comments. "How is he doing?" Yuki asks. "He seems to be fine." Zero responds. "How are you feeling Yuki?" Zero asks next. "I'm Ok . I guess. It takes some time to get used to this place again." Yuki remarks. "Anything new on the baby making?" Zero asks. Yuki looking sadly down to her plate. "No, I took a test. It was negative." "It's ok babe, we will keep trying." Zero says with a smile. She smiles back slightly. Trying not to show, how she really feels. "I'm going to wash the dishes, and clean up." Yuki says. Ok, babe. I'm going to go take my shower. Zero responds. After awhile Yuki is doing the dishes and cleaning up. Zero coming downstairs to see, if she is done. Yuki not hearing, or paying attention, doesn't notice that Zero is there. When she sees him, he takes her by surprise. She drops the plate. She was drying. "Babe you ok? Your shaking?" Zero runs up to her and says. "I'm Fine, I didn't know you were there." Yuki says. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sneak up on you. I thought you would have sensed me." Zero replies. "I wasn't paying attention, Sorry Zero. I have a headache." Yuki replies. Sorry, you should have told me. I would have cleaned up for you." He says. "Its ok I'm done now. I just want to go to bed." Yuki Comments. Zero says ok but knows something isn't right. This just isn't like Yuki. There is something, she is keeping from him. Something going on. He just doesn't know what. He feels if he pries it will only make her mad. So he lets nature take its course.

The next day Zero stays home from works. He feels that it would be best, to spend a little time with Yuki. Maybe see if she will say, what's on her mind. They go out for lunch, to a small Cafe, that has sandwiches and coffee. They sit outside at a table and eat. "This is nice." Zero says. "Yes, it is." Yuki says with a smile. Taking in the fresh air. Placing her hand on his. "I miss us. I miss what we use to be." Yuki says. " Its ok, we will get that back babe. It takes time. We got some of it back." He winks. "That part has never been a problem Zero. I always want you sexually. We just had something so special before, all this happened. We were so happy. I just want that back." Yuki says in a low voice. "I know. Yuki is something going on? You don't seem the same since we left Cross. I know. We still had problems, when we were there, but you're so quiet lately. " Zero asks. "I don't know, to be honest, I feel so different. The anger isn't there anymore, but there is just sadness. There is this empty feeling inside my heart. I just think of what things would have been like before all this happened. Our child would be born now." Yuki says looking down at her sandwich. "We will get that back. You also seem on edge. LIke there is something scaring you?" Zero replies. " That house, going back there makes me feel worse. I thought. I was over all this, I was so strong so angry, but being here just makes me feel weak and empty. 

Your brother is still alive. He can come back at any time Zero." Yuki says. "He was being controlled. I don't think we have anything to worry about. He wouldn't do anything like that being himself. Yuki do I still scare you, looking like him?" Zero remarks. "To be honest, yes sometimes in the dark I have to take a double take. I have to look at your neck. I see the tattoo and it calms me. It lets me know it's you. " She says. "I am really sorry. I don't ever want to scare you. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I hope you know that." Zero replies. "Yes, I do. I  know that. I guess time will heal me its just taking a bit." She says.

When they go home, Yuki tells Zero. She wants to face her fears, by going into there old bedroom. "Yuki are you sure?" Zero asks. "You don't have to do this just yet." Zero says. " I know, but I want to be able to be comfortable, in my own home. Will you come with me Zero?"She asks. "Of Course." He Answers. They walk upstairs into the room. Yuki standing in the middle of the room, Her body tensing up. Zero right behind her. She tries to bolt for the door, but Zero puts his arms around her, placing kisses on her neck. Then moving to her lips. Trying to keep her calm. She kisses him back and puts her arms lightly around his waist. He lifts her up into his arms and moves over to the bed. He sits on it, and Yuki is in his lap. Holding her tight. He feels her body tense even more, as they sit on the bed. Her body starts to tremble in fear. Her eyes fill up with tears. He sees her staring at his tattoo on his neck, making sure it's him. She touches the part of his neck with the tattoo. Looking into his lavender eyes. He Moves to the side of the headboard in the bed with Yuki, still in his arms. Cradling her in his arms, like she was a child. Yuki holding on to him as if her life depended on it. He whispers in her ear." It's me, babe. There is nothing to fear. I promise you." He kisses her again on her lips. She kisses back. Every now and then, still looking to make sure that the tattoo is there. Zero never noticed. Her doing that till now. He never realized how broken Yuki really was. At Cross, he knew she was hurting, but she was so full of revenge, and being so cold. He didn't see just how broken inside she was. Till now. He says to himself, what did he do to my girl? The pain in his heart overwhelming. He holds her tighter, telling her. It will be ok. They lay there all night, him just cradling her in his arms. She falls asleep there, the first time in a long time not having any nightmares. Zero hoping this is a good sign, that he can help heal her.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now