Chapter 104 Adjusting.

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Chapter 104 Adjusting.

It's been a few months now. Yuki is still being taken over, by this child. Her life isn't really her own. She is thrown more and more with Kamane. The child likes Kaname, Zero and Hanabusa but is very close with Yuki. He feels safe with her. When Kamane wants to take the child out or go to his home. Yuki always has to go as well. Making it very hard for her to be with Zero. To even run the Cafe. Her early runs to the Cafe to bake, and get things ready. Now are taking over by a child. Who has nightmares. She has to stay with him. She is dead tired from being up half the night with him. Zero is trying to be as calm as he can be. Keeping his emotions intact. Which is very hard for him to do. Even though they are together, Its like they are not. They spend very little time together. The hot steamy sex is now none. The only time they get to spend together is driving to the cafe, or at night eating with the kids. He can't stand the fact that she spends most of the time with Kamane. He doesn't feel. Its anything sexual at the moment but the fear is there.

While taking out the trash, Zero runs into Hanabusa. "Hey, Zero. What's up? How is the little boy?" Hanabusa asks. "He is ok. I guess. He is closer to Yuki, then Ren ever was. I  thought nothing could even be like that. I guess. I was wrong." Zero states. "She makes him feel safe. She is a very good mother Zero. She always was. She loves kids." Hanabusa replies. "Yes. I know. We have no time together. We have no nothing. I see her very little throughout the day. She will try to touch my hand. Kiss my cheek when she can. That is the closest we get. During the Day, she will either be at Kamanes house, or Kamane will come into the Cafe. They spend as much time with this child together as they can. I don't know if Kamane is using this to get near her. Or if this is just happening. Either way, I am getting tired of it."Zero responds. "It's not very easy for Yuki either. This isn't something. She planned." Hanabusa comments. "I know. Its why I have shut up for so long. I do realize this is hard on her. There are times she isn't herself. Its like she's lost, but just keeps going. I pretty much run the Cafe with your wife. She can't even do that anymore like she use to. I am not sure. How much more of this either of us can take. I miss her so much. " Zero states. "What about bedtime? Can't you get close to her then?" Hanabusa asks. "It depends. Sometimes I will find her out cold. Still in her clothes of the day. I can't bother her then. I feel bad enough. She needs sleep. Sometimes she will come to bed when I do. She will cuddle up and fall asleep. Then he will have his nightmares. She goes off to his room." Zero remarks.

 "Well, dude you're going to have to do something to get close to her. Even if you wake her up. See if she even wants to be close you. If she pushes you away? "Hanabusa states. "I don't know about pushing me away. She isn't ever mean to me lately. She just doesn't have the time." Zero states. " Do you think. She wants Kamane?" Zero says. "I don't know. I don't think so. You just know. How he is. We also know. How when they were together. It took her a long time to stop fooling around with him. You might just want to make sure. " Hanabusa replies. "Great another thing to worry about. I don't think she is though. I would know. His scent isn't all over her in that way. Plus she would never cheat. Once she is with someone. She is with them. I will keep my eye out though. " Zero replies Walking back to the house.

Back at the house, Yuki is all ready to head to the cafe. She has Rai ready as well. "Zero are you ready?" Yuki asks. "Yes, I just had to take out the trash." Zero replies. Getting into the car. On the way to the Cafe, Yuki puts her hand on his hand. Trying to be somewhat close. He notices. She does this every now and then. So he is there. Once at the Cafe Kamane is sitting at a table waiting for them to arrive. Getting up when he spots the little boy. "Theirs my boy. How are you today." Kamane asks. The little boy running to him and giving him a hug. "Kamane if you could please, just take care of him here today. I need to do some work in the Cafe. I would like to bake some fresh items. I can't do that at your house." Yuki asks. "Of course. I can stay here for a bit. That's not a problem." Kamane answers. Yuki going into the back, trying to get herself back into the old routine.

 Zero heading back to the kitchen to help. "Hey, I can help with those loaves. We can make more together. " Zero acknowledges. "Sure." Yuki says in a low sad tone. Not being her normal bubbly self. They spend most of the afternoon, knocking out as many fresh baked goods as they could. Yuki trying her best to be herself. Not running after the child or Kamane. When after a few hours, the child runs back into the kitchen. says Mommy. Pick me up. "Yuki stops everything and does so. Asking him what she can do for him. "Mommy come out and be with us. I miss you." Rai states. "Ok, you go back out there with your father. I will bring lunch." Yuki sighs. The little boy Nods and runs back outside to Kamanes side.

 "Yuki are you ok?" Zero asks. "I guess. I will have to be. Zero will you come have lunch too?" Yuki asks. "Sure, if that's what you want." Zero responds. "Yes, I would like to be with you. I just never seem to have time." Yuki says sadly. "It's ok. I will get the sandwiches and drinks. You go sit. I will be right out." Zero responds. Kissing her lightly on her head. "Thank you." She replies. While walking out to the Cafe. Sitting next to Kamane and the child. "So what did you two do this morning?" Yuki asks. We colored, and we watched the customers."Kamane states. "How nice." Yuki answers. Zero coming out, handing them their lunch. Taking a seat next to Yuki. "Kamane I think. It should be time that he can come to your house without me being there. I can't always come. I don't mind sometimes. I just would like to get my regular routine. "Yuki states. Zero just eating and listening. "Sure, we can give it a try. That's totally fine with me. I just don't know. How he will react. He is very attached to you." Kamane admits. "I know, but we have to get him use to it. Sooner or later. You can't sit here all day. Doing nothing. I am sure you get bored."Yuki comments. "Yes, but to be with him. I will do what I have to do.." Kamane admits. "I know. You love him. Its nice seeing you to together. I just really would like to be normal again. At least at work. Its bad enough, I don't get any sleep at night. I need some freedom."Yuki admits. 

"Ok. I am willing to try. I will take him anytime you want." Kamane states. "Good. It will be often Kamane. At least during the day." Yuki states as she cleans up her lunch. "Mommy has to go back to work. sweety. I will see you later. When its time to go home. You need to spend time with your father. Without me." Yuki tells Rai. Zero just listening as he cleans up after himself. Yuki walking back into the kitchen to work. Zero still cleaning up.

"Is she ok Zero?" Kamane asks. "I am not sure. I noticed today. She seems down. Not like herself. I think this is a lot for her to take on. She was use to doing what she wanted to." Zero claims. "Yes, I thought so. I am just trying to do what is best for the child. I don't want to hurt her in the process."Kamane states. "Well, it's not really you that's doing this. Its the child himself. He gives her no space at all. She is lucky to be able to take a shower at home alone. Our children were close to her, but they would go off and play. Do their own thing. Leaving Yuki to do her thing. Rai doesn't.. Zero states. "Well, maybe he should spend more time with Anna? They are close in age. Maybe they can play together. I can take them both on play dates." Kamane suggests. "That sounds nice. I think we can work something out." Zero comments.

Zero walks back into the kitchen. Seeing Yuki making more bread. "You ok?" Zero asks. "Yes, I finally got enough things baked. It felt so good to be me this morning. I really do miss baking." Yuki states. "I guess we can work something out with Kamane. So you have some more free time." Zero states. "Yea as long as Rai lets it happen." Yuki answers.

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