Chapter 50 Can it be

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Chapter 50 Can it be

A few days later, Hanabusa comes over to visit. Bringing some of his and Yoris stuff to the house. They can't wait to move in. While there, he runs into Zero, cleaning out the stables. "Hey." Hanabusa says." Hey there, how are you doing? "Zero replies. "I'm good. We brought some stuff over. We plan on being fully moved in by the end of June. Yori is only taking stuff, we really need. Everything else seems to be in the house already. That place is awesome. Yuki really outdid herself. With the Main house and the side." Hanabusa says. "I know, this place is awesome. I am really enjoying myself. I love the stables and the rest of the house. I am so glad. I listened to her, and we got our own. " Zero answers. "How did you like the BBQ the other night? Zero asks. "I loved it, that was a great evening. I might have had a little too many beers, but I enjoyed myself. Thank you for everything Zero." Hanabusa Says. "Hey, no problem. I liked it also. I can't believe Kamane came here though. I was watching him. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. He was in the Kitchen with Yuki for a bit. They didn't stay long. "Zero announces. "Well, you know on the way home Kamane wasn't himself. He was pretty upset and down. When we left to come here, he was excited to see Yuki. Happily talking to Ai. On the way home, he was the total opposite. "Hanabusa says. How was Yuki when we left? Hanabusa asks. "She was great. A little upset about that we didn't get pregnant before Ai. But otherwise, she was great. We cleaned up and went to bed. It was the most fun, we had in years, to be honest. She was all over me. It was great. I asked her about being around Kamane. She didn't really seem to care. Said it was just another Family thing. If she is hiding it. She is really doing it well. She has learned to cover her emotions. But it wasn't like before no breaking anything or acting out of the ordinary. " Zero responds. 

"Well, maybe he did say something. She shot him down. Or he saw how happy you guys are and wished it was him. I just know something went down. He was really down. Zero I don't think. He is going down without a fight." Hanabusa explains. "Look I don't know what he wants to do, but he needs to get over it. She did choose. She picked me. We are going to the doctors today to see why we are not getting pregnant. To see if something is stopping it or what not. "Zero comments. " I hope all goes well for the both of you. I just want you to be on the lookout. " Hanabusa says. " I am. I was watching all that night. For the most part, I feel I'm safe. This place is incredible. She made it for us. Hopefully, there won't be another family event for a while. So we don't have to see him." Zero remarks. "Yea but with Ai having a baby there will be a lot on their way," Hanabusa explains. "True, we will just take it day by day." Zero comments.

Later that day, Zero and Yuki head out to the doctor's office. While sitting in the doctor's office, the nurse comes up to Zero. Handing him a Cup. Zero the Nurse says." We will need a sample please. When you're done, just leave the sample in the bathroom with the others." Yuki giggling next to him. "Need some help with that?" Yuki asks with a smirk. "No, if you come with me, I'm not going to get a sample to go in the cup." He laughs. "True, You have fun in there. Just think of the other night, with the glasses and trench. Yuki says with a grin." " I will be back soon."Zero comments. Yuki sits there and waits. A little nervous. Not sure what the doctor is going to say. A bit later Zero returns. "Did you have fun?" Yuki laughs. "No.' Not as much fun as when it's with you." He answers. "I felt like a teenage boy in there. I am glad its over." Zero admits. "Yea I know what you mean. I am a bit worried. I am not sure. What he is going to say. How about if it's me?" She says. "Babe it will be fine. No matter what ok? I promise you we will get through it." Zero remarks. "Thank you Zero. I Love you." I Love you to Yuki." He says back.

After a twenty minute more wait, the doctor is ready for both of them. "Come in." The doctor says. We got Zero's sample and tested it. Everything is great on that end. All are working and swimming just fine. Zero sits there with pride. "Well, doctor. I never really thought it was on Zeros end." Yuki says. " We just have to give you an ultrasound and see what's up with you Yuki. All the other tests are great for you as well." The doctor admits. "Yuki feeling a bit better. She gets on the table. He lubes up the vaginal ultrasound. "This will feel cold, just sit back and relax." The doctor says. "The doctor looking around, everything seems fine. Your tubes are clear, everything is fine Yuki." The doctor says. "Yuki looks and feels relief. "I think that its just your body has to get back to normal. It went through a trauma. You were really beaten and broken Yuki. Plus if your under any stress that can delay it as well. Just keep trying. I am sure it will happen. Keep trying for the next six months. If it doesn't happen, we can also try other options, but I don't think you're going to need them. The doctor says. Zero and Yuki looking at each other. "Ok doctor. Thank you so much for everything. It feels so nice to know nothing is wrong." Yuki says. "Your both great enjoy the fun part." The doctor says. "Have a good day." The doctor comments as he leaves the room. "Feel better now babe?" Zero asks. "Yes so much better. I was thinking all kinds of things." Yuki admits. "Babe stop worrying that's not helping. We will just make love more often." Zero says. Yuki looks at him and laughs. "So we are not leaving the bed huh?" Yuki says laughing. "We can do that for a weekend." Zero says in return. "We have the twins there now. We can't stay in bed. We can go to bed a little earlier. Sneak a few in here and there. " Yuki says with a smile. " I am happy with all of it, whatever you want, babe. I may have to wear my glasses and trench a few more times." He looks at her laughs. Yuki laughs also. "Maybe. " She says with a smile. "Let's get out of here, get some lunch and head home." Zero remarks. " Sounds good." Yuki replies.

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