Chapter 176 Martha's Feelings.

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Chapter 176 Martha's feelings.

Zero is still at work. Sitting at his desk. When the phone rings. It's Yuki. "Hey, babe. What's wrong? You never call here." Zero states. "Nothing. I just missed you. I wanted to hear your voice."Yuki answers. "That's a nice surprise. I miss you also. I will be home early to get you. It won't be much longer." Great. I can't wait. Did Kaname say ok about Anna?" Yuki asks. "Yes. It's not a problem. He will take them both. So we are free tonight. ZJ is going over to his friend's house." Zero responds. "Can't Wait. I will be waiting at the door for you." Yuki says. "Sounds good. Give me about two hours. I will be on my way. I love you." Zero replies. Love you too." Yuki responds.

Zero getting off the phone feeling good. Its been so good lately. He wants nothing to break this. Their bond keeps growing. Zero just keeps his fingers crossed that things stay this way. That nothing that happens gets in the way of there happiness.

While sitting there finishing up. Martha walks in."Hey. How have you been?" Zero asks. "Pretty good. I guess better yesterday after Kaname talked to Yuki. He is in much better spirits." Martha states. "Was he not before?" Zero asks. "He was ok. I mean. He is very nice to me. We get along great. I just could see something was bothering him. Now he is so much better."Martha remarks. "I guess. We are stuck with them seeing each other as friends." Zero comments. "Yes. I noticed that, this month. He isn't ever going to let her go fully. But I guess if being friends makes them happy. We deal right?" Martha suggests. "I have been doing it for years. Now you know. How I feel. Can you handle this?" Zero responds. "I have no choice. I If I want to be with him. I spend a lot of time in the townhouse. Except on Wednesdays and weekends. If he has Rai. He won't let me be there. "Martha states. "He is trying to keep him out of it for now. He wants to make sure its real before introducing him. The child went through a lot of things. He doesn't mean any harm." Zero states. "I guess so. I can't move anything around either in the house. Everything is like Yuki left it. Everything is her style. Her way. I guess. I am lucky to even get to sleep in the bed!" Martha snaps. 

"Its only been around three months Martha. You need to take baby steps with Kaname. To be honest. You sleeping in the bed with him is a huge step for him. It's going to take time for him to fully let go of what they had." Zero remarks. "I see this. I'm trying. It's just hurting at times." Martha admits. "I know. I never had those problems with Yuki. She didn't care if I moved something. Or any of that. I did feel at times I was living in his shadows when he was in the ice coffin. I didn't really like the fact. He made love to her first. There were a lot of things that pissed me off. But you need to get over it. Move on. If you choose to be with them."Zero states."He was her first?" Martha hisses. "Yes. and got her pregnant in an instant and it took me years to, and we were trying." Zero chuckles. "How can you laugh at that?" Martha asks. "It's been years. I'm over it. At this moment she is so happy with me. She wants me. I don't know. What Kaname is feeling but she is honestly trying. Its been great. I didn't tell you that to hurt you. Or to shock you. I told you so you know. What you got into here. There is a lot between the two. She is my wife. He never got that privilege. There is a lot of things that she has done with me. He never had. Yet it goes the other way as well. She is my wife, but their friendship is unbreakable. She will tell him everything and anything. Where she won't me. They confide in each other. I think at times. It's more hurting then, them sleeping together." Zero admits. " Zero I don't know how you do it. She hasn't been in his life for the last three months and yet she is still a shadow over our relationship. Now that they see each other is it going to be worse?" Martha asks. "We will have to wait and see. It didn't change anything with us. You said it made him happier. Maybe it will work for us instead of against us."Zero states. "I hope so.

Zero sees the same sadness in Martha that he once had. How sharing Kaname with the idea of Yuki alone. Hurt her. He also saw that Kaname was the one giving into the hurt more this time around. Yuki was holding her ground. Martha was going to have to have a hard skin if she wanted to stay with Kaname. There was a lot she was going to have to get used to. It would take Kaname a lot of time. To let go just of the simple things. Zero thought to himself. Was Yuki the real problem? Or was it just Kaname? Was he not in love with Martha or really ready for this relationship? He didn't waste any time getting her in bed. Was that all he was really looking for? The one thing he couldn't get from Yuki. Zero would never admit that to Martha. He knew that would hurt her too much. Zero wasn't as afraid of Kaname like he use to be. He let up a lot. Trying to enjoy what they were feeling towards each other lately. It was Kaname's problem if he didn't want to move on.

Zero was gathering up his stuff, Getting ready to leave for home. He couldn't wait to get home. He knew she missed him. That thought stayed with him. Live for today. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

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