Chapter 10 Times Heals All

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Chapter 10 Times heals all

Its been a few months. Zero and Yuki are back at there own home. Things haven't been the same since that night. Zero goes to work and comes home very late. He barely talks to Yuki. He is cold. He is very bitter inside. The only thing that stayed the same is at night while sleeping, he will hold her. No Kisses. No sex. Just hold. He stays away from her, as much as he possibly can. When he is home. He will spend time with Ai and White lily. Making it a very cold lonely life for Yuki. Yuki is sad. Very lonely. She longs for the days her and Zero once shared. The closeness, and love that filled them both. This once warm home is now cold. Filled with dread.

One night when Zero comes home from work. Yuki is in bed, Zero comes in. Takes his shower and slides into bed. She rolls over onto him placing her arms around him. He thinks nothing of it and slides down to go to sleep. She lightly grasps tighter as she places light kisses on his chest. Kissing and licking his nipple. Zero's body responds to her touch. She pushes her hips against his. Kissing his lips. He kisses back as his body wants this more than anything. But his brain stops him. Yuki Stop! He abruptly pushes her off. Yuki's Heart stinks into her chest. Please. Just go to sleep on your own side. "Zero Please don't do this. Please." She begs. Her heart full of sadness and regret. "Yuki just go to sleep!" He snaps. Yuki slides over to her own side. Curling herself into a ball and cries. Feeling rejected and alone. Whispering to herself. He doesn't want me anymore. The feeling of emptiness taking over her whole body. Zero on the other side, feeling mixed emotions. His body wanted her more, then she could image. His heart still couldn't accept that fact. She was with Kamane. He still saw the image of them together, in his mind. He just couldn't be with her, at the moment. Knowing he really hurt her, but at the same time. Not able to say sorry. He just closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

The next day. He went to work, not saying a word to each other. Yuki lost in her own thoughts and emotions. She called Yori. Hey Yuki, it's nice to hear from you. "Yea. I just need someone to talk to." Yuki says, in a low sad tone. "Yuki. What's wrong? You sound so sad. "Yori responds." I think it's over with me and Zero. He doesn't want me. He won't talk, or be with me in any way. I tried to make love to him. He pushed me away. I feel crushed. It's so lonely here. I have no one. Ai is seven now. She in school during the day. I'm home alone most of the day. At night is no better. He comes home as late as he can, only to sleep. I can't stay here anymore. I'm coming home. At least there, I have you." Yuki admits. "Ohh Yuki," Yori says. Please. Do come home. Hanabusa and I will be here for you both. I will be there in a few days. I have to tell Zero. Not like he will care. "Yuki, Yori says. He does care. He is just hurt. Zero loves you more, than anything. We all know that. It was hard for him to show his feelings. Yet. He did to you. As crushed as you feel, so does he. He needs time. Come home so we can be with you. While he heals." "Ok." Yuki says.

That night, she waits up for Zero to let him know. Feeling low, and tired she sits in bed waiting. He comes in at one in the morning. "Your up?" He says. In a low voice. "Yes, I wanted to tell you something. If that's OK?" Yuki Asks. Yea it's fine. He sits on the bed taking off his shoes. Zero I want to go home to the mansion. "Yea, Zero Snaps. Running home to him? " "No." Yuki replies, but not in her snappy usual self. In a low sad tone. "Not at all Zero. I'm lonely here. Ai is in school all day. You're at work. I never see you anymore. I have no one here. I need Yori. At least, I will have someone to talk to. To be with. I would like for you come also. It's closer to your work. You can still see Ai." Yuki states. " Yea, and be in that house again with him. Figures." Zero Responds. Yuki doesn't answer. At this point, she doesn't know what to say. No matter what. She says Zero Snaps at her. She just doesn't have it in her to fight. Zeros words, when he does talk to her lately, cuts like a knife. He always knew. How to do that to a person. His Pissy, cold self. From the days, they use to patrol Cross Academy was back. Directed at her. " If that's what you want Yuki. Fine. Doesn't really matter to me. The drive will be shorter for me. So it works." Zero replies. " As he removes the rest of his clothes, to take his shower. "Thank you." Says Yuki, as she lowers herself in bed and turns around, not to see him. "Good night." She says. Night as he walks into the bathroom.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now