Chapter 90 Insecure.

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Chapter 90 Insecure.

It's been a few weeks. Zero and Yuki are trying to get closer. She talks to him a bit more, sits with him at lunchtime and eats. Trying to get back, to where they were. It's just taking time. She is committed to making this work, yet still scared. She has been taking blood from him more often. As her Urges for him are hard to control lately. The more she takes. The more she wants. She still controls the sexual lust and hasn't given into to that yet. She has stayed away from Kamane. She doesn't mention him. Zero does the same. Trying to learn from his past mistakes. It still haunts him. He just keeps it to himself.

One day while working in the Cafe, Yuki is just watching Zero clean up. She just stares at him. Her eyes turning colors. "Are you liking what your watching?" Zero asks."Sorry, I can't seem to help myself. You look really nice today Zero." Yuki says. "Nothing to be sorry about. Glad you like what you see. Makes me feel good." Zero responds going over to the cash register, brushing his hand over Yuki's. A shiver goes down both their spines. Yuki's heart starts beating fast. She goes into the kitchen to splash some cold water on her face. Zero of course following behind. "Are you ok?" Zero asks. "NO, The more. I try to control myself lately the crazier I get. Whatever you got over me needs to stop. I can't live like this!" Yuki snaps. Zero starts laughing. "What is so funny?" Yuki hisses. "Seeing you come undone. Finally! Lose some control Yuki. Let go!" Zero states. "I can't. I need some control. I want to jump on you all the time. It's driving me nuts." Yuki admits. "I'm here. Jump on me." Zero teases. "I am glad you're having fun with this." Her eyes turn red. She just leaps towards Zero pinning him to the wall. Undoing his shirt, she licks his neck and just bites. Taking in what she needs. Licking every drop, not leaving one to fall on anything. When she is full. She lets go. "Are you happy now?" Yuki asks. "Well, not really." As he grabs her and does the same to her. When he is done, He says. "Now I am." "Very funny," Yuki says, as she goes back into the Cafe. Zero giving her a little space. Goes into his office. This makes him happy to hear. She can't control herself. That she wants him. He is just wondering, why its so strong this time. She shouldn't need to take blood so often. It should be under control.

Hanabusa comes in and goes to Zero's office. "Hey Just the man, I wanted to see. I have a question for you. "Zero states. Sure what's up? " Yuki is kind of uncontrollable with the blood bond. She is taking more often than normal. It seems the more, she tries to control herself the more she can't. You have any idea why?" Zero asks. "Well, My dear Zero, It's because, she hid her feelings for you for so long. She pushed them so deep down inside that now, they are coming out. No matter, how she tries to control them. There will be a point, she will lose all her control. You need to watch for that. It should be something. I would say. You finally got what you wanted. She does care. So much that it's going to drive her mad, till she gives in!. Hanabusa states. "Your kidding?" Zero says. "Nope. It will calm down a bit after she has sex with you. It's all that pent up desire for you. She had it worse than any of us really thought. Damn. She is good at hiding her feelings." Hanabusa states. " So this whole freaking time, she just hid everything? "Zero asks. "It Looks that way. It was there just deep down. It could have been, there even when she was with Kamane. She just didn't want to let it out. Now it's fighting its way out. You can't break the Blood Bond. Once it's formed, that is your mate for life. Even when she was with Kamane and you returned. She still gave you blood and drank from you. She was with him but giving you blood. You do know? That in the vampire world means more than sex? It's a special bond. it Must have taken a lot for Kamane to let that one go. She tried to break it with you, but it didn't work. She just made it worse." Hanabusa comments. Zero happier then he has been in a while. "So its just a matter of time that, she just gives in to me? Zero gloats. "Yes, but looks like your socks might get blown off." Hanabusa laughs. "It's been so long, I don't know if my heart can take it." Zero laughs.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now