Chapter 136 Obsession

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Chapter 136 Obsession

It's mid Morning. Zero knows. He must leave. He doesn't really want anyone seeing him come out of Kaname's home. Yuki laying in his arms. Both of them laying in Kaname's bed. Zero getting a chuckle out of that. "Babe, I need to leave." Zero says. "No. Please Don't. I want to spend time with you."Yuki replies. Lifting herself up onto Zero's body. "Its getting light out. People will see me coming out of Kaname's house." Zero responds. "Who is going to think that Lord Kamane let you sleep with his wife in his bed?" Yuki says with an evil grin. "You know. The thing to say. to get me to stay don't you?" Zero replies. "I figured you might get hot over that."Yuki giggles. " I want to be with you too. We are close to being normal again. We just have a few more months of this crap." Zero states. "I know. Zero will you ever stop working for the association? I know its just my over protectiveness setting in, but I can't help it. Not to mention the new partner. It makes me sick to know you will be with her more than me. Seeing her every day. Her being close to you. God Zero, the thoughts just eat away at me. it's worse than before. " Yuki admits. " I guess. We have come along way. Back to where we use to be. The want and need you had for me before?" Zero asks. "Yes. I don't see anyone but you. I yearn for you. I miss you so much. I am not sure. I like this though. It's too overwhelming." Yuki states. " I think its just fine. I fought hard to get you back. The old you. The one I was married to for twenty-seven years. 

Before Kamane and Kharis took it away from us. I never want to lose that again. I hate you being here with him. I know you have to be. We don't have a choice in the matter at the moment. Just soon you will come home and this will be over. I am never letting you go again Yuki. Zero confesses. " You better not. Cause this time it's stronger. I never thought the bond could be this strong. I am not sure, its normal to feel this way towards someone." Yuki says. "We just really care for each other. We had so many things thrown at us. A regular couple would of just let go, but we didn't. We are still here." Zero remarks. "You never answered my question about the association?" Yuki comments. "Ah, I thought I was getting out of that one. I don't know. I really enjoy it, babe. Right now it's keeping me sane. I want to remain a hunter for now. We will see in the future. About my partner, I wish you wouldn't worry. I don't want her. I am just training her. She kind of knows you still have the hots for me anyway." Zero laughs. "Oh really? Does she know you feel the same?" Yuki grins. "No, I tried to throw her off. Saying it wasn't true. I guess. She read it off of you anyway. We need to be careful with that." Zero states. "I didn't do anything to show I had the hots for you. I didn't even touch you. I was in pain, not heat! You need to be careful. She can just be baiting you. To see what you're going to say. Maybe the Association sent her to watch us." Yuki states. "Hmm now thinking about it. She was asking a lot of questions. I will keep my eye out. She likes to come to the Cafe. Just be careful there. Don't show pain or anything. " Zero comments. "Ohh I can show her something she won't forget." Yuki remarks." Babe. Behave."Zero replies. "Oh, its nothing bad. Just trust me." Yuki states. "Ok. Just don't kill her. I am not sure me or Kamane could hide this one." Zero laughs. " Very funny. She touches you and you won't have to worry. There won't be a body to hide." Yuki says coldly. "Ohhhh My Jealous wife is back." Zero says with a grin. Kissing her and holding her tight.

Zero stays a few more hours. Just holding and talking to Yuki. They miss each other a lot and just need some time together. Just being themselves. Zero truly happy to see parts of the old Yuki back. He feels that maybe this separation was a good thing in the end. It just made them closer. It made Yuki realize, just how much. She truly wants him. It puts a calm over him. One he honestly never had. It also makes him not fear Kamane like he used to. He finally realizing himself. How much she cares. This separation was also good for him.

The only one having a really hard time was Kaname. He was stuck in the middle. His life was at a standstill. He loved Yuki totally and couldn't have her. Even though he tried to just be friends. Her living with him brought out so many of his feelings and emotions. Ones he tried to hide so desperately. Watching as Zero would come and go to her. Killed him. How when she would see him, her eyes lit up. How Zero could make her feel so down, or so high in an instance. It just killed him inside. Wishing he had that with her instead. Remembering at Cross, when Yuki would see him, how she would melt and get all flustered. How his touch would take over her. He so wanted that back.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now