Chapter 106 Something not right.

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Chapter 106 Something not right.

In the morning when Zero wakes, he finds Yuki sitting in the armchair looking out the window. Lost in her thoughts. He knows. Something is wrong. He just doesn't know exactly what. He knows. That this situation wasn't the easiest. There just seemed to be more to it, then Yuki was letting on. Like always, she was keeping it bottled up. Zero gets up from the bed. Walking over to Yuki. Taking a seat in the other armchair. "Good morning Beautiful." He says to her. "Good Morning Zero." She replies. Giving him a small smile. "Are you ok?" Zero asks. "Yea. I want to thank you for last night. I really enjoyed being with you. I love you, being that close to me. Not to mention, thank you for letting me sleep." Yuki states. "You don't have to thank me. I love. Making love to you. I wish. We could do it more often. Also, it's not a problem, you needed some sleep. I think. It would be better if I go to him in the middle of the night. That way you can sleep. He seems to let me go afterward. It might be a break we need." Zero remarks. "Yea ok, as long as it works." She responds, in a low sad tone. "I'm going to take Anna to work with us today. I have a plan. If it works, it will give you more time to do whatever you want." Zero admits. "Whatever you think is best. I'm going to get dressed. The kids will be up very soon. I need to get breakfast for them also. "Yuki answers, Walking over to Zero, kissing him on his far head.

 Zero just nods. Knowing something isn't right. He just senses it in the way, she responds and even looks. She just is low. He gets up and gets dressed himself. Walking downstairs to get the waffles, Yuki made for breakfast. The kids sitting around the table eating. Yuki cleaning up. He goes over to her and gives her a hug. Trying to let her know, that he is here for her. She hugs back tightly, tears filling her eyes. She wipes them quickly, walking out of the kitchen. Zero notices, but figures there is no sense running after her. She isn't ready to tell him, what the problem is. So he tells the kids to hurry up, get ready. As he is getting the car ready for the day. Hanabusa comes over to say hello.

"What's up?" Hanabusa says. "Nothing much." Zero replies. How is Yuki doing? Did you guys get to spend any time together?" Hanabusa asks. "We got some time last night. It was nice. She didn't push me away. She wanted me as much as I did her. It was nice being so close. There is something wrong though. I am not sure. What it is. She just isn't herself." Zero states. "Do you think. Its the kid? Or Kamane?" Hanabusa asks. "I'm not sure. I am doing my best to get the kid off her back. So he isn't following her everywhere. I went in to help him go back to sleep. It worked too. I tried to connect with him. That did work. Yet it still didn't seem to make her all that happy." Zero admits. "Do you think? She did something with Kamane? She feels bad about?" Hanabusa replies. "I Don't know. They seem to act fine around each other. I am not really sure it's him either. It could be though. Damn. Why you have to put that shit in my head? " Zero snaps. "Just asking buddy. I'm not sure. What it is. I am sure that she will let you know when she is ready. "Hanabusa replies. "Yea. I guess so." Zero states. Getting in the car and blowing the horn. ZJ comes out and goes with Hanabusa for school. While Anna and Rai get into the back seat of the car. Yuki locks up, then also gets herself into the car.

On the way to work. She is very quiet. Reminding Zero, how it was before they got back together. That it seems her emotions, we're going back there little by little. He didn't like that thought. It was hard enough for him to break them then. At least then, he knew. What the reason was. Now he was kind of lost. Hanabusa's words replaying in his head. Did she do something with Kamane? She regrets? His mind going back to that video of them making love in the desk chair. His blood boiling at the thoughts. Trying his best to keep himself cool and not explode. Knowing that if nothing is happening, she would only get pissed at him. That it would make things a lot worse. He pulled up to the Cafe. Parking close to it. Letting everyone out.

They go in, where like normal Kamane is waiting for the little boy. " Kamane may I speak to you? " Zero asks. Still Annoyed by his own thoughts. "What did you need Zero?" Kamane asks. "Remember yesterday? When I asked you if you minded taking Anna to? To help Rai? I brought her here today. I was thinking that maybe, you could take them both to the park down the street. Give Yuki a break. I took Anna. He would have someone to play with. Keep him busy for you." Zero admits. "Sure. That sounds great. If all goes well, I will take them to lunch as well. Try to make a day out of it." Kamane states. "That would really be a good thing. She needs some space. Something isn't right."Zero says. Watching Kamanes response. "Yes. I noticed that as well. I will do my best to help. I am willing to take him this weekend also."Kamane states. Zero getting nothing from the question. Kamane looked like he knew nothing. "Yes, about that. ZJ and Anna would like to join him. They can help you with him. Plus I think. They like spending time with you." Zero painfully admits. "That's Great. I love hanging out with ZJ. I will pick them all up here on Friday. I will only call you if Rai will not stay." Kamane answers. "Great. Thank you." Zero replies. Not sure how it got to this. That him and Kamane are actually speaking nicely to each other. Making it work. It just surprised him.

Kamane takes the kids with him. Rai running to Zero to say bye. Then Running into the Kitchen to say bye to his mother. She gives him tons of kisses. Telling him things will be fine. That he can trust Kamane. That he would never do anything to hurt him. Just like her and Zero. Her words make the little boy feel at ease. She tells him to please have fun with his sister. Enjoy the day. He comes out and grabs Kamanes hand. Walking out of the Cafe.

When Zero looks over to Yuki, watching them walk out the door. He sees a Sigh of relief come over her. She walks back into the kitchen. Zero goes into the kitchen. Seeing Yuki bake. Being her normal self. Making plans for what she is going to make. Writing them down, and getting the ingredients ready. She lifts her head and smiles up at him. "Would u like to help?" She asks. " If you would like me to?" Zero replies. "Yes. I would very much. I enjoy being with you. I haven't had the time lately. Maybe today we can." Yuki responds. Going over to him, giving him a passionate kiss. Pushing him up against the wall. "Yuki are you taking advantage of me?" Zero says with a Smirk. "If you will let me." She answers as she kisses him again. "We can't do that in here. "There is no one in the Cafe, in case someone comes in. We need to put the closed sign up for a bit." Zero responds. "Then go do so. I will meet you in your office." Yuki replies with an evil grin.

Zero goes to put the closed sign up. Noticing that Yuki's mood changed a lot, once the child was gone. Not sure. What to think. He goes to his office. Yuki in there waiting for him. "Welcome back sexy." She says. As she goes over to kiss him again. "I miss you so much Zero." She says. wrapping her arms around him. "Yuki, I miss you also. You know. You can tell me anything right? I am here for when you want to talk." Zero says. Seeing a sadness in her eyes. "Yes. I know. I don't want to talk right now. I just want to be close to you. I want to feel you. Like last night." She responds. Bringing him over to the chair. Zero, flinches. "No. Not the chair. How about the desk?" He suggests. "Ok. Let's try something new."She says as she turns around putting her hands on the desk. *Leaving her back and bottom towards Zero. "Oh, Doggy huh? We don't do that very often, if at all. That is new." Zero smirks. Going over to her. Lifting her dress. Rubbing her ass with his hands, as he kisses down the back of her neck. She lets out a large moan. Pushing herself back towards Zero's crouch. He keeps rubbing her ass, as this is a new position for him. He likes. What he sees and feels. Sliding her underwear off. Undoing his pants. He then proceeds to rub his manhood on her bottom and center. Just teasing her. Licking her earlobe, as he does so. Feeling her wetness makes him even more excited. He slides in, Making her moan louder. He puts his hands on her waist, pushing her round firm ass onto his stomach. Making him harder. Which makes him go faster and harder inside her. The desk taking a beating. As Zero Plunges himself into her. Faster and Faster. Till she gives out a loud Scream of his Name. Sending him over the edge. As they both explode. * Zero Clasping on her back. Holding her body close to him. Kissing down her neck. He lightly gets up, so she can move. She gets up and kisses him passionately. "That's why. I don't normally like that position. I can't kiss you." Yuki says catching her breath. "I know. That was different though. Kind of fun." Zero remarks. "It's always fun with you Zero. " She says kissing him again. 

"You're a bit frisky today huh?" Zero says. "It's been awhile. I told you. I missed you. Not only in that way though. Just being with you." She says. Her eyes looking at the floor. Zero notices her mood change. "I guess. We should open the Cafe and get back to work." She remarks. Kissing him on the cheek. Then heading towards the door. Zero still not able to figure out what is going on. Just that she still wants and cares for him. Just something is in the way. He goes on to spend the afternoon with her. Baking and working in the Cafe. He will see a smile here and there.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now