Chapter 89 One Last Time.

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Chapter 89 One last time

They head to work and go into the cafe. They work the lunch hour. They do everything, they were supposed to. "Zero, I will be back in a few hours. I'm going to take a walk ok?" Yuki states. "Ok. Everything ok?" Zero asks. "Yes, just need some fresh air."

Yuki walking down the street sense's that Kamane is in there house. She opens the door and goes in. Kamane sitting at his desk. "I knew. You were here." Yuki states. Going over to him, giving him a hug. "Hey, how is my girl? You did very well last night. Everything is going fine." Kamane states. "It really wasn't an act, Kamane. I enjoy being with you." Yuki states."I know. Same here. How are you and Zero doing?" Kamane asks. " The bond is growing, stronger. There is only one more thing to do to make it complete. I haven't brought my self to make love to him yet. I know. Once I do, I will be lost in him again. Last night it took every ounce of willpower I had." Yuki confesses. "Well, at least it's growing. I guess. That will be the end of our booty calls?" Kamane laughs. "It's actually, why I am here. I want to have one more time with you. Before I give myself forever to Zero." Yuki states. "Well not forever, I will have you in time correct?" Kamane asks. "Yes, our deal is still on. You just have to promise me, You will not Touch him. If you do and I find out I will have to kill you Kamane. As much as I love you, I will not accept that." Yuki states. "Aw, I see the protective Yuki is back. You have my word. I will not do that. I don't want to do anything this time to ruin it. You know, of course, I will give you as many nights as you need with me. " Kamane states. "This will have to be the last time. I am going to try to give myself to him fully. To let go of being scared. I can't hurt him or cheat on him. I promised him once, we are official I wouldn't. " Yuki admits. "Official? Was that just so you can come here?" Kamane laughs. "Are you complaining?"

 Yuki says, as she goes over to him and starts unbuttoning his shirt." I would have to be nuts to. I am just sad. It will have to be the last time." Kamane confesses. "Then we are going to have to make this last. Aren't we?" Yuki says seductively. Lightly throwing Kamane into his desk chair. undoing his belt, looking into his eyes the whole time. Sitting on his lap, lifting her Dress. Rubbing herself onto him. They kiss passionately. Kaname's hands roam Yuki's body. They are so hungry for each other. They don't even remove all there clothes. She just slides on top of him, into the chair and takes the lead. Bouncing up and down on him. When they both reach their climax. She is still sitting in his lap, His arms around her. Trying to catch there breathes. "Wow, That was incredible." Kamane says. Yuki cuddling up to his warm chest. "If this is the last time ever, I'm not done with you yet." Kamane says. as he lifts her up into his arms, carrying her into there bedroom. Now removing all their clothes. They spend the afternoon in bed making love as many time as they can. Using each other's bodies. Yuki doing her best to get Kamane out of her system. Feeling if she can do all this with him now, She could let all the desire and want leave her. So she can give herself fully to Zero.

"I have to get back before they send out a team to find me. " Yuki giggles. " Do you have to?" Kamane asks. "Yes. You know they worry. I need to get washed before I leave though. I can't have your scent on me. He will have a fit. He will not understand. I needed to do this." Yuki admits. "This might of just made it worse. You know. When we see each other. I can't forget all this." Kamane states. "We are going to have to. I will not cheat on him, once we are together. Just like I didn't on you." Yuki adds. " Can I take the shower with you?"Kamane asks. "Yes, but after I need to wash your scent away again." She giggles. After the shower, Yuki puts on a clean pair of undies and her clothes. Trying her best to wash Kaname's scent away. She kisses him one last time. As she says goodbye and walks out the door. Yuki taking a bag with her filled with her jewelry and clothes from the old house.

She walks back to the Cafe, Leaving her life with Kamane behind. Ready to give herself fully to Zero. To try to stop the fight within herself. To Try not to let her fears take over. She opens the door to the Cafe to see Zero behind the Counter. She knows. He was waiting for her. She looks at his sweet face. The one she is falling in love with all over again with. " Hey, Your back."Zero says. "Yes I went to the old house, I got the remaining of my items. I won't be going over there anymore." Yuki states. "Oh. I could of went with you." Zero states. "No, that's ok. I needed to do this by myself. I needed to let go." Yuki comments. "Was Kamane there? " Zero asks. slightly smelling him on Yuki. Not as fierce as before. so he feels she was in his presence. "Yes. All is good now." Yuki replies.

Zero Confused but letting it go. Feeling if he started, it would just be what Yuki was talking about before. Just let her be. He didn't know. How far it went with Kamane. Only his imagination could go, on and on. He wondered. How she was going to make a go with him, If she still wanted Kamane. If she wanted Kamane so badly, why didn't she just stay with him? So many things rushed to Zero's mind. He thought of last night when she was on top of him. What he was feeling. He Knew. She felt it too. She was at the brink. He felt how badly. She wanted him. Still not giving in fully. It took everything he had, not to let go and just take her. He didn't' know. How much longer this could go on. Was she ever just going to let go? There talk this morning, did shine some light on things. Knowing. How she feels. How scared she is. He hoped, in the end, all this would be worth it. That they would go back to what they use to be. That it just wasn't the blood bond holding them together. Thinking if she loved me so much, how could she still sleep with Kamane. Or was it, that she was scared to give into sleeping with him. That's why she did it with Kamane? He knew. Once they did make love it would make the blood bond complete.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now