Chapter 139 the Past Won't Let Go.

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Chapter 139 The past won't let go.

Kamane and Yuki head outside to the waiting car. Yuki gets in first and Kamane after. "What happened?"Kamane asks. Yuki just moves closer to Kamane putting, her head on his chest. He places his arms around her. A little confused. But never pushing her away. Feeling something took place. Just not knowing what. "This isn't because he is the president again? Is It?" Kamane asks. "I would rather not talk about it right now please." Yuki states. "You never hide things from me. You know. You can tell me anything." Kamane remarks. "Yes. Just right now I, can't speak about it. I just want to be with you." Yuki comments. "Ok. I am here however you need me."Kamane replies. They drive home from the association. Going into the townhouse.

"Yuki are you going to go to the Cafe?" Kamane asks. "No. I don't feel like it. I think. I want to just go for walk alone. I need air and some space. Thank you for holding me on the way home. I really needed that also." Yuki states. Kamane noticing a coldness about her. Something taking over her. "As I said before, I am always here for you Yuki. I wish. You would let me know, what took place today. I can see something is really eating at you." Kamane replies. "I will when I'm ready. I just need some time." Yuki says as she walks out the door.

Later in the evening, Kamane is a bit worried. Yuki has been out all day and hasn't come home. It's dinner time. She is normally home to fix the kids some dinner and put them to bed. While Kamane is now trying to fix the kids something to eat, there is a knock at the door. "Where is Yuki?" Zero asks. "Good question. We came home from the association. She said. She needed to be alone. She went for a walk. She hasn't returned. I have been waiting for her. I know, something took place today. I am just not sure what. She isn't herself." Kamane responds. " I have been calling her all day. I tried the Cafe. No one has seen her since this morning. I tried her cell phone. It goes straight to voicemail. I noticed. When she came back from the bathroom something was wrong. I also know. She is pissed at me for taking my old job back. I didn't get to tell her. I was president again." Zero states. "I think there is more to it than that. She wouldn't tell me. She told me. She wasn't ready to. I haven't had time to go look for her. I am trying to get the kids something to eat and to bed." Kamane remarks. "That's Fine. You take care of them. I will go look for her. It's me she is pissed at. Anyway. I knew. She would be mad, I just didn't think. She wouldn't answer my calls. She has never done that before." Zero admits. "She seems pretty out of it. When she left here." Kamane states.

Zero goes out to look for Yuki. He knows. That normally he wouldn't have to go far. That she likes to sit in the park across the street. Its the first place, he heads. Seeing her on the park bench. "Yuki, there you are? I have been calling you all day." Zero states. Yuki just looking straight, not at him. " I know you're mad at me. I didn't get the chance to tell you. I didn't want to tell you that on the phone. I thought. I would tell you on Wednesday in person." Zero comments. Zero sitting down next to her. Yuki still not answering him or even looking at him. "Yuki please. talk to me. At least tell me, what is going on. I guess. I rather have you. Yell at me. then this silent treatment." Zero states. 

Trying to go for her hand that she moves away. "Yuki, please. We are doing so well. Don't push me away." Zero remarks. "It is more then just me taking the job? I know. You hate that I work there. I just worked so hard. They offered me the president of the hunters association again. I felt so alive. I never knew. It was missing until now." Zero states. "Go home Zero." Yuki says coldly. "Yuki, please. You don't mean that. Don't do this again. Don't turn cold and push me away. You know. Your closer to me than ever. Talk to me." Zero snaps. "There isn't anything to say. I'm Tried of fighting for this relationship. I'm tired of all the pain." Yuki responds. "You don't mean that. What happened today? Tell me!" Zero says. "What happened is I learned a few things. First that major things in your life lately, you don't even tell or talk to me about. You just do whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy. It doesn't matter. How I feel or want. That its major things that affect your life and also mine. Second I learned. I'm the laughing stock at the hunters association. Probably the council too. That the big bad mean president of the hunters association Dumped and cheated on the Prue blood queen. He divorced and had another child with another woman. " Yuki says coldly pushing back the tears.

 "Yuki. Where did you hear that?" Zero asks. "Don't you act surprised. You work there. You know. What they say. Did it make you feel powerful and good? They think you're so great for putting me in my place. Knocking down the Pureblood queen. You always hated us anyway. I guess. You did get a kick out of it." Yuki states. "You know better than that. You know. How I feel about you. What the hell is gotten into you?" Zero snaps. "What got into me? That I am trying everything, I can to make it that we can be together again. And you go back to this. That Kharis is always thrown in my face. You could have given me a heads up. You like your freedom, don't you? You see what I meant. " Yuki states. " I knew rumors were going around. I heard them from the first day I went back. I just ignored them. You know. How people talk. I never thought they would let you hear that. I missed you. I was lonely, so I went back to work. That's all this is." Zero responds. 

"Yea I guess. You could ignore it. When your the one coming out good. I'm the loser in this. OH except that now, I married my own kind. I finally learned my lesson." Yuki hisses. Tears streaming down her face. No matter, how she is trying to fight it. "I know your hurt. I know anything that has to do with Kharis hurts you. I am so sorry. Let's go back to the Cafe. Where no one can see us." Zero suggests. "Why? So you can kiss me? Make me under your spell again? I rather not. " Yuki states. "Yuki, please. "Zero comments. "If you want this so bad as a hunter, then maybe this relationship is better not to move on. Maybe we are just wasting our time? You were meant to be a hunter. It's in your blood. I can't spend the rest of my life scared to death you will die. That one day at work something goes wrong. That I will never see you again. I was really meant to marry Kamane. Maybe we should take the course we were supposed to take. Just move on. " Yuki remarks looking down into her lap. "Don't you start this shit again. We have been here so many times. You know. It won't work. You know our bond. Why even bring this up? I am sorry people hurt you. I'm sorry, it was because of me. That doesn't mean you have to act like this. Did you forget the other day when you didn't want me to leave?"Zero hisses. "No, but there is a time when you just get tired of the pain. Tired of all this mess. And what for? We had twenty-seven wonderful years and a few here and there afterward. What more could we ask for? Some don't ever have it at all." Yuki answers. "I want you to stop it!" Zero snaps

Grabbing her hand and pulling her up. Dragging her to the Cafe." Zero stop." Yuki says tears flowing. They get to the Cafe. Where Zero opens the door with the key. He takes Yuki into the kitchen. Where he turns her around and kisses her, holding her tight. Tears stream down her face and her arms go around him. "You know. What your touch does to me. You use it against me. You use it to shut me up or tame me lately. It's not fair." Yuki snaps. "I will use anything I have to. To make you see, Your not going anywhere. I know today had to suck. I am truly sorry you went through that. We will be together like we were before. I promise you. We have a few more months of this crap. Let me stay at of the hunters association until we are back fully together ok? It gives me something to do. Just like the Cafe gives you. Listen to me Please." Zero begs. Zero moves his arms around her waist. Kissing her deeply. Letting her fall and melt into his arms. He does know. He can tame her. He has more control over her and her body now than, he ever has. He knows. She brought up some good points but, he isn't letting her go. He isn't going to let this fester. He won't let her push him away like she did in the past.

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