Chapter 167 Open Your Heart

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Chapter 167 Open your heart

Zero waits a few minutes more. Yuki still not out. He goes over to knock on the door. But no one answers or responds. Zero gets a little nervous so he walks in the bathroom. "Yuki is everything ok in here?" Zero asks. As he looks around. The steamy water, fogging up the place. "Yea," Yuki replies in a low tone. "Zero walks over to the shower, pulling back the curtain a bit. "Babe, what's wrong?" He asks as he looks in seeing her sitting in the shower. The water just hitting her. Tears in her eyes. Zero kneels to her, lifting her head. Placing a light kiss on her lips. "Babe, what's wrong?" Zero asks again. The water hitting his back. His shirt getting all wet. His silver hair now soaked. "Do you ever wish. I was built like Kharis? That I had more?" Yuki asks with sadness. "Yuki are you kidding me? There is nothing wrong with what you have. You know. How you turn me on." Zero says. "Yea. But she was more woman than me. She was curvey. Taller. I know you like big boobs. I just don't have those." Yuki states. " I know. I use to tease you. When we were teenagers but I don't care about that. I love you just the way you are. There is nothing wrong with you. Don't let that paper shit get in your head." Zero says. Shutting off the water, then lifting Yuki up into his arms. Grabbing a towel. Kissing her passionately. She moves her hands down to take off his soaked shirt. As he carries her to the bed. Lightly placing her on it. He strips out of the rest of his wet clothes. Yuki then gets the towel and dries off his hair. As he kisses her neck, rubbing his hands on her breasts. Yuki giving out light moans. Yuki sitting in Zero's lap there naked wet bodies rubbing up against the others. They forget about the outside world and only see each other at this moment. Giving their self to the other. Making slow passionate love to each other. Making their bond stronger. Mika trying to break them apart only seems to bring them closer together. There desire for the other not shifting.

Meanwhile, Kaname and Martha are out on their date. They are sitting in this quiet cozy romantic restaurant. Martha very nervous. First just because, she is with Kaname and second she knows. What she has to tell him. "Kaname, I need to tell you something. " Martha states. "Ok, I'm all ears." Kaname says. "I really enjoy being with you. I don't want our relationship or friendship to start out a lie. I also don't want you to hate me." Martha says. "Why would I hate you? I think. Our friendship is very nice. I enjoy being with you also." Kaname remarks. "I hope you feel the same after I tell you this. When I went to work for the association, I was working for Mika. I was there to get all the information. I could get on Zero and Yuki. To use against them. I am the one that gave the information to the paper about the wedding. I will not be doing that anymore, because my feelings for you are real. The more I am with you. The more I want you. Kaname I am falling in love with you. I also know. The truth that you are not Married to Yuki. I just never told anyone that. I couldn't hurt you." Martha admits.

 "I was wondering if you were going to tell me the truth or just use me." Kaname remarks. "You knew?" Martha asks. "Of course my dear. I know everything. I just wasn't sure of your intentions. If you really truly cared for me or not."Kamane states. "I do. I swear to you. I do." Martha says her heart beating fast. "I did notice you never used any of the information against me. You also never gave the truth. That we were not married for real. That would of cause a lot of trouble for all of us." Kaname comments. "Oh, I know. I couldn't do that to you." Martha replies. Kaname moving his hand to hers. " Martha I have to be honest with you also. I do like you. I am glad you told me the truth. I can forgive. I have done some stuff in my past. That a special woman forgave me for. I was very grateful that she did. I just don't know if I can give myself to you fully Martha. I don't mind the dinners and being together. It's just my heart belongs to someone else." Kaname admits. "I know. You love her dearly. She is with Zero, Kaname. You can see it in both there eyes, how much they love each other. I know. I saw the desire for you in her's but she always goes back to him." Martha answers. "Yes. I know. He has always been a throne in my side."Kaname responds. "I knew. I would have to share you. That she is your best friend. But if you open your heart to me and let me in. It's all I ask. I have to say. It will be hard to be like Zero and just let this go but to be with you. I will do it."Martha answers. "Ok. As long as you know the truth. I don't want to hide it and hurt you. You will notice it. When she is around. I do my best to control my feelings. There are just times I can't. She gets under my skin."Kaname states. "Maybe in time she won't. Maybe in time, I can make you forget her?" Martha asks. "I don't know. What the future holds. I do want you to know. I love her. If you feel you can't live with that. Then please Don't start this." Kaname responds.

 " I can handle it."Martha comments. Ever so happy. To be with Kaname she would do anything. She did hate the fact, she would be sharing him with Yuki. It might not be sexual but she knew there bond was strong. She just hoped that in time. She could lessen it. Make him fall in love with her. That Yuki would concentrate on Zero more. And leave Kaname alone. She would never know if she didn't try. To her, it was worth it. Just to be next to him. She looked at him like Yuki looked at Zero. Kaname saw that. Its why he was willing to try. To have a woman that actually was totally deeply in love with him and only him. He wasn't use to that. No one in the way or middle. It would be refreshing. At the same time, Kaname knew his heart was Yuki's. That no matter what took place with Martha, he just wished it was Yuki. He remembered the night she came on to him. How badly he wanted her. He didn't think. He could want anyone like that. His blood bond was with her. He just controlled it all these years. He was willing to try though. He knew while Zero was around, He would never have his one true love.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now