Chapter 15 Bringing Fears to life.

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Chapter 15 Bringing Fears to life.

Another year goes by. Zero and Yuki have been married for Seventeen years. They are still extremely happy. The little ones are now six, In first grade. Ai is in her Junior year in HS. Yuki and Zero work together during the day and night. They love being together. Yuki thought about having another child, but reconsidered, since she loves her job. She would have to give it up again. Zero was relieved. He still has worries. It may be another set of twins. That scared him. Having another child doesn't bother him. He actually wouldn't mind. Yuki is a wonderful mother. He is a great dad. He loves his children. They are growing up fast. He told Yuki whenever she was ready, to just let him know. That he is OK with not having one now and waiting is a good idea. He did enjoy working with her also. They made a great team. While Zero was at work one day, he got a call from Hanabusa. Which was rare. He never called him there. He always saw him at home. Hanabusa left a message for Zero to please stop by. When he got home tonight. There was something Urgent. He had to talk to him about. Zero wondered all day. What it could be about. He knew that Ai and Seiya were always together. He was wondering if it was about them. He Told Yuki. He would drop her off and go see Hanabusa. He was always working in the lab. He was more at there house. Then he was at his own.

"Hey, Hanabusa Whats the matter. I came straight from work." Zero said." Zero Hanabusa replies I have something to show and tell you. I don't know how you're going to react to it." " What's going on?" Zero asks. I found a way to bring Kamane back, without Yuki having to give up her life. With the technology of today, I regenerated a heart. I can infuse it with Yuki and Ai's blood, and put it into Kamane. It would bring him back to a vampire state. Not human. He would still have all his powers. With them, he could heal and be brought back." Hanabusa states. Zero stands there frozen. His heart beating fast, his mind racing. My life like it is would end. It is all, he could think of. The reason I am telling you this first is that you have become my best friend. If you want me to hold on to this a bit longer. I will. "Oh please." Zero asks. Don't tell Yuki or Ai. Or anyone. Please, Hanabusa. "Our lives are great. If you bring him back, it all will end. Zero sits in the chair next to the lab table. Trembling, Fear taking over him. "Zero are you OK?" Hanabusa asks. "No, I haven't spent enough time with her yet. I need more time. Our children are only six. She was even thinking of having another. Hanabusa please. I beg you. Keep this to yourself." Zero begs." I will for your sake. You let me know. When you're ready." Hanabusa answers. Zero looks up at him. I don't think. I ever will be ready. Hanabusa asks "Zero are you that scared? Even after all this time? That she would go with him?" "I don't know." Zero replies. To be honest I don't want to find out. Even if she didn't. It would turn our worlds upside down. Not only mine, my children's. "I understand." Hanabusa answers. Its why. I told you first. "Thank you." Zero says it means a lot to me.

As Zero heads to the main house, His mind is still racing. My god. He will never, stop haunting me. Six years of peace. Of being a regular couple. I can't give that up. I can't give her up. I love her way too much. Walking upstairs to there bedroom. He hears Yuki tucking in the twins. He goes into the room to tell them goodnight as well. Looking down at these two beautiful children. He kisses them goodnight. Tells them. He loves them. Yuki just watching near the door. "You know you are a wonderful father Zero. I would have a ton of kids with you." Yuki admits. Zero looking up at her. Yuki I love you. "I love you to Zero."She answers. "Let's have that other child" Zero asks. Yuki taken back. "Is this the man, that wanted to fix himself? Wanted to take that option away?" She asks. Yuki, please. I am being real. "Zero" , She says "What has gotten into you?" I just see what a good mother you are. I love raising kids with you. I love being a father. Yuki puts her arms around him while walking to there bedroom. I feel the same Zero, but if we do that. I have to give up work again. I don't want to. If its just one baby, I have a few years and things would be OK. Then when it's born, I don't want to leave it. You would also have more feet in your face while sleeping Zero. She laughs. "I don't care if I have ten feet in my face Yuki." Zero comments. Pulling her close to him. Kissing her softly on her lips. "Hmm, Zero." She responds. "Can we wait just a little longer." She asks? At least just the summer. I want to do patrols with you. I want to be with you Zero. OK, he Nods. We will take this up in a few months. OK, babe. "Sounds good." says Yuki. The fear in Zeros heart just was taking over him. The want for that baby was to make Yuki stuck to him. He wanted the child of course, but her being pregnant, having another child with him, would make them bonded even more. All that night, Zero just held her close. There Son sleeping in Yuki's Arms so his feet weren't kicking Zero. There daughter On the other side of the bed. She had a nightmare and ran to daddy to fix it. He wasn't ready to give this up. It's MY life Kamane, not yours. You gave it up. When you had the chance. You're not taking it away from me now or ever!

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now