Chapter 148 Like Father Like Daughter.

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Chapter 148 Like Father Like Daughter.

Its now Sunday and Yuki is doing one of her Family dinners. She has been trying to do them since she and Kaname live together. That way she can see all the kids. That everyone could be together at once. The kids were pretty good at making sure they were there. They are all a lot older now. Ai going on forty herself. How the time has passed. The twins were also older in their late twenties. Ren and Yoshiko very happy with each other. Still no children. They were taking that part slowly. This Sunday Aiko was taking Nezera with her to dinner. They had something they wanted to announce to the family. Yuki already knew. What was going on. She just kept it to herself. Kaname also knew. The only one that didn't know was Zero. He would soon find out.

While Yuki is in the Kitchen cooking, The guests start to arrive. First being Kaname. He goes into the kitchen to help Yuki prepare the food. Zero is taking a nap with White lily. "So how is my girl this weekend?" Kaname asks. "Good. A lot better. We got to spend time with ZJ. I really do miss him. Zero and I also had a good weekend. I love it here. This house makes me happy. I try to only remember the good times here." Yuki states. "I am glad you had a nice weekend. You do know what Aiko is coming here for. Don't you?" Kaname states. "Probably that she and Nezera will be getting married." Yuki replies. "Yes, but I am sure there is another thing Aiko wants to talk about to Zero. She is almost as pissed as you were at him." Kaname replies. "Why?" Yuki asks as the doorbell rings. "You will see. I am going to get the door."Kaname replies. Yuki thinking about it. It hits her. "Oh, Shit. This is going to be an interesting day." Yuki says to herself and she now understands What Kaname was talking about.

Kaname goes to get the door. Letting Ren, Yoshiko, Aiko, and Nezera in. Not far behind them Is Ai, her husband and Erica their granddaughter Who is now fifteen. Soon as Aiko gets in the door. Kaname sees how mad. She truly is. There was no denying. She was Zero's daughter. In looks and actions. "Where is my father Uncle Kaname?" Aiko asks. "He is taking a nap with White Lilly." Kaname replies. "Figures. He likes that damn horse more then he does people." Aiko Hisses. "He should be here soon." Kaname states. The others head to the Family room, where Yuki is serving drinks. Hugging and kissing them all. Also seeing that Aiko is fuming. "Aiko sweety, I know you're mad at your father. But please this is a Family dinner." Yuki states. "Mother Please. I love you. But I need to say what I going to. To him. I am not a child anymore." Aiko states. "I understand that. Just try to remember he is your father. He really wouldn't ever do anything to hurt you." Yuki states. "He has a funny way of showing it!" Aiko Hisses.

While they are all in the Family room. Zero comes in from the stables. "Hey, all. I see you all made it." Zero says. Walking into the family room. All the Children there saying hello. All being nice. He notices the coldness in Aiko. " I see you took Nezera with you." Zero says. "Don't start dad. I am seriously in no mood." Aiko states. Yuki walking into the room. Asking the others to go outside and take a seat in the garden. That the food will be done shortly. Leaving Aiko and Zero alone in the family room. Yuki can still hear everything from the Kitchen. Where Kaname stays with her. The others head out into the Graden taking a seat around the large outdoor table with umbrella. They all know, what she is going to say. Ren especially. He was her twin. He knew everything about her. He even worked with her. He wasn't very happy with what his father did either. He just learned to let a lot of what his father has done go. Knowing that most of it with Kharis wasn't even his fault. Yet it still hurt him as much as it hurt his mother.

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