Chapter 11 Anything for love.

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Chapter 11 Anything for love

Its been a few months, Yuki and Zero been spending a lot of time together. Rebuilding their relationship. Which has grown more and more. Yuki still works with Zero. Its like old times at Cross Academy. Yuki also has been training Zero. Teaching him all the powers. He posses now. Learning herself. How many she posses. Zero likes the mature Yuki. She is badass but still has her soft side. Still caring for people. Still wanting to protect. Ali is now 8 years old. Growing up beautifully. She is still very close to her mother. Yuki spends a lot of time with her. When she isn't working. They stayed at the mansion so they didn't disturb Ai's studies with Hanabusa. She is nothing like Yuki. She is an A+ Student.

One day at work, Zero met up with Yuki for lunch. "Hey, babe." Zero says. Kissing her. Hi Zero," Are you OK ."Zero asks. You look a little green around the edges. He laughs. "Not funny Zero." Yuki says." I really don't feel good. The site of food makes me feel sick. I think. I ate something bad." I'm sorry babe. Do you want to go home, and lay down? No, I will stay till its time to leave. I really enjoy working here. There isn't anything for me to do at home. "I know." Zero says but if you're sick you could just lay down and relax. 'Nah, I will just skip patrol tonight. Maybe if I go to bed early, it will help. ' Yuki says. Yea. Maybe some home cook meal would too. We have been eating a lot of takeout lately. We are always on the go Zero. We don't have time. I know, but we do have a cook at home. We should take advantage. Tell her to leave us something each night. Or maybe pack us something to take with us. So we still get our talks in the car together while eating. "That sounds good. "Says Yuki." Looking even greener than before.

Later in the day, Zero peeks in to see how Yuki is doing. Still looking a little green there babe. "I know. Still feel it." Yuki says. I'm going home. Zero. I know you have work to do, but would you come home early tonight. Maybe let someone else do the Patrolling. Between the two of us, we got everyone on the list. I would really like to just be with you. "Of course." Says Zero. I will clock out when you leave. I will take you home. "Sounds great."Yuki responds " She grabs her coat. A strong desire comes over her. Bloodlust as she looks at Zero. "Babe. You OK?" Zero says. Yuki's eyes turn crimson red, Fangs extend. She tries to control it. Not sure Zero. I don't know. What's coming over me. You need blood Yuki. I see it in your eyes. Yes, but I just took from you a few days ago. That should have lasted awhile. Can you wait till we get home? "Yes, I don't want to do that here. Let's just go." Yuki responds. They get in the car, Yuki just lies back. Closes her eyes and tries to relax. Man, babe. Whatever you ate really got you bad. I never have seen you like this. "I don't think. I ever felt let this." Yuki comments. They get home and get inside. Where Yuki heads upstairs to put her pj's on. Her bloodlust is even stronger. Zero follows behind her. Before he gets in the bedroom door. Yuki grabs and bites him. Licking and sucking on him, like she hasn't had his blood in ages. When she just had it a few days ago. She keeps drinking and drinking. Till he starts to feel week. "Yuki, "Zero says. She stops herself before she drains him. "Oh! Zero I am so sorry. I don't know. What came over me. It's like. I just couldn't stop myself. "Yuki explains." I think. I know. What's wrong." Zero says. A little dazed, "What? " Yuki asks. "You're pregnant. "Wait. what?" She says to Zero. I feel the heartbeat Yuki. Just like with Ai. There is yours and another. "Oh My God, Zero really? I'm carrying your baby?" She says with excitement and happiness. "Yes, babe." He answers. But Zero something isn't right. I Couldn't stop myself. I know. It was strong with Ai. but its different this time. It's worse." Let's go to the doctor and see what he says. Maybe he can give you something that will help. I heard they have special blood tablets for pregnant women." Zero remarks. OK. I will get dressed." OK." says Zero.

Driving over to the doctors Yuki is so happy. She holds Zeros hand all the way there. Still very sick, but extremely excited. They reach the doctor's office. They go in. Once in the office, the doctor comes in. He asks what seems to be the matter? "I think. I might be pregnant "Yuki says. Excitedly. Well, that's great news. Let us take a look. I have the test right here. Yep, your thinking is correct. You are pregnant Yuki. She grabs Zeros hand and smiles up at him. Then turns to the doctor. But Doctor something isn't right this time. The bloodlust is double, and I feel sick. "OK let's take a look." the doctor says. Getting the ultrasound machine, This might be a little cold. As he squeezes the gel on Yuki's tummy. "Hmm." The doctor says. "I think. I know why." Yuki and Zero look at each other. "Is everything OK?" Zero asks impatiently ." Yes, if you look here, This is baby A and this is baby B. "Twins." Zero asks?"Yep.",Says the doctor. Baby A is a little boy, and baby B is a little girl. Tears stream down Yuki's face. Oh, Zero. I am so happy. The doctor smiles at both of them. Well, I have to say this pregnancy is going to be harder, then the last one. Since they are two babies. They will need a lot of blood. So your lust will increase even more. You may need more then Zeros to get through this. We also have these special tablets for ladies pregnant with twins. You will need to take this also."OK." "Yuki says". Also, it won't be the 3-4 year time like it was with Ai. Since you will be taking extra blood in. The babies will grow faster. It will only take about two years. "Oh, that's great." Yuki says. I get to see them sooner. I can't wait. The doctor looks at Zero. He asks. You are a Vampire Hunter, aren't you? "Yes. "He responds." I thought so, " said the doctor." This pregnancy will be high risk. We will need to monitor Yuki. She will have to come in twice a month. To have an Ultrasound done. "Why?" "Yuki asks." Well not to upset or worry you, but because Zero is a Vampire Hunter, The curse of the twins does still exist. One baby can take over the other, or it can be stillborn. "No." Yuki Says. Not my babies. Tears roll down her face. I want both of my babies. "I am sure you do ." the doctor says. We will do everything we can. Just take the tablets. When your lust is at his peek Take Zeros and or someone else. He will not be enough to satisfy both babies. I will see you back here in two weeks. "OK."Zero says. Yuki just holds Zeros hand. On the way out of the doctor's office. "Yuki are you OK?" Zero asks." I'm not sure." She answers. I really want these babies Zero. I really want your babies. It took this long for it to finally happen. I will do everything. I can to make sure they both Survive. "Yuki listen to me. "Zero says. grabbing Yuki in the parking lot, Putting his arms around her. Whatever happens. It's not your fault. Its the damn curse. I give you want you want finally, and only to give it to you like this. "Zero its not your fault. I love you more than anything in this world. We will get through this." Yuki tells Zero. I'm still happy Zero. Your babies are inside me. Rubbing her tummy. "Yea. I know babe." Zero says. "What are we going to do about the extra blood Zero? "Yuki Asks. "Well, when you were gone for that year. I needed blood. I would use the level Es. So when we are out on patrol. Use them. Their blood isn't great, but it will do the job. "Zero says. Your OK with this Zero? Yes. I know why you're doing it. I will also be right there. It's not a problem. You do what you need to Yuki. I understand. "OK "Yuki replies.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now