Chapter 131 Set Off The Killing.

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Chapter 131 Set off the Killing.

Nezera goes back to Cross. He knows. What he has to do. It doesn't bother him at all. As he has done things like this all his life. How could it bother him? With two best friends being Yoshiko and then Mika. He was probably the most level-headed out of the three. He still could get majorly crazy. Just no one has seen it yet. Aiko kept him calm. There was something about her. He couldn't resist. Drinking from her made his body tame. Her blood excited him. Was it the mix of Hunter and Pureblood? He wasn't sure. He just knew. It was something. Something he never felt before. Nezera was part Vampire because his mother was. Everyone thought. He was a bastard son of Rido. But he wasn't. His father was a demon. It was the part of him, in this world he tried to hide. It's why he let everyone believe he was Rido's son. Kaname, Yuki, and Zero saw some of it when he tamed Mika. The demon wings and hands. That came out when he was mad. They didn't ask. He didn't tell. They never saw him in true form or when he was totally pissed off. What he could really do. He wanted this world to except him. He wanted to blend in. Be normal for once. For him, in his own world, he use to be a killer with other killers. Just like Mika. It was all for fun and games. Everyone feared him. In his own world, he never cared about anyone. He has never been in love before. That wasn't his thing.

 Once here things changed. He liked it here. He stayed. He tried his best to become normal even though every now and then. His old self comes out. Just never around or with Aiko. Calling Mika excited him. It reminded him of old times. How crazy and scary they would both get. He just knew this time. He couldn't include himself in the killing. No one could know. He was part of this. He was also doing it to get in with Kaname and Yuki. Not only because of Aiko but because they are vampire royalty. Getting in with them would make him powerful here as well. His powers have increased from drinking from Aiko. It was just getting better and better for him.

Once back at Cross, Nezera goes into his room and opens the portal to his world. Walking through. Going straight to see Mika. "NESSYYYY! Its been so long. How are you? You finally came back. Did you finally get some sense and come home? Everyone has missed you so much." Mika explains. "No, sorry. I am not coming back to stay. But I do have a little fun job for you to do. I took it just because I knew it would interest you." Nezera states. "Ohh What is it? I can't wait to hear what it is. Do I get to kill?" Mika laughs. "Yes, actually you do. I need you to take out the whole Counsel. All of them need to go together but one. Make the head one stuffer and the rest look like an accident." Nezera says. "Ok. I can do that. Do I get to torture him? That will be fun! I will only do it for a favor in return." Mika states. "I knew you were going to say that. I got it that you can come to Cross with me." Nezera states. "You read my mind NeSSSYY! I missed you so much. When can I kill em?" Mika replies. "You can do it whenever you want. It's your choice on how, and when. Just don't include me in it." I need no one to know what the real me is for now." Nezera explains. "Ok. I will see what I can do. But you know I don't really like to keep promises." Mika Responds. "You know better than to play with me. I did this to make you have fun. NOw don't let me regret it." Nezera states. "Oh, your no fun. I am still glad to see you though. Let's go back to Cross. I can't wait to get my hands on them. And rip them to shreds. I already had an idea. BOOMMMMMMM! BUt the head one isn't getting off so easy. Snip Snip. Stab stab." Mika laughs loudly. " Oh god, what did I create,"Nezera says.

Once back at Cross. Mika goes off on her own to do her thing. She doesn't let Nezera know. What she is planning. She never does. Mika goes to the council building. She knows just what she is going to do. She finds out the day that only the councilmen are in the building. She is crazy but she isn't killing everyone in the building just them. Once she finds out the day. She heads there. Grabbing the main counsel man. Tieing him up and placing him in her van. She goes back to the building messing around with the gas lines. Making sure. They go BOOM! She heads out throwing a flame making the whole building go up in flames. With the other counsel men in the building. She then drives off with the head one.

 "I am going to have so much fun with you. What limbs am I going to remove first? I have the best one in mind." Mika says with a giggle. "I hope you already had your children." She adds. She takes him back to her world. To her "Playroom". Where she ties him to a steel table. She gags him. So she doesn't have to hear him talk. "I bet you're wondering why you're here? I heard you were being a real shit. Why do you care so much who dates who? Did anyone ever tell you who to marry? Who to have kids with? You need to get off peoples asses. But now you won't even have your own ass to worry about." Mika Laughs. " By now I am sure, you know who wanted you dead. See if you would of mind your own business. You wouldn't be in this position. Its a really bad one to be in. You were worried about a Vampire Hunter. Tsk Tsk. I am so much more to worry about. He would only shoot you. I'm going to do so much more. " Mika gives an evil laugh. The head counsel man scared shitless. Mika goes on to torture the counsel man all night. Removing fingers, toes, private parts, and his tongue. Slowly. Making him suffer and be in pain. This is what she does. Its what she craves. She cuts him up into pieces before, she beheads him. He turns to dust. Leaving no evidence. She cleans herself up. Going back to Cross like nothing took place. Giving Nezera a wink to let him know. The deed is done.

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