Chapter 14 Growing up

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Chapter 14 Growing up

It's been five years. The twins are now five. Ai is sixteen. Yuki and Zero still happy. Having the everyday normal life. Zero and Yuki have come to enjoy and love these days. Spending time with Family and friends. Yuki wants to go back to work now. That the twins are five and will be going to Kindergarten. She feels now. She will have some time to be herself. Ren is very attached to Yuki. They spend tons of time together. He sneaks in bed in the middle of the night to sleep with Yuki and Zero. Zero gets a little frustrated at times with Ren cause no one can console him like Yuki.

In the middle of the night, Zero is trying to get close to Yuki. There is a foot on his lap, arm across his chest, and his ear being snored in. He opens his eyes to his Son Ren. Sleeping in the middle of the bed. "What am I going to do with this kid." He smiles. He lightly picks him up and carry's him to his own bed. Tucking him in and kisses his head. "Good night Ren." Zero says. "I need to get some real sleep without your feet son." Zero scrambles back to bed. Flopping down into it. Yuki yawns and says. "He did it again. Didn't he?" "Yes," Zero responds. "He is close to you, but sleeps on me." "It makes him feel Safe." Yuki responds. "I know, but I need some real sleep babe. I wake up stiff. The positions. I have to sleep in are nuts." Yuki Giggles. "What you giggling at over there? Get your butt over here." Zero says with a grin. Yuki laughs and cuddles up to Zero, As they both fall asleep in each other's arms.

Zero wakes up in the morning, with Ren's hand in his face, and foot in his groin. "Gezz Kid. I'm not going to get any sleep, till you're in your teens, am I? " Zero states. He rolls him off of him. Going to take his shower. Then comes back and gets Ren up. Time to get up little guy. Its your first day of Kindergarten. Yuki goes and gets Aiko. They dress them. Give them breakfast and get them ready to go. Putting on their little backpacks. "OK guys get in the car time to go." Yuki says. They run to the car. Zero buckles them into there car seats. Once at the school, Aiko is all ready to go. All happy and excited. Where Ren isn't. "Mommy. I don't want to leave you." Ren says. Sweety don't worry. I will be back to pick you up. You will fine. "Mommy Noo." Ren says. Aiko walks in and finds her seat. Already talking to the children next to her. Ren in Yuki's arms not wanting to let go. Zero trying to get him free, but him not letting go. Yuki puts him down and talks to him softly "Ren sweety. I promise you. I will not be far away. You go get your seat. You will have a fun time. You will learn a lot here. Trust mommy. OK? " Yuki states. "Mommy." He sniffles. Will you walk me to my desk? Of course baby. Daddy, you too? "Yep, I'm right here buddy." Zero replies. Yuki and Zero walk Ren to his desk. Telling him. He looks like such a big boy. That they love him. While his sister Shouts out." Oh, what a big baby you are!" Zero feels the same way as his daughter but tells her not to say that. He Kisses her on her head and walks out. Yuki following up behind him. Aiko talking with the new friends. She made, and Ren looking at the door. Where his mom and dad just went through. Yuki has tears in her eyes. Zero our babies are growing up. I know babe. It's so nice to watch. "Yes, it is. I am going to miss these days." Yuki says. "You're not saying, what I think u are?" Zero inquires. No, not yet love. I still want to wait a bit for another. "Whew.. at this rate. I will never get to sleep again." Zero says. They both laugh.

They both get into the car. Head to work. Yuki is going to be trained again by Yagari. She wants to try to get her power back fully. She misses. Who she was, before the twins. Zero is happy. She is doing this. He like that version of Yuki also. He also likes spending more time with her. With the twins, they spend family time. Alone time isn't as much. Since Ren is attached to Yuki. Yuki figured. She would work, while they were in school. Be home for them afterward. Then after putting them to bed. She would go with Zero on patrols. That way. She has time with both. Ai, also comes home from school. The same time the twins do. So she can spend time with her as well. Before Ai goes out with Seiya.

When its time for Patrol. Zero waits for Yuki to come back to the Association. "I'm back my love." She says all smiles. "It's nice to see you babe." He responds. "I'm not going to take full control like last time Zero." Yuki Confesses. "I'm not sure. How strong I am now. So I want to test it. Its been a really long time since I used any of it. I might just need to use the training. I got from Yagari now." Yuki confides. "I will be right there Yuki. I won't let anything happen to you." Zero states." I know that babe. I want you to pay attention to what's around you. Don't worry about me. One false move and something can happen. I got this.' Yuki states. " Always protecting me." Zero says. Yuki smiles at him. They spot a level E and Yuki goes after it. Zero right behind her. "I thought. You were not going to take Full control? "Zero shouts. As Yuki punches the level E., then hits him with Artemis. "I changed my mind." She grinned back at Zero. I see that. It felt so good Zero, just to be needed again. "I saw you didn't use your power, just Artemis." Zero states." I'm not angry or sad. The power isn't as strong. I'm happy and calm. To be honest the happiest. I have ever been. Our home life is the best. " Yuki admits. Zero Nods. I feel the same babe. It feels so good to be normal. "Yes, it does." Says Yuki. Heading back to there car. Zero gets in and closes his eye. "Yuki can we sleep in the car a bit?" He asks. I can't take going home. Getting an arm in the face and foot up my butt. I'm kind of tired of it. Yuki Laughs. "OK babe that's' fine. I don't mind either. You know you got one foot. I get the other. Or an elbow...or something in my side." Yuki says. They both laugh. "What are we going to do with that boy?" Zero says. Yuki replies, "Just love him to pieces." Zero smiles at her. Yes that you sure do. If he wasn't my son, I would be jealous of him. "Well, he is." Yuki says, He looks just like you. Except for my eyes. She smiles. "Yea those eyes are what stops me from killing him with those feet." Zero laughs. They smile at each other and try to get some rest.

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