Chapter 35 I'm Back.

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Chapter 35 I'm back

While Yuki, Zero, Kaien, and Yagari are in the office talking. Yuki Feels the awakening of Kamane. "He is alive." Yuki states. Her eyes flutter. "I can feel him." Zero announces I can also. "Ok. They woke him up why?" Yagari Comments. "To torment me." Zero responds. Yuki looks at him, "To torment me."She replies. "Whoever is behind this knows that by bringing him back, it would ruffle our lives. Not only Zeros but mine as well. They also don't know, I'm not the same person as I once was though." Yuki admits. Zero looking at her puzzled. "His presence is getting closer. He is on his way." Yuki states. "They let him go?" Yagari says. " I guess so." Zero comments. "Figures".

Yuki walks out of the office, down the hallway to the door. She grabs her coat and goes outside. Waiting near the gate. Her senses screaming. Her body trembling. Thinking to herself. I don't know if I can hide this. I don't know if I can be strong. A car pulls up and Kamane gets out. Wearing his black trench coat, black pants and his famous silk black shirt opened semi way. His wavy long brownish hair in his eyes. Those Red-brown eyes gleaming as they stare straight at Yuki. "Kam...ane...she says in a low voice.' Yuki my love. He walks over to her. Putting his arms around her. She places hers around him. Her heart beating fast and her palms sweaty. "You knew I was on the way." He says. "Yes, I could sense you." Yuki says." Some things never change." Kamane replies. " Before we go inside Kamane, I want you to know whatever I say or do is to protect you." Kamane nods. "I understand. It feels so good to hold you again my dear Yuki. I have so much to tell you." He says. " Come inside." Yuki says. As they walk hand and hand into the building. They walk up to Kaiens office and Yuki lets go of his hand. Looking into his eyes. He nods and they go in. "Kamane is here." Yuki tells all. "Welcome back." Kaien says. "Thank you." Zero just looking at Yuki to see a response, but none there. "Its good to be back, Hello Zero.' Kamane says. ...'Hi, Kamane'. 'Well, I have a lot to report. This woman took me from my coffin to this castle. She told me it was the place where me and the Hooded woman once lived, but it isn't. She was trying to trick me with that. She also said a few enlightening things. First that she is my daughter." Yuki's legs wobble from under her. She takes a seat before anyone notices. "I never knew. I had a daughter with the hooded woman. She kept it a secret to keep her safe. Shes indeed my child. I sensed that from the blood she gave me. Her name is Yoshiko." "Why come after me and Yuki?" Zero asks. "Because she said that you two knew about being able to bring me back. Yuki hasn't because of you. That your feelings meant more than bringing me back. She seems very resentful toward Yuki." "All this because of that?" Yagari Comments. "Yes. It seems like it so far. There might be more. She seems like she was hiding things. " Kamane states. I really didn't care. I just wanted out of there. I felt the anger and hatred she feels for both of you. What did she do to you Yuki? Kamane asks. Yuki stands up, walks over to Kamane, Looking into his eyes says. She took my child from me. She had Zero's twin try to rape me, beat me and kill my child. She turned me into this Angry, hard, empty person. I know she is your child, but I am going to kill her. "Yuki I am so sorry." Kamane states. Do we need to kill her though? She shoots Kamane an evil dirty look as she storms out of the room. " Should I go after her?" Kamane asks. No. Zero replies. She isn't her self. It's not going to do you any good. " I am truly sorry about your child Zero." Kamane comments. Yuki seems very upset and angry you can see it even before she told me why. "She has been like this for months." Zero replies. She keeps to herself and wants no one. Kamane nods. "I am guessing this put a distance between you and her Zero?" Kamane asks. "Yes, a large one. The person doing this figured bringing you back would be the final blow." Zero responds "I have no intentions of getting between the two of you. I am here to help in any way I can." Kamane states. Look Zero you don't have to worry about me. " I know. I don't. I do have to worry about her. At this moment I don't think she knows what she wants. With you here, it will just make her feelings be more confused." Zero states "I'm sorry about that." Kamane says. "Let me show you your room," Kaien says to Kamane. Follow me.

Zero heads down the hall to find Yuki. She is in her room. Zero Knocks on the door. "May I come in." He asks. "Sure." She responds. "Are you ok?" Zero asks. "Yes, I'm fine. Everyone always thinks Yuki is going to fall apart. Yuki can't handle it. I am so sick of it." She Snaps. "Yuki I know you are stronger than that. I have been seeing the new person you have become. I know you can handle it. I Just wanted to see if you were ok. If you needed someone to talk to." Zero responds. " Thank you." Yuki replies. "He has another child, with someone else." Yuki states. " I Know. I heard. How are you doing with that? " Zero asks. "I'm not sure, to be honest, it bothered me at the beginning. But it was before me. I have to admit. I was proud to be the only one he had a child with." Yuki confesses. Zero Nods not really knowing what to reply to that. Knowing if he says something he shouldn't it would only make their relationship worse. " Are you going to put the hard empty Yuki act on Kamane also? Zero asks. "Act? it's not all an act Zero. It is how I feel. There are parts of me gone. Tears well up in her eyes. I look back at what we had. We were so happy. It was ripped away. I wanted that child Zero. I know we have others but it didn't matter. Closing her eyes to gather herself. "Yuki, we can have that again. We can try again." Zero replies. Holding Yuki's hand in his. " I don't know if I can go back to that now. All I feel is a pain. I feel like a failure." Yuki admits. "Your not a failure, you're far from it babe." Zero responds. Zero pulls himself close to Yuki, putting his hand on her cheek looking into her eyes. Seeing the pain and guilt. He slides his hand down her back and pushes her close to him as his lips touch hers. A fire builds inside of him, He kisses her passionately. His arms slide around her and hers around him. Kissing deeply and hungrily. Their hands roaming each other's bodies. Letting go to breathe., Yuki says in a low voice. We can't. Breathing heavily. I need the anger to stay. I need the built up desire to stay. We are going to need it. Yuki confesses. Zero trying to catch his breath and calm his body down. Says I understand. I am happy to know you still want me, that you can desire me again. Zero says. "It's coming back slowly but its there Zero" Yuki admits. " I will take that"Zero replies I need to get ready for bed. I will see you later. Ok? Yuki asks. "Yes, that's fine. I will see you in the morning or if you have a bad dream. " Zero replies.

Walking back to his room he feels a relief. Even with Kamane a few doors away she still felt something for him. It can grow we can get it back. That kiss was incredible. Let's just get over this crap with Kamanes daughter. Who would have thought, he had another one. Zero says to himself. Just another pureblood.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now