Chapter 154 Surprising Guest

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Chapter 154 Surprising Guest.

Its been about a month. The wedding is finally here. Zero is still very upset about the whole thing. This is something he wishes wouldn't take place. He tried to talk some sense into Aiko, but she just won't listen. So no matter, how much he hates this. He is going anyway to show his support. Again having to spend the night pretending, he is Yuki's ex. Never getting to share the moment with each other. As the true parents of Aiko and Ren. Kaname always the one to be right by her side. The one to get all the credit. That burns Zero inside. He just knows that Kaname is doing them the favor as well. He is trying to keep them out of danger. it just doesn't make it feel any better. Zero wished for once they could walk in somewhere as the true couple they were. Celebrating the events of their own children. Like they were supposed to. Like everyone else could.

Zero meets Yuki and Kaname at the townhouse. The wedding is going to take place at Cross. Aiko loves it there. All the people, she loves dearly are there. Its just going to be a small event with all the family and friends. They get into the car and head off. "Are you two ready for this?" Kaname asks. "Yes. I think. It should be lovely." Yuki states. "Heh, just another wedding. I wonder. What freaks will show up to this mess." Zero states. "Zero stop being so rude. You need to be nice." Yuki says. "Whatever. I hate shit like this. Why couldn't they just elope?" Zero asks. "You two please behave. No matter what takes place." Kaname states. "You treat us like we are kids. What the hell do you expect us to do?" Zero snaps. "Don't start with me. Zero. I know. How you two are. Together lately your both crazy. You react to each other, not thinking before acting." Kaname remarks. "Now now both of you please. Everything will be fine." Yuk says trying to calm everything down. Zero giving Kaname an evil glance. Kaname giving one back.

Once at Cross. The three of them get out of the car. Zero giving Kaname another dirty look. They head into the moon door. Where the wedding is taking place. It is now transformed into a beautiful site. Flowers everywhere. They walk in to take their seats. Yuki sitting in between Zero and Kaname. She places her hand on Zero's hand. Giving him a light squeeze. Zero gets up and heads in the back to get ready to walk, Aiko down the aisle. While he is there. People are still taking their seats. Most of the people are already there for Aiko. They see the people walking in for Nezera. Zero taken back, A pain running through him. Spots Kharis taking a seat up front with a Purple haired man by her side. Zero's heart sinks. He knows. This will set the mood for the entire wedding. When Yuki sees this. It will kill her. Just another bad memory coming back to haunt her. Then he spots his brother. Walking in with his family. Taking their seats. Then all of a sudden, he spots his partner. Who today looks totally ladylike. He can't believe his eyes. The tough, rough investigator. Has turned into a young, beautiful lady. He sees. Kaname turns around in his seat. Just starting at Martha. Zero thought to himself. Great keep adding on the shit for today. What's better? Kharis or now Martha after Kaname? Good lord will it ever stop.

Zero stands there as Aiko comes walking towards him. "Sweety are you sure about this? I ask you again before, you make this huge mistake. The freaks are already coming in." Zero states. "Dad, Please not today. You know. How I feel. Please knock it off." She replies. "Ok. If you're sure. I will behave. You look beautiful by the way. " Zero responds. "Thank you, dad. Oh, Shit dad. What is Kharis doing here?" Aiko states. "Its His Mother. I guess. She would be here. I am sure your mother is just so happy." Zero comments. "I never thought. She would show up." Aiko admits. "Well, she did. Let's get this show on the road." Zero remarks. Walking Akio down the aisle. Kharis just staring at Zero with googly eyes. Yuki's Eyes turning Red. Kaname holding her hand. Trying to keep her calm. Like only, he knows how. The rest of the wedding goes smoothly. No one interjects. The vows go the way planned. Zero takes his seat next to Yuki. Who he knows. She is fuming hot. But doing her best to control it. Zero tries to take her hand in his. To show he is there with her. She excepts holding it tightly. Looking sadly into his eyes. Her heart wounded again. That Kharis Or her look like is there. But because She is looking at Zero. Trying to get his attention. Trying to make this wedding about herself. Yuki just stares at Zero. His silver hair shining in the light. He knows how hurt she gets from Kharis. There just isn't anything he can do.

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