Chapter 126 You did What?

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Chapter 126 You did What?

Its been a few months. Yuki is pretty happy living with Kamane. She sees Zero every weekend. They have a great time together. She does miss him but tries to keep herself busy. Zero is working for the Association. He Hasn't really told Yuki. He knows. It will upset her. Make her worry. Since they only see each other on the weekends. He has noticed that their connection is even stronger. When they are together, its explosive. The passion, desire want, and need are even stronger than before. If nothing else came out of it. It has made their bond ten times stronger.

One night Kamane takes Yuki out for dinner. Just to get away. While at the restaurant. They bump into the head Counsel man. "Lord Kamane. Lady Yuki. What an excellent surprise. I am very happy bumping into you two. I wanted to let you know. That this year's Ball. Will be dedicated to you both. We are so happy that you are married and have a son. " The head counsel man states. "Oh, That's very nice of you. You really don't have to do that. We were not even sure, we were coming to this year's ball." Kamane responds. "Oh, you have to. It's all brand new. Since the bomb went off. It had to be rebuilt. It's better than ever. Not to mention, We already stated, we are doing it in honor of both of you. Zero will also be attending. He will be in charge of watching everything. Since he is back with the Association." The Counsel man states. "What?" Yuki asks. "Oh, You didn't know? He has been working there for months. Don't you two talk?" Counsel man asks. "No. We don't. We just exchange kids. I will be sure to ask him about this though. "Yuki says. Trying her best to keep her cool. "It was nice seeing you both again. Can't wait to see you at the ball." The Counsel states. Walking away. "How could he! He went back there and not tell me. I'm Going to kill him!" Yuki states. "Yuki, calm down. He probably didn't tell you, because of this reaction." Kamane states. "So it's better that I hear it from that bastard? That loved to throw it in my face?" Yuki snaps. "Only Kiryu can make you get like this," Kamane replies. Yuki is steaming mad the whole time at the restaurant. Only thinking about what, she is going to say to Zero. When Kaname and Yuki leave the restaurant, Yuki lets the car drop Kamane off at home. Then it takes her to Zero's house.

She opens the door with the key. Only to find ZJ playing video games in the family room. "ZJ where is your father?" Yuki asks. "Dad is at work. He should be home soon." ZJ replies. "It's going on 10 PM. Isn't he home yet? Does he do this every night?" Yuki asks." It depends. Sometimes it's earlier. LIke on Fridays. When he knows, you are coming over. Guess he will get a surprise when he sees you tonight." ZJ Chuckles. "I am in no mood for that. Please go upstairs and get ready for bed. I want to talk to your father alone." Yuki states. "Yes, Mom. Dad just needs something to do. He is lonely. It kind of sucks when you're not here." ZJ responds.

Yuki just sits on the couch. Waiting for Zero to come home. In a bit, she hears the car pull up. Zero opens the door with the key. Wearing a long black trench coat, White crisp shirt, unbuttoned three buttons, black vest, and black tight pants. He looks incredible. Not to mention, he smells incredible. Yuki grasps at the site of him. Forgetting what she was going to say. Zero turns around. "Babe. What are you doing here?" Zero states. Looking at her wearing a tight black short dress. Her hair flowing down her back. "I am here to ask you? What the hell you are doing?" Yuki states. "What do you mean?" Zero replies. "You know what I mean. I had that damn counsel man tell me your working for the Association again!" Yuki shouts. "Oh, yea. I didn't want to mention it until I was sure. I was back." Zero states. Looking at her in the short dress. Walking over and pulling her near him. Kissing her on her lips. "This isn't going to get you out of explaining yourself. " She says. "It might for a little while." He responds. Pulling her even closer. Her body melting into his. There bond so strong that neither can resist the other.

 He carries her upstairs to there bedroom. Making love to her. Making her calm down at least for the moment. She forgets. Why she was mad at him. As he kisses her all over. His touch so soft and gentle.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now