Chapter 69 Having some fun.

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Chapter 69 Having some fun.

While at the kitchen table with the family eating breakfast, Yuki asks Zero, if they can get a Christmas tree. Like they did when the kids were young. "Zero would it be ok, if we did our Christmas tradition The one we use to with the kids?" Yuki asks. "Of Course. I would love that." Zero answers. Surprised and happy. It's been such a long time. 'Ok guys. Today we are going to go to the Christmas tree shop. We will pick one tree for the front room, other for the family room. " Yuki states. 'OK, mom. That should be fun. We haven't done that in a few years. I remember you and dad taking us every year."Aiko states. "Yes, it was our tradition. I couldn't wait to do that every year. I enjoyed it so much."Yuki explains.

After breakfast, they all get dressed and get in Zero's mini Van. Like they use to when they were kids. They drive in the snow to the Christmas tree shop. They get some Hot cocoa, while they are there picking their trees. Yoshiko watching how Zero and Yuki interact with each other. How the bond isn't totally broken anymore. "Ren is this how your mom and dad always where?" She asks. "No, they were even better. These two did everything together. They had a relationship, that was out of a storybook. Yes, they had their moments. They disagreed, but for the most part. They always got along. They were very close. Mom always wanted to do things. They were always with us. Its sad for ZJ. That he doesn't have what we did growing up. Not even now. He only experiences it here and there. Where we had it all the time. 'Ren admits. " I see. Their bond is growing again. She isn't angry with him at the moment. She even is holding Anna." Yoshiko states. "Yes. I see that. I noticed. She has been paying attention to Anna. I Guess when two people really care it takes a lot to push them apart. I'm not sure. They can be like they were, but it sure is nice to see them like this. Maybe we can have a nice Christmas this year." Ren comments. Once they pick the trees, they get back in the van and head home. The snow coming down even more. Once home they all get in comfy clothes to decorate the trees.

Yuki takes out the ornaments for the trees. Laying them on the floor. While the kids Decorate. Zero just takes in the site of his family all together. It feels so good."Mom, I was watching the news. They are saying. It's going to be a blizzard. We all may be stuck here for a few days." Aiko states. "Oh Well, that's ok. Next week is Christmas. We may as well stay till then If Zero doesn't mind?" Yuki asks. "No, I don't mind at all. Why would I? I have my family here with me. I couldn't ask for anything more for Christmas." Zero replies. "I don't know if Ai will be able to come down then if the blizzard is that bad. I guess. We will have to wait an see." Yuki states. Doesn't Look like Kamane will be able to come for Sunday Dinner either." Zero states. "Yes. I am sure. He will get here for Christmas though." Yuki responds. " Well, the tree is done. Let's Take a family picture." Yuki says. Yuki picks up little Anna and holds her. "I will take the picture Yoshiko says. "Sure, take one. Then get in the second one. The way it looks you will be Family soon enough." Yuki says. "Ok, Thank you." Yoshiko says. They all have dinner together, all sitting at the table like they use to. Little Anna in her high chair. Yoshiko being part of the family. After dinner, they all go do there own things. Yoshiko, Ren, ZJ, and Aiko go to the family room to play video games. Yuki puts Anna to bed and then goes to sit on the sofa with a hot cup of coffee. She sits there just looking at the light up Christmas tree. "Hey, Mind if I sit with you? "Zero asks. "No, not at all." Yuki says. "Today was nice. I really enjoyed it. Thank you. " Zero admits. "Yes, it was nice. Like old times. I Figured. We haven't had a family Christmas in a long time. The kids needed one. I needed one. I have been so busy with work. I haven't really done much of anything else. It was nice to just be with everyone. I do miss all that." Yuki admits. " So do i. Thank you for letting Anna have a family. She is so happy with you. She hasn't had a crying fit since you got here." Zero states. "It's fine. It's nice to hold a baby again. If you ever need a break, you can also send her over with ZJ. I don't mind. You don't have to worry. She will be fine." Yuki states. "Thank you. I will take you up on that." Zero replies. Yuki lays her head on Zeros arm. "Falling asleep?" Zero asks. "Yes, for some reason. I can only sleep through the night. When you're next to me. Otherwise, I only sleep a few hours. So I haven't gotten much sleep in the last few years."Yuki confesses. "Well then lay down. I will stay with you." Zero says. "Are you sure?" Yuki asks. "Yes. I don't mind." Zero puts his feet on the Coffee Table. Lifts his arm, so Yuki can move over. putting her head on his chest. She is laying sideways on the sofa. She lays her head on his warm soft chest and falls asleep. Zero just looking at her. The glare from the Christmas lights shining on her. He kisses her head and falls asleep next to her. When the kids are done playing there games. They head upstairs to bed. Passing them by. Yoshiko just staring. Seeing a bond growing again. Zero's Head on top of Yuki's both sleeping peacefully. She just looks at Ren and they head upstairs.

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