Chapter 115 The Pain Hurts

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Chapter 115 The pain hurts.

Two more weeks have passed. Its been a whole month. Since Zero talked to Yuki. No sign of her coming home. No sign of the blood bond. Did she control it again? Did she really want it gone? He thought to himself. Sitting in the Cafe at the counter. Remembering. What Kamane said about, how bad it would be for her. I guess. It isn't that bad. Zero thought. Even though his was evident. He has been fighting with it for the last two weeks. Driving him crazier and lonelier than ever. The more he thought about her, the more he craved her. He would think about that weekend. Making his body yearn to touch her. Didn't she feel this too? Could she be that cold? Zero thought. Trying to control himself. A month is a long time. If she hasn't missed me by now. She won't. Zero sighs. Trying his best to go back to work. Thinking she left the Cafe as well. She loved this place. It was all her hard work and sweat. She just ran off again. This time with my children. Zero thought. Not appreciating that at all. Not really liking any of this. He was determined not to run after her though. If she wanted to play this game. This time she would herself. He was going to be strong and not give in. If she could do it. So could he.

Later in the day, Zero heads home. This time instead of sitting outside. He just goes in. Getting something to eat. Then heading to bed. He hates being in their room. He hates being in that house. He just feels, its something, he is going to have to get used to.

At Cross. Yuki is in Zero's old room. Its where she stayed the whole month. She just sits on the bed. In pain. The cravings driving her insane. For the last four weeks, she has done her best to control them. It's not working anymore. The bloodlust is taking over her whole body. It's just not for blood anymore. Tonight it's also sexual desire. That weekend they spent together. Replays over in her mind. Zeros touch, his lips. The way he looked in the restaurant. No matter how hard. She tried. She just can't get him out of her head. The pain taking over her whole body, mind, and soul.

A knock on her door. Shakes her out of thoughts. "Mother, Are you ok?" Ai asks. "No! He did it again. He did this on purpose. He knew. I wouldn't be able to control it this time." Yuki shouts. "Mother, why are you fighting it then? You know. You love him." Ai comments. "It's just not fair. I am not in control of my own life. I wanted to come here to stay away from both of them. Maybe start fresh. To try to make a normal calm life. I CAN'T. The thoughts of him invade my mind. This lust takes over my body. I can't breathe." Yuki snaps. " Just let go. You keep holding back. I know. You want control, but it doesn't seem to work. It's only making you hurt more. I do understand. That you wanted to stay away from them both. I know. How they both always hurt you. I am sorry for that mother." Ai replies. " I will never be free of either of them. Its like I am stuck. I can't keep doing this forever. I was happy with your father. I wish Zero would of just shut up." Yuki rants. "Mother really? You were having feelings for him anyway. You would have given in sooner or later. I know. You love my father. Its just nothing like you feel for Zero. Stop being scared. There is no one that will take him away from you." AI states. 

"That's not true. Death will take him away from me. One day. He will turn to dust and leave me. For me never to hold or touch again. AI I can't. I won't be able to stay here without him. I made a deal with your father. That I won't be able to keep. If Zero isn't in this world. I don't want to be either. The thought of this kills me. I want to break the bond and I can't." Yuki admits. "So this is why you're doing all this? God, mother. Why don't you just enjoy what you have with him now? I know. How your feeling. The same will happen with Seiya. I will just deal with it when that time comes. I don't want to lose what we have for now."AI says. " You need to tell Zero the truth. You know. How he always thinks the worse. Always makes father the bad guy. God knows. What he is thinking this time. " Ai Adds. "Your right. I just Know. What its like to have to live without him. I did my best to work through that. I can't do it again." Yuki admits. "Mother, I know all that hurt you. It wasn't fun to watch from my end either. You just have to put your trust back into Zero. You know. The real him would never do anything to hurt you. Stop thinking of what might be. Enjoy the now." Ai states. "Your right," Yuki says drying her eyes.

After the conversation with Ai. Yuki gets in the car and drives home. Tears still streaming down her face. Wondering if he would even, still want to see her. When she gets up to the house. She parks in the driveway. The house dark, Like no one, is even home. Her heart sinks, but she sees Zero's car in the drive. So she figures, she will just let herself in and see if he is there. When she opens the door, everything is dark. Not even a small light on. She slowly starts walking upstairs to there bedroom.

 Zero laying in bed. hearing the front door. He also senses her. He doesn't know. What to except. He just stays in bed, pretending he is sleeping. Yuki walks into the room, seeing Zero in bed. The bedside table light on. She goes over and sits next to him. Tears streaming down her face. Zero opens his eyes, Seeing Yuki in a very upset state. "Yuki? What is wrong?" Zero asks with concern. She doesn't talk. She just puts her arms around him. Holding him tight. Sobbing in his arms. "Yuki. What happened? Are the kids alright?" Zero asks even more concerned. Through her sobs, she manages to say. "The kids are fine." "Then what is wrong? Please talk to me." Zero says. She looks into his eyes and places a kiss on his lips. Letting her body do the talking. She slides on top of him. Not breaking their kiss. Her tears making his face wet. HIs arms wrapped around her. Zero still very confused, but not pushing her away. He feels the need she has. He has the same one. She breaks the kiss, Looking into his eyes. Her eyes filled with lust, completely red. She licks his neck and takes what she needs. He knows. Kamane was right. The lust was too much for her. He does the same to her. Getting all he needs to calm himself. Once they are done. Their Eyes turn normal again.

 She is still sitting on top of him. Her head now on his soft warm chest. "Yuki, What happened?" Zero asks again. "I couldn't control myself anymore. You won. You knew this would happen. Its why you did all that, that weekend. I can't stay without you. No matter how hard I try." Yuki admits. "Did you really want to stay away from me?" Zero asks. "Yes. I wanted to stay away from both of you. Kamane because I just can't take it anymore. I needed space. I know. He didn't mean any harm. But I just couldn't do it anymore. You because I am scared you will leave me again." Yuki finally admits. "What? Babe, I don't know. What to do to make you realize. I'm not going anywhere. I know Kharis hurt you. But it wasn't me." Zero explains again. "It's not that Zero. You will leave me. You won't be in control of it. You will turn to dust and be gone forever." Yuki admits. Tears falling again. "That's what this is about? I don't plan on turning to dust anytime soon. Shit. Why didn't you tell me?" Zero states?."I couldn't even say it to myself. Zero if you're not here anymore. I don't want to be either. I can't live without you. My heart hurts just thinking about it. " Yuki comments. "Babe, I love you. I know. It would kill me to live without you as well. But I want you to go on. When the time comes. I don't want you to take your life. 

Remember you made a deal with Kamane. I want you to keep it." Zero says. "I don't think I will be able to. The more I thought about it, the sicker I got. The thought of you gone." Yuki says grabbing on to him tighter. "That's why you wanted to break the bond?" Zero asks. "Yes. If our bond wasn't so strong. I wouldn't fear so much. I could live a normal life." Yuki admits. "I went to Cross to give up on both of you. To try to break free. Not to have any of this anymore. It just didn't work. I just craved you more. Missed you more. Ai told me to live for the now. Not what might be. I know. She is right, but it doesn't take my fears away." Yuki adds. "Ai is right. We need to live for now. I'm not going anywhere. We have at least 1,000 years left. By then you will probably want me dead. Especially how I always put my foot in it." Zero Chuckles. "Shut up you dummy and kiss me." Yuki States.

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