Chapter 130 Bring in the Freaks.

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Chapter 130 Bring in the freaks.

The next Day. Kamane calls up Nezera. He asks him if, he could kindly come down to the Townhouse. That he would like to speak to him, about something very important. Nezera tells Kamane. That he would be there later in the afternoon. That it wasn't a problem. This is really the first time Kamane, will be talking to this kid. They dealt with him before. He seems to fix things with Mika. He is hoping. That he will help in this situation as well.

During the morning, Yuki goes to the Cafe. Acting as if, its just a regular normal day. She does everything. She needs to do. When the times comes. She leaves Yori and the workers. To take the afternoon shift. Walking home to the Townhouse. Where she meets up with Kamane.

"He will be here right?" Yuki asks. "I asked him to come. He told me. He would. I don't think. He would lie. We just have to wait. You do know? This is a lot to ask of him Yuki?" Kamane states. "Yes. I do. I also know. He is in love with my daughter. That will make him want to help us." Yuki admits. "Using that to your advantage?" Kamane asks. "Yes. Why not? I know. He is going to want to take their relationship to the next level. I don't think. He wants to be on the outs with us. He could say no. But I don't think, he would go run and tell the council. He doesn't seem like the type." Yuki states. "No, He doesn't. He also doesn't seem like the type. That wants to start or make trouble. He didn't like what Yoshiko did or Mika. He tried to calm it down. You think? He wants in the middle of this?" Kamane asks. "I don't know. I guess. We will see." Yuki answers.

After about an hour. There is a knock at the door. Yuki goes and answers the door. "Hi. Nezera. Come on in." Yuki states. "What can I help you two with?" Nezera asks. "We have to ask you something very important. If you don't want any part of it. That's is fine. But we will need you to be quiet about it." Kamane states. "Sure. No problem. What do you need?" Nereza asks. "Well, as you know. We have a problem with the council. They don't like the idea of Zero and Yuki together. They can't take it. That he is a Vampire hunter. You know. All this already. We need the council to go. We need your help. You also know. That in our world. We can not go after our own kind. Without a good reason. So no one needs to know. We are behind this."Kamane admits. "So you need me to ax the counsel?" Nezera asks. "Yes. You can put it that way. Would you be willing to help us? Yuki asks. "Sure. Not a problem. I can let Mika know. She is good at these things. That way it's not brought back to me or you. When she handles it. No one will know. Who did it. Or even be able to find the bodies."Nezera states. Not to mention this is her kind of thing. She gets her kicks out of it. Nereza adds. "We thank you very much for your help. I wasn't sure if you were going to help us or not."Kamane states. 

"Well, I see what these two are going through. I don't think, its fair. They love each other. They should be together. So, I will help. Plus I know Mika will love this. Like I said. It's her thing. You won't have anything to worry about. You want them all gone right?" Nereza asks. "Yes. All. It should look like an accident."Kamane comments. "Well I am not sure about her accidents, but I know they will no longer be a problem for anyone." Nereza answers. "I have one request. " Yuki asks. " I don't care. What you do to the rest of the council, But I want the head one to suffer badly." Yuki adds. "I will let her know. She will have it covered. That will not be a problem. Do you want any of his body parts as a souvenir?" He asks. "No, that will be fine. As long as he is no longer." Yuki states. "Fine. Please do not contact me. You will know. When it happens. The far away. We stay from each other the better. You also need, for the time being, to stay away from Zero. It will look funny if all of a sudden, you leave Kamane again. Then go back to Zero. I am sure a few more months will not kill either of you." Nezera remarks. "That's totally fine. Whatever you need." Yuki states. "There may be one little problem also. Once I tell Mika about this. She will be willing, but for a price. She doesn't do anything for nothing. It won't be money either. We have plenty of that. She will probably want to stick around." Nezera states. "Will, those cause problems for us?" Kamane asks." No, As long as you give in to her demand. She will be fine. I will watch her. Plus she will be happy being with me." Nezera comments. "Fine, we will take the deal. Just please don't let us regret it with her. We don't need any more problems. We are trying to get rid of the problems. We want peace."Kamane states. "Fine. I want peace too. I do also want to marry Aiko. So I think after me helping you. This shouldn't be a problem for you to accept me into your family. " Nezera remarks. "No. There will not be a problem With me or Yuki. Zero doesn't have any idea of this. We would like to keep it that way." Kamane replies. "Sure. The less they know the better. I will let Mika know. It will be taken cared of. Thank you for confiding in me. It means a lot." Neresa Answers. "No problem. Thank you for your help." Yuki states.

After Nereza leaves. Yuki talks to Kamane. "Do you think? We did the right thing involving him?" Yuki asks. "Well. We did it now. He will help and get rid of them. Its just who he is bringing in that bothers me. She could be more problems then the counsel in the end." Kamane States. "You heard. He wants to marry Aiko. I am sure that will help him control that thing."Yuki states. "You're hoping it does. We don't know anything for certain. She played us before. She knows way too much about all of us. She could take us down." Kamane comments. "True. We don't even know how to take her out." Yuki admits."I have Hanabusa working on that. But still. we need to be careful. At least one thing will be taken cared of. He was right you will need to stay away from Zero. No one could know just yet you two are together. It will look suspicious. Just do the normal weekend getaway thing. Try not to make anyone in the Cafe know." Kamane Admits. "I will do my best. I thank you Kamane for everything. For helping me when you really didn't have to. " Yuki remarks. "I love you. I want you happy. Unfortunately, that means Zero. So I will help keep his sorry ass alive. For your sake. Plus Yoshiko is with Ren. I don't want it to affect them either." Kamane Confesses.

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