Chapter 114 Alone, Empty

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Chapter 114 Alone, Empty

Its been two weeks since, Yuki has been gone. She lets the kids call Zero every night. Rai also calls Kamane. She doesn't get on the phone with ether man. Which hurts and confuses both Zero and Kaname. Zero goes to work, spending most of his time at the Cafe. It keeps his mind off of things. There isn't much home for him anyway. It's just empty. Reminding him of what, he had once. He doesn't call Yuki either. He is staying away as she wanted. He is tired of running after her. His heart can't take it anymore.

While in the Cafe, Kamane walks in. He sits down at the stool at the counter. "Hey, Mind if I stay here awhile?" Kamane asks." No. I will get you a cup of coffee." Zero states. "Thank you. Have you heard from her?" Kamane asks. "No. She will let the kids call me daily. She doesn't get on the phone." Zero replies. "Same here. I was just wondering when she was coming home?" Kamane replies. " Good Question. My Fear is. Will she come home?" Zero remarks. " Zero I don't think, This has everything to do with us. I think its just everything, that has happened. Her finding out. We have another child, really ripped into her." Kamane states. "I know. I also know. I don't help the situation at times. I open my mouth and I can't hold back." Zero responds. "She is used to that. She has been with you for over 35 years" Kamane comments. "True. It doesn't mean she likes it. I hate to say this. But maybe she would do, better without either of us." Zero remarks. "I thought the same thing. I have been staying away. Giving her freedom." Kamane states. "I noticed that. Even without you. I still seem to put my foot in my mouth." Zero comments. "Some things are hard to change." Kamane chuckles. " I did talk to Kaien on the phone. He said. She spends time with all the kids. She also spends a lot of time alone. She hasn't told anyone there. What's going on with her. How she feels or wants. You know how she closes off." Zero states. "Yes. I Do. You two still had the blood bond. I believe it was getting stronger correct?" Kamane asks.

 "Yes. Why?" Zero replies. "If it's that true. She won't be able to stay away from you for long. From what I saw, she still didn't' let go altogether. Now that she is away, she thinks that will help her. Its just going to make it worse. Draw her more to you." Kamane admits. " I hope your right. To be honest, I was trying to use that to my benefit." Zero confesses. " I would do the same. I can't blame you. It should work in your favor. If she really does want to end it with you. That just might piss her off more though." Kamane states. "This is a never-ending battle. Both of us try our best to win her. We only push her away." Zero states. "I know. Its why, I am not doing it anymore. I already know. It's you she picks. That blood bond isn't going away. I can't complete. The booty calls were just that. Sex nothing more. I think. She just used it because she was scared to get that close to you again." Kamane confesses. "Booty calls?" Zero asks. "Don't fret. They were before you two got back together. You knew about them." Kamane states. "Yea, I did. They made me sick. " Zero comments. "The thought of you with her, Doesn't make me very happy either. It's just something we are going to have to get over. I don't think. This going away, has to do with who she chooses. It's just to get her mind together."Kamane replies. "I don't know. I am staying away. LIke she wanted. I can't go there running after her. I just don't have it in me." Zero states. "That may be a good thing. Show her you're not running after her anymore. Maybe that will get her to come to you." Kamane responds. "Can you believe, that we are talking like this?" Zero asks. "Who better to know, what the other is going through. Its pretty much why I came here. I was going crazy at home." Kamane confesses. "I don't even want to go home. There is nothing there. Thirty some years and nothing there." Zero replies.

Both men sit there and talk for a while. Both finally understanding the other a bit more. That night when Zero goes home. He just sits outside on his step. Its cold and the snow is melting just a bit. He just thinks about everything. That has been going on for the last few years. How he also needs to stop obsessing over Kamane. That yes. He was a problem at times, But Zero was always making him a bigger one. Then he was. He needed to stop throwing him up at Yuki. His thoughts running through his mind, as he sat there watching the moonlight. Dreading going inside to the dark, cold empty house.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now