Chapter 36 Let em Have it.

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Chapter 36 Let em have it!

Yuki is in her room, just thinking about Kamane. That he is just a few doors away from her. Real, to touch to see. So many emotions running through her. "Was this going to change things?" She asked herself. The passion for Zero was slowly returning. Now with Kamane back, she was even more confused. The idea of him having a child with someone else, hurt her. She never thought, she would feel this way. She knew it was way before her time. The man lived for over 10,000 years. Of course, he had other relationships...Children. But still, it hurt her. It was the one thing that made her feel confident and strong. She had Kaname's child. The only child, until now. She felt hate toward this child, Just like the child did her. "We never met. Why do we feel this way towards each other? We are from different decades. Different times in his life." She said to herself. It shouldn't be this way. I kept him asleep to protect him, not only to protect Zero. It was to keep things under control. With him being here things are now complicated. She knew that Kamane loved her dearly and even though, he would say. He wouldn't get in the way of her and Zero, the thought of them together would hurt him. Seeing there children and them together. She couldn't bear to put him through that. Not to mention her feelings for him were evident. When he stepped out of that car and put his arms around her, she felt safe. She felt at home. When he held her hand, it was like being where she should have been. She felt this ache in her heart. How can I love two men at the same time? Its been so many years. I still care for him. At the same time resent him. She was so confused.

She walks out of her bedroom, down to Kamanes room. She knocks lightly on the door. "Come in." Kamane says. "I was excepting you. Come sit next to me." Kamane insists. My darling. "I missed you so much." He says to her." I missed you also, Kamane. "Yuki admits." "It was so good to see and feel you today. I didn't think. I would ever feel that again." Yuki says. "I know. My Yuki I feel the same. I want to say, how sorry I am for what my daughter did to you" Kamane says. "It's not your fault." Yuki responds. "I know but I am so sorry you had to lose your child. I am sure that hurts a lot." Kamanes remarks. Yes. More then you can image. Kamane takes Yuki's hands into his own, Holding them ever so gently. Like only he can." Yuki I am going to ask something of you. I am not sure you will do it, But I have to ask. Please, don't kill my daughter. I know she hurt you. I am truly sorry, but killing her won't make things better." Yuki takes her hands away. Looking into his eyes." I can not promise you that Kamane. I love you, I will do anything to protect you, but I can't promise you this. Fire building inside of her. She came at me for no reason. She just can't be let free, because she is your daughter." She Snaps. "Yuki I know." Kamane says in his low calm tone." But she is my child. The way you hurt for yours. I will for mine. Please reconsider. I may have a way you can defeat her without killing her. You have to trust me." Kamane says." Here we go again. Some things never change. Do they? Kamane?" Yuki shouts. "Always with the plans, the chess pieces. I am always the one in the dark. I am so tired of you controlling me. All you ever did was push me away. Control me. You never told me the truth. The first time I let you in, You took what you wanted. Then left me!" She shouts louder. "Yuki where is all this anger coming from? You know all I ever wanted was to protect and love you." Kamane announces. "You have a funny way of showing it. You left me!" Yuki snaps with a growl. "You can't get over that I see." Kamane replies. Oh, hell would you? Come on Kamane be real. You left me pregnant. Alone! Hurt. If it wasn't for Zero, I wouldn't have had anyone. He never left me. He never hurt me. He never let me go." I see." Kamane answers." And yet you still love me?" Kamane asks. "Yes, for some stupid reason. I still love you. I still miss and want you. Only you can complicate my life."Yuki says." I am so sorry." Kamane replies. "I don't want to hurt you. I love you. I only wanted to ever be with you. I made the choice to do what I did for you. I know you love Zero." Kamane says. "That wasn't your choice to make Kamane, If you would have stayed, I would have stayed with you. We would of had Ai. and a life together." Yuki states." You still would of been in love with Zero and miserable, Yuki." Kamane replies. You don't know that. You can't see the future Kamane. I wouldn't take back my life with Zero for anything. I love him and our children. But I miss what I didn't have with you. You didn't give me a choice." Yuki all this anger. Where is it coming from? I never saw you like this before." Kamane remarks. No, you never wanted to see me as a woman, just a child. You always treated me as a child. I am so tired of everyone just tippy-toeing around me. LIke I can't handle anything. Yes. I wore my emotions on my sleeve, but that didn't make me unable to deal with things. Maybe if you all would have been honest with me, I wouldn't have been like that. So naive. So sheltered. "I don't know what to say." Kamane answers." I am sorry you feel this way. I am sorry your so filled with rage. I love you Yuki. I want to do anything I can to help." Kamane responds. Then be honest, and don't tippy toe around me. Or hide shit all the time. She turns away and walks out the door. Walking back to her room.

Meanwhile Zero heard almost the whole conversation. He walks into Kamanes room. "I guess you're on her shit list too?" Zero notes." Wow, what is up with her?" Kamane asks. "This is how she has been for months. Its what your daughter turned her into." Zero says." I see this. I am so sorry." Kamane replies. "I heard most of the conversation, "Zero said. "I think most of the campus did though. Yes, I see she gets loud and proves her point. Not scared to hurt feelings anymore." Kamane states. "Oh no, she doesn't care about that anymore." Zero states. How do you handle it Zero? "I know she is hurting. I try to shrug it off. It's been hard. I miss her so much. Sometimes I see the old Yuki but it doesn't last long. She will push me away. Wanting that damn anger to grow. Only if she could keep her power without all this anger." Zero says. "Wait, this is what that's all about?" Kamane says. "Yes. she knows the only way she can be powerful and defeat her is being full of anger. Otherwise, her powers disappear when she is happy." Zero responds. "Wait, I can fix that." Kamane says." When I gave her the power, I wasn't fully alive. But if I give her my blood now, it will make her power fully hers. She won't have to be full of anger. It will stay with her always. LIke ours do. Will you let me do this Zero?" Kamane asks. "Wait." Zero says. "What do you want to do with her?"" Oh, not that." Kamane replies. All she has to do is drink my blood. "Oh, I guess that's nothing compared to what I was thinking." Zero says. "I have a plan though, so let's wait on it. If my plan goes well, she will have even more powers. She will be able to defeat her without any problems. She can also come back to herself. If she wants to." Kamane states. "Zero can you please come closer to me? Why? "Zero asks. "Please just do as I say." Kamane asks. Ok... whatever. Kamane goes over to Zero and whispers in his ear." There are bats listening to everything we say. They are probably her familiars. Please tell the others". Kamane says. "Gotcha." Zero replies.

Vampire Knight The Start of love.  Yuki X Zero. Part 1Where stories live. Discover now