Chapter 61 Shocked and Hurt

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Chapter 61 Shocked and Hurt

It's been six months. Kamane and Yuki are together as a couple. They told the kids and close friends. All are fine with it. Wanting Yuki to be happy. Their relationship is nothing like it was with Zero. They are partners, friends companions. They get along very well. Things are calm and smooth at the moment. Yuki stills puts all her heart and soul into work. Its what kept her going this whole time. The divorce still isn't final but should be in a few more months. Which at this point makes Yuki happy. She still hasn't run into Zero. Anything that has to do with ZJ, she lets him know through a note or someone else. She doesn't know much about, what his new life is like. She doesn't talk to anyone that knows him now. Aiko knows a lot but keeps things to herself. Just not to hurt Yuki. They have become very close. She would do anything to protect her mother.

One day Aiko surprises Yuki and shows up at the Cafe. "Hi, mom." Aiko says. "Sweety so glad to see you. How are you?" Yuki asks. "I'm good mom. There is something. I have to tell you. I want to tell you before you hear it from anyone else. I don't know. How you're going to react. I am scared to tell you, to be honest." Aiko admits. "Darling you can tell me anything. Are you pregnant? if so we will work through it." Yuki asks. "No, mom. I don't even have a boyfriend." Aiko states. "Oh ok, then what is it?" Yuki asks concerned. "Mom I need you to sit down for this. Ok?" Aiki comments. "Ok." Yuki replies. "Mom its about dad." Aiko says. "He is ok?" Yuki asks concerned. "Yes mom, can't believe you care." She says. " I was married to him for a very long time, Aiko I loved him dearly. I don't want him hurt." Yuki states. "You may after this."Aiko adds. "Mom, dad just had a baby with Kharis. She was born today. Her name is Anna." Aiko remarks. Yuki sitting at the table in a daze. Like someone, just sucker punched her in her stomach. "Mom are you ok?" Aiko asks. MoM? She asks again. Yuki trying to collect her thoughts. Now even more hurt to her core. "Damn it. I knew you were going to take it this way. He hurt you again. I don't know. What the hell is wrong with him." Aiko shouts. Yuki gathers up enough strength to lie. "I'm Fine. I need to get the lunch sandwiches out, and ready in time. Thank you for telling me Aiko." Yuki says as she walks into the kitchen. trembling. Running to the sink to throw up.

"Hi Uncle Kamane, I just told mom about the baby. I wanted to tell her, and not let her hear it from a stranger. I am not sure. How she took it. " Aiko tells him. "Oh, I better check on her. I am sure. She didn't' take that well. It was a surprise to all of us. I really didn't see that one coming." Kamane goes into the kitchen where Yuki is over the sink throwing up her guts. Trembling like he never seen before. "Oh God. Yuki are you ok?" He says As he grabs and holds her hair. When she stops throwing up. he wipes her mouth and holds her close. "Yuki. You need to stop trembling like this. It isn't good. Yuki talk to me. Say something." Kamane says looking at her defeated mind and body. Her eyes glazed over with tears. Her body shaking with grief. "How could he do this?" She says in a shaking tone. "He knows. How special it was for me to have his children. How much I wanted them. Does he hate me this much?" She asks. "Did our relationship really mean nothing to him?" She crumbles in his arms. Her knees giving way. "Yuki. I think. You should go lay down. Before you fall down. Let me take you upstairs." Kamane says. He takes her upstairs and lays her on the bed. She curls up in the fetal position and just cries. Kamanes heartbreaking to see her this broken.

Kamane goes outside and calls Kharis. "What the hell is this? It wasn't part of the plan. I wanted them apart. We did that. Things are good. Now you just destroyed her. She was doing so well."Kamane snaps. "I can't help it. You know. How I feel about him. I wanted his child. I am trying to make him close to me. It's not working. Even with my control. He is so down. Nothing seems to make him happy, not even this child. It seems to make it worse!" She snaps back at Kamane. "It did the same to her. That wasn't very smart." He says. "Well maybe for you in the end. It will be. She will only hate him more. IT should be the final nail in the coffin. It's him, I have to fix." She replies. He didn't even want me to tell anyone. I had her. He did his best to hide her. You know. How that hurts Kamane?" She states. "Yes. These two have a long history together. They went through a lot. Its hard to break, but we are doing it." Kamane says. "Yes but you have her willingly, he is being forced. It's not the same!. She comments.

A few days go by, Yuki still is down and out. She hasn't said much to Kamane or anyone. She packed her bags and Grabbed ZJ. Going back to the main house for a few days. Telling Kamane. She would like to be alone. To come when its family dinner time on Sunday. She gets home and opens the door to an empty house. Zj runs to his room to play with his toys. She just sits there on the sofa, staring at the wall. Night falls. She is still sitting there. ZJ went to visit Hanabusa and Yori so they are taking care of him for the night. Knowing Yuki isn't up for much at the moment. Her thoughts and feeling taking over her whole body. Every now and then, she still has to run to the restroom to throw up. Her stomach in knots. The next day falls and Yuki gets up. Still not doing much. Later in the day, she sits on the pouch just staring into the sky. As she is sitting there a car pulls up. Zero gets out. Its Friday night pick up. She totally lost track of time and forgot he would be showing up tonight. "Hey." He says in a low voice. " Hey." She says back barely. Her eyes red and swollen. "Are you ok?" He asks. "Yes. Congratulations on your new daughter." She replies. Zero's heart falling into his stomach. Now knowing. Why she looks like she does. She found out. "Thank you." He replies" "Zj isn't here. He is over Hanabusa's I Forgot it was Friday or pick up. Sorry about that." She says low. "No problem. I haven't seen you in so long. How are you doing?" Zero asks. "Best I can." Her, not herself looking anywhere, but his face as she talks. Holding back tears and hurt. Which is still written all over her. Zero fighting within to break free, but can't. The control still there. "I will go get his bag for you." Yuki says. Going inside to get it. While Zero gets ZJ. She comes back outside and hands Zero the bag. Her small hand touches his. Her body now like a zombie. He feels the hurt and pain and can't do anything to fix it. He feels the same way, and can't get out of the control. He grabs ZJ saying bye and gets in the car.

 Yuki walking back to the house heading in. Shutting the door behind her and crashing onto the sofa not moving for days. Sunday comes and Kamane gets there. He walks in to find, Yuki just laying there on the couch. Hasn't moved. "Yuki oh god have you been like this all weekend?" Kamane asks. Nothing coming out of Yuki. "People are going to be here for dinner Yuki. You need to snap out of this for the kids. Please don't let them see you like this." He carries her upstairs and washes her up. Putting on some clean clothes. She doesn't make a sound. He has never seen her this way. Normally. It was Zero who had to pick up the pieces. Now it was his turn. The calm cool Collect Kamane wasn't any of those at the moment. Seeing her like this rattled him. "Yuki please." Kamane says. "I'm here, Kamane. Just defrost something out of the freezer and put it in the oven for dinner." She says. "Ok, I got that. I don't care about dinner. I can just order something. It's you. I care about." Kamane says. "I will be ok. I always am. I will get myself together before the kids get here. Its drop off day Hanabusa will take care of it."She says "Ok." Kamane responds.

The kids come over, Yuki does her best to hide. How she really feels. She puts on a good meal and dinner. Everyone doesn't even notice anything. She isn't very talkative but she does her best to interact, and put on a show. Kamane knowing the truth. Just how broken from this, she really is. After the dinner and people leave they head back to the Cafe. Putting ZJ to bed.

Its snowing outside and there is at least six inches on the ground now. Yuki just standing near the window looking out. "Hey, you. put your coat and hat on."Kamane says to Yuki. "Why?" "Please just do it." Kamane says. "Ok." She replies. He grabs her hand and takes her outside in the snow. Throwing snowballs at her. "Really? Mr. Kamane throws snowballs?" She giggles. "Hey. I got a giggle. So yes, I will throw snowballs. Come get me if you can." He replies. "Oh its on now Mr." She says. Throwing them back. They play out front. Kamane doing his best to make her happy and come back to life. Trying his best to make her forget some of the pain. "He lightly pulls her close and kisses her. She kisses back. " That was fun." She says. "Yes, it was. How about some hot cocoa now and snuggling?" "Kamane asks. "That sounds really good." She replies. Still hurt, but knowing she has to move on. Nothing is going to change all that has happened. The child was born. It was Zero's but not hers. It was truly over. Zero built a life without her. Now even having a family with Kharis. Any chance there was, slim at most. Is now over.

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